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435 Digital » Chicago Internet Marketing
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They say knowledge is power, and we would agree. When you understand the different facets of digital marketing, you arm yourself with the power to succeed online. Whether you're wanting to learn more about SEO, Web Development, Social Media, or Paid Search, our experts have seminars to help you take your business to the next level. Our seminars cater to businesses at all levels, beginner to advanced, so don't shy away from looking at our upcoming seminars to see how we can help you super-charge your internet presence.

Upcoming 435 Digital Seminars

Posts Timeline

A timeline view of recent posts

August 21, 2014 The ‘What’s New’ with an SEO Internship June 24, 2014 Celebrate Social Media Day with Mashable June 11, 2014 How to Filter Out Paid Ad Traffic in Google Analytics

This Is 435 Digital – A Tribune Company

Tribune Publishing is one of the country’s leading multimedia companies. It was created to help guide businesses that wanted to expand their digital presence but did not have the expertise to do it.

The 435 Digital team was hand-picked from among the best talent from across Tribune Publishing to deliver maximum value, originally to our advertisers and now to businesses across the nation. 435 Digital offers something others cannot: top experts in all phases of digital marketing services together under one roof.

Because digital marketing is equal parts art and science, 435 Digital offers left brain marketing and right brain technology expertise. This enables us to do the complex “under the hood” technology work in seamless support of expert messaging and content development.

As digital advisors and consultants, we practice complete accountability and transparency, using online collaboration systems and proactive client communication throughout the development process. Whether you are a small local business or a large national company, when you partner with 435 Digital, you have the resources of Tribune Publishing behind you, helping you grow.

To speak with one of our digital marketing services experts, Contact Us!


435 Digital is a collaborative and creative partner.
They provide useful insights and cost effective solutions and built us a visually exciting and consumer friendly platform that has exceeded our expectations. We find them a pleasure to work with - they are friendly and helpful, organized, responsive and diligent about meeting deadlines. We look forward to continuing to work with them.
- Laura Matalon , President, Allied Live
435 Digital has been a great partner in expanding our SEM activities and further developing our US Web site. They are knowledgeable, easy to work with, and bring a fresh perspective to our strategy. They quickly learned the intricacies of our business, and I would recommend them for any company looking to increase their digital marketing activities. - Miranda Taft , Vice President, Marketing, Air Partner
CMC Recycling is grateful to 435 Digital for their hard work and commitment to results. Over the several months we have seen steady growth in our business and we attribute much of that to the marketing and resources of the 435 Digital Group. We look forward to continuing to build our partnership with the 435 Digital. - Paul Perrotti , CMC Orlando
CMC Orlando Logo
The 435 digital team worked with us to develop a complex and very functional website and Facebook pages. The continuing SEO and social media support helps us to get great website exposure while allowing me to spend my time seeing patients rather than managing a website. 435 digital does so much that I could not do on my own and draws from a number of experts whose collective knowledge is extremely valuable to us. - Stephen F. Daugherty, MD, FACS, RVT, RPhS , Medical Director, VeinCare Centers of Tennessee
VeinCare Centers of Tennessee Logo

Contact 435

You’ve done your research and talked to your industry peers. You recognize that a strong online presence is essential to the success of your business. You’re ready to jump in to the world of digital marketing. Let 435 Digital show you the power of a strategic online marketing plan. Our team will be at your side from our first brainstorming conversation to the day we flip the switch on your beautiful new website. We will be there for you when you want to tweak your site’s design, add new Google keywords, and attract more Facebook fans. Just fill out the form below and we’ll take it from there.


435 Digital
435 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago IL 60611



