Arrogant powers are afraid of spread of Islam: Iranian Official

  • News Code : 680241
  • Source : IRNA

Arrogant powers are afraid of spread of Islam, Director of the International Union of Muslim Women Tuba Kermani said on Tuesday.

Speaking to reporters, Kermani said that arrogant powers are afraid of spread of Islamic values in the world and that Iranophobia is part of their Islamophobia project.

Western states sacrifice ethical values to secure their interests, the official added.

She criticized recent letter of US senators and their threat to sabotage the process of nuclear talks between Iran and G5+1, noting that they are not bound to their country's rules and regulations.

Arrogant powers propagate feminism and in the meantime use women as a tool, director of the International Union of Muslim Women added.

She stressed that Islam has respect for women right and women interests have been secured in Islamic Republic rules and regulations.

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif also dismissed the open letter sent by 47 US senators to the Iranian government about Tehran's ongoing nuclear negotiations.

In the letter, the Republican lawmakers said they believe the Iranian negotiators 'may not fully understand the American constitutional system' and claim that the next American president could 'with the stroke of a pen' revoke any agreement with Iran that is not approved by Congress.

The threat comes as representatives of Iran and six world powers, including the United States, are working to reach a deal about Tehran's nuclear program by the end of March.

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