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AllGame FAQs

How many games are in your database?

At the time of this writing there are over 31,000 games, but that number increases on a weekly basis.

How do your ratings work?

Please refer to our Rating Scale page.

How do I send you a correction or addition to your database?

Corrections or additions to the AllGame should be sent via the Corrections/Additions form. Please include sufficient details so we can verify your submission. If in doubt as to how much detail to include, more is usually better.

What games do you cover?

The AllGame covers all console and handheld games released in the United States. Similarly, we cover many arcade games, particularly those released in home versions. We cover most PC games released in the United States, including some downloadable games.

Do you cover games for Palm and Pocket PC devices?

Yes. As far as we know, we were the first site to attempt to comprehensively cover commercially available games of this type.

Do you cover online games?

Yes, we cover subscription-based, persistent world games that have an ESRB rating.

What is the scope of subjects covered in your database?

We include all types of subjects, from religious-oriented games to games that are exclusively for adults. Adult products are identified by their ESRB rating, where available, and by their genre and style classification.

Do you cover people, companies, and game characters?

Yes, although our coverage in this area is secondary to coverage of the games themselves. We have some biographical or similar data on over 19,000 people, companies, and game characters.

What types of data do you collect on each game?

There are ten basic formal data elements for each game. In addition to these basic data elements, we also collect a wide range of other data about each game. The ten basic formal data elements are:

Release date
Number of players
ESRB rating (if any)

How do you decide which games get written descriptions?

While our long-term goal is to have a written description for every entry, the reality of producing a database is that we must prioritize. Our first priority is console games, followed by major PC games. After that we try to cover anything not previously mentioned that is currently available. When time and information permits, we try to cover older, out of print games.

How do you decide which games get written reviews?

Pretty much the same way we do the descriptions, but since 2001 we have combined the review into the description. Prior to that point, some games recevied both a review and a description.

Who writes your descriptions and reviews?

Some of our descriptions and reviews are written by the AllGame full-time editorial staff,but most are written for us by off-site freelancers.

Why are some descriptions and reviews credited to the AllGame?

Usually we use this to denote brief, informational writing, but on longer pieces it may indicate that multiple editors contributed to the work. Also, there are some older entries in the database where we have no record of the author.

Do you offer Cheats and Codes, or help with solving the specifics of a game?

No. Even though we built a place to store cheats and codes into our website, we have not yet developed this feature.

What are the ESRB ratings?

Please be advised that the ESRB rating icons, "EC", "K-A", "E", "T", "M", "AO" and "RP" are copyrighted works and certification marks owned by the Interactive Digital Software Association and the Entertainment Software Rating Board and may only be used with their permission and authority. Under no circumstances may the rating icons be self-applied or used in connection with any product that has not been rated by the ESRB. For information regarding whether a product has been rated by the ESRB, please call the ESRB at 1-800-771-3772 or visit . For information regarding licensing issues, please call the IDSA at (212)223-8936.
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