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Letter: Thank God that Barack Obama is the president - Chicago Tribune
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Thank God that Barack Obama is the president

Obama has received is a daily dose of obstruction and negativity from Republicans
Grateful for President Barack Obama

When I wake up every morning, I thank God that Barack Obama is the president of the United States. Can you imagine if we had a president with an itchy finger who would send U.S. ground troops into Syria, Iran and return hundreds of thousands of troops to Iraq? Thank goodness that is not the case.  

A recent survey's respondents listed Obama as the "worst" president since the end of World War II.

Since his election for a second term as president, all Obama has received is a daily dose of obstruction and negativity from the Republicans in Congress. He has been putting forth idea after idea for creating jobs, rebuilding the nation's infrastructure, raising the minimum wage, fighting climate change by reducing carbon emissions into the atmosphere, reducing gun violence by calling for universal background checks, equalizing pay for the same job for men and women, reforming our immigration policies with a comprehensive plan, and on and on, and all he gets is one turn down after another.

Obama is not  standing still but doing all he can through executive orders. This has helped somewhat, but does he receive any thanks? They have now taken action to sue the president for trying to do his job.  

I also find it remarkable that some voters have short memories. Remember the deep recession that began in 2008 before Obama was elected president? He pumped federal dollars into the economy to help stem the tide. He helped right the banking system. He saved General Motors and Chrysler when they were near collapse.  If they had gone under, several million jobs would have been lost.

Under Obama, we have seen months of positive job growth and a drop in the unemployment rate. 

We should all get behind President Obama and tell our representatives in Congress to do the same.

Also thank the president for the Affordable Care Act.  It is providing health care to millions who previously were not covered by insurance and saving thousands of lives in the process. And, for that, we are grateful.

-- Don Packard, Northbrook

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