New website coming soon!

This website is undergoing a major overhaul and we are in the construction stages of rolling out some new ideas.? Please be patient as we bring you a brand new start for our QCS website in the very near future!

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2nd semester off to great start!

Happy New Year all!? 2014 is looking good as our students, staff and teachers have all returned for the start of our second semester.? The high school and middle school students were encouraged during this week’s chapel to remember the last year with thankfulness and to make thoughtful resolutions for the New Year as they look to God for His help in accomplishing goals.

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Christmas Break

We have finished our 2nd semester of the current school year and school is now out for our Christmas vacation.? The school office will be open January 3rd, 2014 and students are expected at 8am on Tuesday, January 7th, 2014.

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Christmas Bazaar this Saturday!

Come and have some fun at our annual school Christmas bazaar.? There will be lots of vendor booths selling jewelry, Christmas decorations, gifts, toys, perfume, all sorts of items you will not want to miss!? There is also food and games for the children and many activities to participate in for a small price.? Starting at 10 am, this Saturday, November 23rd and going until 5 pm.? 250 gourdes entrance fee.


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Monday, November 18 is a holiday!

No school next Monday, November 18 th .? This is a national Haitian holiday, Vertieres Day.? Haiti won independence from France in The Battle of Vertieres, on November 18th, 1803 – 210 years ago!? The site of the battle is now part of a historical monument in the northern city of Cap Haitian.? Every year a crowd ?gathers to celebrate and usually the current Haitian President delivers a speech at the monument site.?The Battle of Vertieres marked the first time in recorded history that slaves successfully led a revolution for their freedom.? Less than two months after the battle, Haiti became the first black independent republic.

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No school November 1st

Friday, November 1st is All Saints’ Day, an official holiday celebrated in Haiti.? We will not have school tomorrow but will be looking forward to seeing all our staff and students back on Monday at the regular time.? Have a nice extended weekend!

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Friday, Sept 27, Half day of school

School will be let out at 12:00 noon on Friday, September 27th.? Parents, please make arrangements for your children to be picked up between 12:15 and 12:30.? There will be no activities or supervision that afternoon as the school will be closed.? Thank you and see you on Monday!


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No school Friday, Sept 13th

Due to Parent Teacher Conferences on Friday, September 13th, students will not have classes on that day.? Conferences with your child’s teachers will begin at 7:00 am and go all day, ending at 4:00 pm.? Thank you for your efforts to discuss your children’s educational needs and progress with their teachers.

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Come to the QCS Family Picnic!

 Saturday, September 7th

From 10:00 am until 2:00 pm

Hosted by PAC (Parent Action Committee)

?Entry is free and lunch is included with the ticket provided.

Additional family members and friends are welcome to attend,

They will be asked to pay 150 gourdes for lunch.

Please enter at Delmas 77.

All children should be accompanied by an adult.

We are excited to show off the campus paint job and kick off the 2013-2014 school year!

There are many sports activities planned, from the “Alumni VS current student soccer game” to volleyball on the court.

A rock climbing wall, dunking booth, human hamster ball will all be available

for the cost of 25 Gourdes each!

The Senior class will be selling cotton candy, snow cones and popcorn

The Junior class will be hosting a bake sale,

?both in an effort to raise money for their senior trips.

Be sure to come out and support your kids!

We are looking forward to seeing you and your family, Saturday, September 7th.

T-shirt order forms have been sent – be sure to return them with the money in order to receive your shirts! The cost is $15 US per shirt, this will grant you admission into all three PAC sponsored events this year.

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Sat. Sept. 7th Fun Day

Next Saturday, September 7th, PAC is holding a family picnic for all students, families, and staff.? It is from 10 am to 2 pm and will include lunch.? Please come be a part of the fun family sports day if you are a part of our school.? Hope to see you there!

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