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Nicki Minaj advises parents to parent |
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    Nicki Minaj advises parents to parent

    Nicki Minaj loves the kids, but she isn’t shaping her image based on what young, impressionable children might see.

    The Young Money artist visited “The View” Monday to discuss music and fashion, and while most realize her wardrobe is full of loud, bright, colors, Nicki said she’s not that comfortable showing skin. However, that doesn’t have anything to do with her younger fans.

    “I’m not not showing skin ‘cause of 5- and 6-year-olds, because 5- and 6-year-olds have to be parented by their parents,” she told “The View” co-hosts and guest host Gabrielle Douglas.

    While Nicki stressed the importance of parental guidance, she did offer some advice for her young fans who might be looking to her as a role model.

    “I’m not their parent, but I love children and I love education and I love ambition, and I love all those great things, and I always tell my fans that,” she said. “I’m also very realistic in telling them, ‘Hey, I work hard for what I have and if you want to be successful, you have to work hard.’ I’m really big on that.”

    Nicki said she lacked strict parental control when growing up, so she sought it out and practiced self-discipline when rapping her way to success.

    “Sometimes when you don’t have something it makes you subconsciously search for it even more. I don’t think I had a lot of discipline in my household. My mom motivated me, but it wasn’t a strict household. I kind of wanted a strict household,” she explained.

    Although she’s now part of the Young Money family, Nicki said she never relied on label leader Lil Wayne to turn her into a success.

    “I was doing my thing for a long time, just an underground thing, working 9 to 5 and then going to the studio at night,” she said, describing her grind.

    “I never relied on Wayne, though. I kinda just started cultivating my own thing, my own fan base,” she said.

    Watch more of Nicki below.




    See photos of Nicki with her famous friends below.

    —Tracy L. Scott

    Is Nicki giving Wayne due credit? Should she be more conscious about her outfits because of her younger fans, or do you agree that’s a parent’s job? Leave your comments below.


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