A tribute to Kayla Mueller

kayla muellerKayla volunteered at Food for Life Vrindavan? in 2010. She had a heart of gold. She volunteered for more then 6 months. At the beginning she was giving English classes and then the Kindergarten kids stolen her heart. She was very simple and humble. She loved the kids, without the? “fear”? that many foreigners have. She made many friendships with the parents of the children, use to visit them in the slum, even eat with them.

After her time here,? she went back to USA to make some money and went to Darfur, Sudan, into the civil war. After, again went back to USA to make more money working on 7/11 and that kind of job and left for Middle East… She loved that people.

Many time she went back. The last time we had contact? she was in USA, working to get enough money to go back to Syria and work with the refugees… after that, her Facebook account was deactivated and her e-mail also. We could not contact her more.

Our prayers go out to her family and friends, a wonderful soul who was making a real difference in many people’s lives. Sure she has gone on to a better life in the spiritual realm.


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One Response to A tribute to Kayla Mueller

  1. I’m unable to express the feeling of devastation and sorrow I feel 4 Kayla’s family, my thoughts are with u all

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