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Harsh Treatment - Chicago Tribune
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Harsh Treatment

Residential treatment centers are supposed to provide a safe, healing environment for young state wards and disadvantaged children. But a Chicago Tribune investigation finds many are harmed instead.

  • Part 1: Far from a home
    Part 1: Far from a home

    Children have been attacked and abused at taxpayer-funded residential centers; thousands flee to the streets. But Illinois continues to send state wards there.

  • 'I was getting punched, kicked'
    'I was getting punched, kicked'

    Records and interviews uncover a startling record of violence, sexual assaults and running away at a Rockford facility for girls with behavior problems.

  • Growing up in residential care
    Growing up in residential care

    "I feel like they took my life away," says an Illinois teen who was shuttled among six facilities for a decade, beginning at age 8.

  • Living through it, speaking out
    Living through it, speaking out

    Young women who used to live at Rock River Academy tell of being beaten by peers upon arrival, of running away, of being mocked and ignored by staff.

  • Part 2: Crime flows into the streets
    Part 2: Crime flows into the streets

    Preyed on by peers and schooled in crime, some young residents of a Chicago center left regularly to commit assaults and thefts in the community.

  • Files reveal a dangerous place
    Files reveal a dangerous place

    Confidential juvenile records provide an alarming, firsthand look at chaos, violence and drug use in Lawrence Hall Youth Services' taxpayer-financed facilities.

  • Part 3: Abused all over again
    Part 3: Abused all over again

    A shocking number of sexually abused youths who were sent to residential treatment for safety and help reported being attacked again while in the facility's care.

  • Fleeing to an unsafe haven
    Fleeing to an unsafe haven

    Teens living at Indian Oaks Academy spent idle hours dancing, doing drugs and having sex in an abandoned building where they knew staff wouldn't follow.

  • Part 4: On the run, selling sex
    Part 4: On the run, selling sex

    Girls in residential treatment often find that prostitution is an accepted fact of life among their peers. Some disappear into that world, never to return.

  • Part 5: Arrested for misbehavior
    Part 5: Arrested for misbehavior

    Working with Medill Watchdog, the Tribune finds some centers call police after residents push staff, throw food or misbehave in other predictable ways given their histories.

  • A nationwide problem
    A nationwide problem

    Violence and running away can be documented at residential centers across the U.S., including facilities in Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio, the Tribune and Medill Watchdog report.

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