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Editorials - Chicago Tribune
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  • What Ebola has taught us
    What Ebola has taught us

    World Health Organization officials said Tuesday that the deadly Ebola virus could lead to 5,000 to 10,000 new cases a week in West Africa by December despite the global fight against it ..."

  • Come Thursday, enjoy the raise you won Nov. 4
    Come Thursday, enjoy the raise you won Nov. 4

    Congratulations on your raise! On Thursday, the four-year income tax hikes that Gov. Pat Quinn signed into law will begin to roll back. You'll keep more of the money you earn.

  • Welcome home, thundering bison, to your Prairie State
    Welcome home, thundering bison, to your Prairie State

    The native prairie tallgrasses look lifeless in late December. But even in the drab sepia of winter they promise the same vivid spring brilliance as when they covered 60 percent of Illinois, some 22 million acres. Today, owing to urbanization, agriculture, invasive species and suppression of...

  • Does NATO want Ukraine?
    Does NATO want Ukraine?

    Talk about poking the bear with a sharp stick. Ukraine's parliament overwhelmingly voted Tuesday to rile Russian President Vladimir Putin by moving to join NATO. If that happens, another of Russia's neighbors would come under the protective umbrella of the West.

  • As China visits Chicago, good signs for free trade
    As China visits Chicago, good signs for free trade

    Top officials from the U.S. and China are in Chicago this week to work on a treaty that would greatly encourage investment in both nations by expanding financial protections for foreign investors. Let's hope Chicago's environs charm them into securing a deal.

  • Cuba-U.S. relationship fix way overdue
    Cuba-U.S. relationship fix way overdue

    A 45-minute phone call — the first between presidents of Cuba and the United States in more than 50 years — sealed an agreement that could end the pointless economic standoff that has held the island’s people hostage for generations.

  • More than a hack assault on Sony
    More than a hack assault on Sony

    At the outset, the hacking of internal company records at Sony Pictures Entertainment and the release of the candid and sometimes snarky internal communications of company executives seemed relatively harmless. Embarrassing for the execs, titillating gossip for people who are obsessed by...

  • Another Malala moment for Pakistan
    Another Malala moment for Pakistan

    Two years ago, a Taliban gunman boarded a school bus in Pakistan and fired a shot that outraged the world. He seriously wounded 14-year-old Malala Yousafzai. She recovered, became a powerful voice in the fight against Taliban extremism, and won the Nobel Peace Prize this year.

  • Speaker Madigan, tear down this wall
    Speaker Madigan, tear down this wall

    "She's the blond. I'm the redhead."

  • A Democrat grooves his pitch. Illinois Republicans whiff.
    A Democrat grooves his pitch. Illinois Republicans whiff.

    What an easy lob to Republican state legislators! A Democratic senator, Daniel Biss of Evanston, was tossing them a chance to be on the right side of history. Biss asked them to support a clever savings plan to help as many as 2.5 million Illinoisans — mostly working- and middle-class...

  • Terror and torture, in hindsight
    Terror and torture, in hindsight

    It is one of the grimmest moments in American history. In 2001, terrorists commandeered jetliners and slammed them into the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon, killing thousands of people. A frightened nation came to a standstill, then braced for a next attack, which was thought to be...

  • Helping CPS students to and through college
    Helping CPS students to and through college

    Back in 2006, the University of Chicago calculated that just 8 out of every 100 freshmen in Chicago Public Schools eventually earn a college degree. That was a dismal gauge of Chicago's future. While not everyone is destined for college, people who do have a bachelor's degree have much higher...

  • A hostage rescue fails
    A hostage rescue fails

    A U.S. commando raid over the weekend failed to free an American journalist held hostage by al-Qaida in a militant stronghold in Yemen. As U.S. forces closed in, the terrorists killed the journalist, Luke Somers, 33 and another hostage, South African teacher Pierre Korkie, 56.

  • Will aldermen revive this ethanol ruse?
    Will aldermen revive this ethanol ruse?

    Last summer the Chicago City Council briefly considered an ordinance that would require gas stations in the city to sell a blend of fuel called E15, which has the potential to damage your car engine.

  • Takata non grata
    Takata non grata

    In May 2009, days after graduating from high school in Oklahoma, Ashley Parham got into a fender bender. Her 2001 Honda Accord tapped another vehicle and … boom: The driver-side air bag exploded, shooting metal shrapnel into Parham's neck. When police arrived, according to Reuters,...

  • Nurses, get the flu shot
    Nurses, get the flu shot

    Public health experts urge most Americans to protect their health — and shield those around them — by getting a flu shot every year. That's particularly vital for people like nurses, who care for elderly and ill people.

  • Saggy pants and lost liberties
    Saggy pants and lost liberties

    Eight times since 2011, Cook County Circuit Judge Gloria Chevere has thrown someone in jail for "sagging" in her courtroom.

  • Breaking eggs in Hong Kong
    Breaking eggs in Hong Kong

    At age 18, Joshua Wong is a remarkable figure in the history of Hong Kong. He is a protest leader with years of experience challenging Chinese government rule. Years of experience? Yes, he got his start as a political activist in middle school.

  • Illinois lawmakers want to dismantle Freedom of Information Act
    Illinois lawmakers want to dismantle Freedom of Information Act

    Your lame duck legislature is fiddling with the Illinois Freedom of Information Act again. No good can come of that.
