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Legal mentions

I24News Legal mentions


Newslux Sarl
37 rue d’Anvers
L-1358 Luxembourg,

Publication director:

Adar Primor


Parc d’Ester, 4 rue Atlantis
87068 Limoges, France
Tel. +33 (0)5 55 35 04 36


NBS Sytem
140 Boulevard Haussmann
75008 Paris, France
Tel.? +33 (0)1 58 56 60 80
Fax. +33 (0)1 58 56 60 81
Email?: contact [at]


1 - Content i24news

ⓒ i24news 2013. All rights reserved.?Users may download?and?print?extracts?of?content?from this website for their own personal and non-commercial use only.?Subject to this reserve, users are not allowed to reproduce, publish, sell, distribute or commercially exploit the content of the website without the prior written consent of i24news. I24news and its logo are registered trademarks by the company NEWSLUX.

2 - Agence France Presse (AFP) Content:

All reproduction and representation rights reserved. ⓒ (2006) Agence France-Presse.
The pages of the website where "AFP" is mentioned contain reproduced information protected by intellectual property rights owned by AFP. Therefore, none of this information shall, in any way, be reproduced, amended, rebroadcast, translated, commercially exploited or reused without the prior written consent of AFP. AFP shall neither be held liable for any errors, delays, omissions which cannot be excluded, nor for the consequences of the actions or transactions conducted based on this information.?


Terms of Use of the website i24news

The use of the website i24news (hereafter “The Site”) shall constitute an acceptance of the Internet user (hereafter “The User”). The term “Use” shall equally apply to any view, research or download of any item from the website.?

I24news is free to modify, at any time, the Terms of Use, without prior notice in order to adapt them to the changes of the website and existing laws and regulations. ?Therefore, the user is advised to consult them as regularly as possible.

Access to the website:

The user of the website acknowledges having the skills and means necessary to access and use this website.? According to the Law dated 6 January?1978?relating?to Information Technology, Files and?Civil Liberties, this website was subject?to a?declaration?to the CNIL,?the French Data?Protection Authority, (CNIL - The users of this website must comply with the provisions of the Law relating to Information Technology, Files and Civil Liberties, breach of which is liable to criminal prosecution. They shall, in particular, regarding the personal information they have access to, abstain from any data collection, fraudulent use and, in general, any action likely to damage the privacy or the reputation of any individual.? ?

Website content:

i24news makes available to users of the website information and tools available that have been verified, but it shall not be held liable for errors or the unavailability of certain information. We would appreciate if the users of the website inform us of any possible omission, error or correction, via email to the webmaster of the website at contact [at]


Any message sent over the Internet can be intercepted on the network.
Therefore, until we receive these messages, their privacy cannot be guaranteed.?

Personal data:

In compliance with the provisions of the Law dated 6 January 1978 relating to Information Technology, Files and?Civil Liberties, the automated processing of the personal data carried out via the Internet portal was subject to a declaration to the CNIL,?the French Data?Protection Authority, (CNIL - The user is especially informed that, according to article 27 of the above mentioned Law of 1978: ?

  • The information given through forms existing on the website could be transmitted and exploited by i24news (NEWSLUX) .
  • Moreover, he/she is entitled to access and rectify any personal data concerning him/her.?

This right to access and rectify shall be exercised via email to the following address contact [at] or by mail addressed to:

NEWSLUX 37 rue d’Anvers, L-1358 Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

In the event of any rectification, we may address you a copy of the information modified upon request. The personal data concerning you and collected as part of this website are intended for the services of other companies charged by us to meet your requests. The IP addresses are intended for purely technical use and consultation statistics. Messages?or?documents?sent or received?by email are kept for?one year, then saved.?The personal information you supply to us is kept for a year and then archived.?

Applicable Law:

The use of this website is governed by the French Law, except for any other legislation.?