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Eric Zorn - Change of Subject - Chicago Tribune
The Wayback Machine -
Change of Subject
with Eric Zorn
Debates dispel anti-Rahm choices

What was Mayor Rahm Emanuel thinking when he agreed to five debates with his challengers — three on broadcast television, two live-streamed on the Internet?

Conventional wisdom is that incumbents with huge financial advantages shouldn't give their opponents exposure and credibility by appearing side by side with them, and that there's no need to risk having an "oops" moment in an unscripted forum, displaying ignorance, irascibility or worse.

Mayor Richard M. Daley heeded such wisdom and never agreed to a single debate during his five re-election bids from 1991 to 2007. We grumbled. We seethed. We railed. But we understood. And he won — with at least 60 percent of the vote each time.

Yes, Emanuel's popularity was lagging as we entered this campaign season, and he still hasn't cracked 50 percent voter support, according to the most recent published polling. But with some $30 million behind him, he didn't need the League of Women Voters, the editorial boards and other debate hosts to...

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Little 'Whitey' lies

Willie Wilson's campaign responded indignantly yesterday to a published Sun-Times report that, during a speech to the City Club of Chicago, Wilson said, "To the whiteys here, I'm letting you know, I ain't prejudiced."

The paper reported:

Wilson's campaign issued a statement saying it "categorically denies the statements that were attributed to him" and demanded a retraction and apology  and quoted Wilson as saying, "Maybe the reporter didn’t understand my Louisiana enunciation.”

Campaign spokeswoman Tracey Alston said Wilson said he wanted to address the “whites who’s here” not “whiteys.”

Please. Just give a listen to the clip here (mp3).

But rather than make too much of it, I'd rather observe that there is no umbrage phonier that the umbrage expressed by a Caucasian person at use of the term "whitey."

To truly sting, a racial or ethnic slur has to be animated not simply by prejudice, a belief in stereotypes or dislike, but by a history of ugly discrimination -- of action that has...

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Rauner is lookin' forward but avoidin' the big issues

I ran into my state representative Tuesday evening at a Northwest Side aldermanic forum, and he told me he was catching the 7 a.m. train to Springfield on Wednesday so he could attend Gov. Bruce Rauner's first State of the State address.

I channeled Rauner and told him that the state is in terrible shape, that it's mostly the fault of former Gov. Pat Quinn and the Democrats, and we should brace ourselves for pain.

"There," I said. "I just saved you a trip."

Turns out that was bum advice.

Though Rauner didn't paint a rosy picture of Illinois — he bemoaned our lagging job growth numbers and high business costs — his 31-minute speech to a joint session of the General Assembly was largely forward-looking and free of partisan recriminations and warnings about shared suffering ahead.

In his Jan. 12 inaugural address, Rauner alluded seven times to the concept of sacrifice, noting in particular that "a brighter future ... will require sacrifice. Sacrifice by all of us — politicians and...

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The Illinois Turnaround (plain text version)

 Gov. Bruce Rauner distributed the following 44-point plan on two pages prior to his speech Wednesday under the heading " The Illinois Turnaround." This is a text version of the original .pdf file:

1. Economic Growth and Jobs Package

 Pass a phased-in minimum wage increase of 25 cents every year for seven years.

 Implement true workers’ compensation reform legislation that updates how injuries are apportioned to ensure employers pay for injuries that occur on the job; clarifies the definition of “traveling employees” to ensure a reasonable standard that excludes risks that would impact the general public; and implements American Medical Association guidelines when determining impairment.

 Enact lawsuit reforms to prevent unreasonable trial lawyer venue shopping, address unfair joint and several liability requirements and provide a balanced approach to medical malpractice cases to keep doctors in Illinois.

 Pass a constitutional amendment to cap unreasonable judgments (2018 ballot)....

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Geez! Rauner's 51% folksiness is off the charts

Revised count

"Raisin' the minimum wage in conjunction with improving the overall jobs climate, will make Illinois more competitive and create a boomin' economy while increasin' incomes for hardworkin' Illinoisans. As we look to make Illinois more competitive, property tax relief is one of our most pressin' challenges." ... Gov. Bruce Rauner in today's State of the State address.

In his bid for folksiness, Gov. Rauner dropped so many g's you'd think he was auditioning for the part of Sheriff Taylor in a Broadway revival of "The Andy Griffith Show."

It was distracting enough that I went through and counted. Out of 10 7 words in the speech ending with the "-ing"  syllable, Rauner dropped the terminal g 5 5 times (I went back and listened to the tape again and found I'd missed a few from my earlier count). To wit:

"Government unions should not be allowed to influence the public officials they are lobbyin' and sittin' across the bargainin' table from..."

Several times he mixed and matched in...

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Take our Tweet of the Week survey

Rate this week's top tweets from 1 (Nah) to 5 (LOL) by clicking on this link .

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