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U.S. Reckless Moves for Space War under Fire

   Pyongyang, June 7 (KCNA) -- The U.S. imperialists are disclosing their wild ambition to misuse modern science and technology for turning outer space into a theatre for carrying out their strategy for world supremacy, observes Rodong Sinmun Wednesday in a signed article. It says:
    The warlike Bush administration is putting spurs to the militarization of outer space by spending a stupendous amount of funds despite unanimous rebuff and opposition of the public at home and abroad.
    The U.S. is now hell bent on the moves to militarize space in quest of its world supremacy.
    The U.S. Department of Defense is pushing forward at a final stage the development of air-based laser weapons capable of destroying inter-continental ballistic missiles at the phase of their acceleration under the plan to expand the Missile Defense System not only on the ground but in outer space in the days ahead.
    For the present, the U.S. is contemplating carrying on the development of land mobile complex system for an electronic jamming in satellite communication systems and the development projects for fast feeding of information about attack into space mechanisms and conducting an experiment on the use of land-based high power laser weapon capable of destroying low-orbit satellites next year.
    The U.S. is set to develop space weapons capable of promptly hitting any targets on the land.
    All the facts clearly indicate that the U.S. works hard to shift to comprehensively deploying the space weapon system sooner or later so as to turn outer space, an object for a peaceful use common to humankind, into a dangerous military base and a battle field.
    If the U.S. imperialists are allowed to militarize space, it will entail such irretrievable consequences as bringing unspeakable disasters to humankind.
    The U.S. imperialists are the common enemy of humankind as they are threatening humankind's existence and civilization and blocking world progress and development.
    The world progressive people are called upon to heighten their vigilance against those moves of the U.S. imperialists and wage a more dynamic struggle to check them.

Special Write-ups on DPRK Posted on Internet Homepage

   Pyongyang, June 7 (KCNA) -- The Association for Friendship with the Korean People in Spain posted on Internet homepage "One Korea Network" special write-ups introducing the undying feats of leader Kim Jong Il as well as photos of him giving on-the-spot guidance to the construction site of the West Sea Barrage and the South Hamgyong Provincial Dental Preventive Hospital. The august name of Kim Jong Il is widely known to the world not only as a genius of idea, theory and leadership but also as the great master of creation, the homepage said, noting that what is characteristic in his mode of creation is to create and build everything at the highest level.
    His mode of creation is characterized by advancing all fields at a remarkably fast speed and creating and building everything most profitably to meet the demand of the popular masses for independence and suit the specific reality of the country, it said, stressing his mode of creation is, indeed, the method of applying the requirements of the new century comprehensively and giving fuller play to its might with the flow of the times.
    In an article titled "Love associated with the dental preventive hospital" it introduced in detail the deep benevolence bestowed by Kim Jong Il on the South Hamgyong Provincial Dental Preventive Hospital.

S. Korean "Government" Urged to Lift Cutoff of Access to Internet Media

   Pyongyang, June 7 (KCNA) -- A meeting of Korean journalists at home and abroad held in Tok Islet on May 31 requested the south Korean "government" to lift the cutoff of access to Internet media, according to the U.S. Internet homepage Minjok Thongsin. Read out at the meeting was a "written request to the south Korean government" in the joint name of the Consultative Council of Overseas Korean Mediamen and the south Korean Journalists Association.
    A total cutoff of access to Internet sites of overseas Koreans at a time when the 70 million fellow countrymen are craving for reconciliation and cooperation in the June 15 era to achieve the peaceful reunification of the country at an early date is a senseless attitude of the south Korean "government" and an anti-reunification and anti-national act, the written request said.
    It asserted that the "government" should lift at an early date the cutoff of access to Internet sites of overseas Koreans practiced from November 2004.
    Prior to the meeting, overseas Korean media persons made public a "Declaration of Tok Islet" calling for conducting dynamic information activities to denounce Japan for running amuck with a wild ambition to grab the islet.

Letter to Kim Jong Il from Participants in Book Fair

   Pyongyang, June 7 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a letter from the participants in the 5th Pyongyang International Science and Technology Book Fair Tuesday. Noting that the book fair was held with success in conformity with its basic aim amid the concern of the government, people and intellectuals of the DPRK, the letter said:
    On display at the hall were valuable science and technology books and materials presented by different countries and regions of the world and international organizations and the issues of boosting scientific and technological exchange and cooperation among the participants were discussed during the fair.
    The fair offered a good opportunity of obtaining levers for exchange and cooperation to commonly possess ultra-modern science and technology and promoting friendship with the people of the DPRK.
    During our stay, short as it was, we were deeply impressed by the policy of the DPRK attaching importance to science and technology and keen thirst for learning of Korean intellectuals.
    We are convinced that the science and technology of the DPRK will develop rapidly thanks to the validity and vitality of the line of attaching importance to science and technology pursued by you and that the DPRK will be put in the ranks of scientific and technological power in the near future by the strong zeal and efforts of scientists and technicians.
    We will in the future invigorate scientific and technological exchange and cooperation through the fair.
    We wholeheartedly wish you good health, hoping that great success will be recorded in your work to achieve the country's prosperity and provide the people with a more abundant and cultured life.

Reception Given by Swedish Ambassador

   Pyongyang, June 7 (KCNA) -- Swedish Ambassador to the DPRK Mats Foyer hosted a reception at the embassy Tuesday on the occasion of the national day of Sweden. Present on invitation were Kung Sok Ung, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs, and other officials concerned, diplomatic envoys of different countries and representatives of international organizations here.
    On hand was an official of the Swedish embassy.
    Speeches were made at the reception.

Friendship Meeting with Participants in Book Fair

   Pyongyang, June 7 (KCNA) -- A friendship meeting with the participants in the 5th Pyongyang International Science and Technology Book Fair took place at the Gymnasium of Kim Il Sung University Tuesday. Present on invitation were delegations and delegates of various countries, regions and international organizations to the fair.
    Also present were acting Chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Mun Jae Chol who is chairman of the organizing committee of the fair, O Kil Bang, vice-president of Kim Il Sung University, and its teachers and students and officials concerned.
    The meeting was addressed by O Kil Bang.
    He wished the participants in the fair greater success in scientific and technological exchange and cooperation in the future.
    The participants saw an art performance given by students of the university and had sports and amusement games, divided into "friendship" and "solidarity" teams.
    At the end of the games they danced together, deepening the feelings of friendship.

Children's Dancing Party

   Pyongyang, June 7 (KCNA) -- A dancing party of children took place at Kim Il Sung Square Tuesday to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Korean Children's Union. Appreciating the dancing party were Kim Jung Rin, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Kim Yong Jin, minister of Education, Kim Kyong Ho, first secretary of the Central Committee of the youth league, officials of the league, war veterans, persons of merits, parents of schoolchildren and the participants in the 6th Congress of the KCU.
    The pleasant dancing party began when the song "Marshal Kim Jong Il, Our Father" resounded forth.
    KCU members danced with the great joy and pride of greeting the 60th anniversary of the KCU, turning the square into a beautiful sea of dancers.
    Reverberated through the square were songs "Song of Tansim", "Let Little Comrades Sing" and "We Are Children's Corps Members" which instilled ardent patriotism, hope for the future and the truth of struggle into the Children's Corps members along with the sacred red flag that fluttered in the anti-Japanese battle theatres. Then schoolchildren danced to the tune of the famous song "Song of Korea".
    Drum beating and janggu dance, dance turning round decorative tassels, rhythmic gymnastics and calisthenics were presented and songs "9 x 9=81", "Rabbits at Our House" and "My Best Country" were played.
    Then followed such traditional folk amusement games as rope skipping, putting a handkerchief behind other child, catching the end of other group of children, playing at cavalrymen and children's Taekwon-Do competition in pattern, might and sparring that delighted the participants.
    KCU members played with firecrackers, turning the venue into fantastic scenery.
    While fireworks were displayed without let-up in the nocturnal sky, they played with a variety of firecrackers such as dragon-fly-like firecrackers and flute-like firecrackers, brightly decorating the square.
    The participants in the dancing party presented on the square the letters "Ready Always" reflecting their firm pledge to prepare themselves as true members of the juvenile guard in the Songun era who deeply trust and follow leader Kim Jong Il only.

Gifts to Kim Jong Il from Foreign Delegations

   Pyongyang, June 7 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il was presented with gifts by the delegation of the Russian Far-Eastern State University of Technology and the delegation of the Chinese Liaoning Academy of Social Science that have participated in the 5th Pyongyang International Science and Technology Book Fair. The gifts were conveyed to an official concerned by Gennadi Turmov, president of Far-Eastern State University of Technology, and Bao Zhendong, president of the Chinese Liaoning Academy of Social Science, who are heading their delegations to the fair.

IVF Short Course for Referees Held

   Pyongyang, June 7 (KCNA) -- A short course for volleyball referees was held in Pyongyang under the sponsorship of the International Volleyball Federation (IVF). Participated in there were couches of sports groups, teachers of juvenile sports schools and researchers of the Institute for Sports Science in the DPRK.
    The short course was held, divided into theoretical and practical ones. It dealt with various issues to be applied to volleyball matches in the period from Juche95 (2006) to Juche97 (2008). They included the rules and refereeing gestures, principles that referees should observe before, during and after games, duty of recorders, activities of officials in organizing and operating games.

Podok Temple in Mt. Kumgang

   Pyongyang, June 7 (KCNA) -- Podok Temple in Mt. Kumgang, famous in the DPRK, is attractive. The temple is in the middle of the 20-meter high cliff standing on the right of the Punsol Pond in Manphokdong of Naegumgang (inner Kumgang).
    It, built in the period of the Koguryo Kingdom, consisted of two buildings--main building constructed in front of Podok Cave and study building above the cave.
    The main building with a single-room is supported by the rock in front of the cave and 7.3-meter long copper pillar with 19 joints.
    It, with wooden floor, is 3.35 meters long and 0.85 meter wide. The outer eaves are colorfully painted. It has three-storied roofs--hip-saddle roof, gabled roof and hipped roof.
    The main building which is jutting out from the cliff, supported by a single copper pillar, shows the original architecture.
    The present main building was reconstructed in 1675 during the Ri Dynasty.
    Now there remain only the site of the study building and the staircase leading to Podok Cave from it.
    The Podok Temple, a valuable cultural heritage showing the then architecture, is preserved as a national treasure.

DPRK Boxer Kim Kwang Ok Retains WBCF Title

   Mt. Kumgang Resort, June 7 (KCNA) -- Boxing matches to retain and win the WBCF championships were held at Mt.Kumgang Resort Wednesday under the sponsorship of the WBCF. DPRK champion Kim Kwang Ok defeated Mexican challenger Ana Maria Torres in 2:1 decision in the bantamweight match (ten rounds for two minutes), thus retaining the title.
    Earlier, there were light-flyweight matches (eight rounds for two minutes) for the title in the next matches.
    DPRK boxer Han Yon Sun defeated Chinese Tian Yilin in 3:0 decision in the eighth round, thus becoming qualified to challenge the champion. Jang Song Ae beat south Korean O SuHyon in 3:0 decision in the 8th round to be qualified for the match for the title of the next matches.
    Demonstration boxing matches took place between men and women boxers from the north and the south of Korea before the matches.

Kim Jong Il Provides On-Site Guidance to Machine Plant

   Pyongyang, June 7 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK, provided on-site guidance to the Machine Plant managed by Jong Il Man. He went round the room devoted to the education in the revolutionary history of the plant.
    Seeing historic relics and mementoes on display, he said that the plant has turned into a solid machine producer under the wise guidance of President Kim Il Sung.
    Looking round the heat treatment shop and the assembling shop where a high-pitched drive for increased production is under way, he acquainted himself with production there. He was satisfied to learn that the workers of the plant have brought about a surge in the production of machines by realizing the modernization and scientification of production processes and waging a widespread mass technical innovation movement. He highly appreciated the achievements the workers of the plant have made in the past, noting that they have massively produced and supplied modern machines to different domains of the national economy, thus making a great contribution to socialist construction.
    He set forth tasks to be carried out by the plant.
    He had a photo session with the technicians and labor innovators of the plant.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il inspecciona la Unidad Aerea No. 970 del EPC

   Pyongyang, 7 de junio (ATCC) -- El Comandante Supremo Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea y Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea inspecciono la Unidad Aerea No. 970 del Ejercito Popular de Corea. Tras enterarse del estado de cumplimiento del deber de la unidad recorrio el historico avion visitado el 8 de julio de 1955 por el Presidente Kim Il Sung y los registros de victoria de la unidad y recordo con profunda emocion las hazanas de direccion del Presidente registradas en la historia de desarrollo de la unidad.
    La unidad, nacida por iniciativa del Presidente y crecida como un invencible destacamento bajo la entusiasta direccion y minuciosa atencion de el, ha recorrido por el unico camino de la victoria desde el periodo de la Guerra de Liberacion de la Patria (1950-1953) hasta hoy, dijo el Comandante Supremo evaluo de altas las hazanas de la unidad.
    Al hacer conocimiento del estado de entrenamiento de los pilotos se mostro satisfecho de que estos al elevar sin cesar el nivel tecnico y calificacion combativa en las salas de ejercicio dotadas de magnificos aparatos estan versados con los metodos autoctonos de combate aereo e indico las tareas que se presentan para fortalecer la combatividad de la unidad.
    El Comandante Supremo recorrio la Casa de Militares, la sala de educacion y otras instalaciones de cultura y educacion para hacer conocimiento del estado de su gestion.
    El ejercito popular presto primordial atencion a la labor de educacion ideo-politica sobre los militares y la realizo sustancialmente con diversas formas y metodos materializando estrictamente el metodo de la guerrilla antijaponesa y de esta manera preparo a todos los militares como fuertes en la idea y la conviccion que poseen el indoblegable espiritu revolucionario, apunto y senalo que este inestimable exito es la clara demostracion de la justeza y gran vitalidad de la politica de nuestro partido de priorizar la labor ideologica.
    Acto seguido, el Comandante Supremo recorrio el dormitorio, el comedor, la cocina, el bano, el deposito diario, la sala de elaboracion general y otras instalaciones de intendencia y evaluo de altos los exitos logrados en la administracion de la unidad. El Dirigente se fotografio junto a los militares de la unidad.

Guerra cosmica amenaza existencia de seres humanos

   Pyongyang, 7 de junio (ATCC) -- El diario Rodong Sinmun inserto en su edicion del dia 7 un articulo individual denunciando la ambicion de Estados Unidos de convertir el espacio en un campo para la realizacion de su hegemonia mundial valiendose de los adelantos de la ciencia y tecnica. ?@A contrapelo de la unanime opinion interna y externa, la administracion belicosa Bush destina enormes fondos a la militarizacion espacial, comienza el articulo y prosigue:
    ?@En la actualidad, Estados Unidos se aferra tercamente a la militarizacion espacial para dominar el mundo.
    ?@Con el fin de ampliar el sistema antimisiles tanto en el ambito regional como en el espacial, el Departamento de Defensa estadounidense promueve en la ultima etapa el desarrollo de las armas de laser para las bases aereas capaces de aniquilar en el tramo de aceleracion los misiles balisticos intercontinentales.
    ?@Por inmediato, Estados Unidos trata de proseguir en el ano proximo el desarrollo del complejo terrestre movil que provoque interferencias electronicas a las comunicaciones por satelite y el desarrollo del sistema susceptible de enviar rapidamente de las informaciones de ataque a los aparatos de cosmos y de realizar la prueba para el uso de armas de laser de gran potencia capaces de destruir los satelites en la orbita baja.
    ?@El imperio intenta impulsar el desarrollo de armas espaciales capaces de dar golpe rapido a todos los objetos de la tierra.
    ?@Todos los hechos insinuan que en un futuro no lejano Estados Unidos pasara a desplegar globalmente el sistema de armas cosmicas para convertir el espacio -objeto de uso comun de la humanidad con fines pacificos- en una peligrosa base militar y campo de guerra.
    ?@Si se permite la militarizacion espacial de Estados Unidos, acarreara a la humanidad tremendas calamidades.
    ?@Los imperialistas yanquis son precisamente el enemigo comun de la humanidad que amenaza la existencia y la civilizacion de esta y estorba el progreso y el desarrollo del mundo.
    ?@Los pueblos progresistas del mundo deben guardarse de las temerarias maniobras de guerra cosmica de los yanquis y librar con mas dinamismo la lucha por frustrarlas.

Noticias del VI Congreso de la Union de Ninos de Corea

   Pyongyang, 7 de junio (ATCC) -- Tuvo lugar el dia 6 en el capitalino Palacio Cultural del Pueblo el VI Congreso de la Union de Ninos de Corea. El conclave hizo balance de los exitos y experiencias logrados en la labor de la UNC y discutio las tareas para preparar a sus miembros como verdaderos hijos e hijas del Dirigente Kim Jong Il, dotados de ricos conocimientos, nobles virtudes y buena salud y capaces de llevar adelante la causa del Songun (priorizacion militar).
    Participaron el presidente del Presidium de la Asamblea Popular Suprema de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea Kim Yong Nam, los secretarios del Comite Central del Partido del Trabajo de Corea Choe Thae Bok y Kim Jung Rin, el ministro de Educacion Kim Yong Jin, los laureados con el "Premio de Honor Infantil Kim Il Sung", los destacados miembros de la UNC, los instructores de ninos escolares y los funcionarios de la rama de educacion de jovenes y ninos.
    Ante todo, se dio lectura al mensaje de felicitacion del CC del PTC enviado a todos los miembros de la UNC con motivo del 60 aniversario de la fundacion de la misma.
    Segun su texto, el CC del PTC valoro mucho el hecho de que durante estos 60 anos, en pleno acato a la autoctona orientacion del movimiento juvenil e infantil de nuestro partido, todos los miembros de la UNC se prepararon como fidedignos continuadores de la revolucion fieles al partido y el Lider y dotados de ricos conocimientos, nobles virtudes y buena salud.
    Hoy dia, ellos tienen una orgullosa tarea de luchar energicamente por llegar a ser autenticos continuadores de la causa revolucionaria del Juche, la del Songun, y fidedignas reservas de la construccion de una gran potencia prospera levantando en alto la consigna de "!Listos siempre para la patria socialista!", recalco.
    Concluyo subrayando que los miembros de la UNC deben enaltecer como eterno Sol del Juche al Presidente Kim Il Sung, quien dedico toda su vida para las generaciones venideras, y prepararse ninos vanguardias de verdad de la epoca del Songun que confian y defienden a costa de la vida al Dirigente Kim Jong Il que salvaguarda y glorifica el destino y el futuro de si mismos.
    El informe sobre el primer punto de la agenda "Sobre las tareas de la UNC para formar a sus miembros como autenticos hijos e hijas del estimado General Kim Jong Il dotados de ricos conocimientos, nobles virtudes y buena salud y capaces de llevar adelante la causa del Songun" estuvo a cargo de Kim Kyong Ho, primer secretario del CC de la Union de la Juventud Socialista Kim Il Sung.
    ?@El informante se refirio a los grandes exitos logrados en la labor de la union despues de su quinto congreso y senalo que todo esto es producto de la sabia direccion y gran benevolencia del Dirigente, generoso padre de ninos escolares y futuro radiante de Corea del Songun.
    ?@Con la consigna de "!Aprendamos para Corea!" en alto todos los miembros de la UNC deben estudiar con afan para ser competentes revolucionarios esperados por el partido y la patria y desplegar con vigor las actividades socio-politicas y el movimiento de trabajos beneficiosos para contribuir activamente a la construccion de una gran potencia socialista prospera, recalco.
    ?@Anadio que las organizaciones y los miembros de la UNC deben esforzarse activamente por adelantar la reunificacion de la patria y consolidar la solidaridad con los pioneros progresistas de todo el mundo.
    ?@Acto seguido, hubo otras intervenciones y discursos de felicitacion.
    ?@El conclave aprobo una resolucion sobre el primer punto de la agenda y discutio y gestiono el segundo punto "Sobre la enmienda del estatuto de la Union de Ninos de Corea".

Baile de ninos por 60o aniversario de la fundacion de la UNC

   Pyongyang, 7 de junio (ATCC) -- Tuvo lugar el dia 6 en la Plaza Kim Il Sung el baile de los ninos en celebracion del 60o aniversario de la fundacion de la Union de Ninos de Corea (UNC). Lo vieron Kim Jung Rin, secretario del CC del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Kim Yong Jin, ministro de Educacion, Kim Kyong Ho, primer secretario de la Union de la Juventud Socialista Kim Il Sung, y otros funcionarios de esta, veteranos de guerra, benemeritos, padres de los alumnos y participantes en el VI Congreso de la UNC.
    En el acto iniciado con las melodias de la cancion "Mariscal Kim Jong Il es nuestro padre" los miembros de la UNC bailaron con gran alegria y orgullos por acoger el sexagenario de esta entidad.
    Repercutieron en el bailadero las canciones "Tansim", "Cantemos, nuestros companeros pequenos" y "Somos miembros del Cuerpo Infantil", que en el periodo de la lucha revolucionaria antijaponesa, junto con la sagrada bandera roja, inculcaban a los miembros del Cuerpo Infantil el ardiente patriotismo y la aspiracion al futuro.
    Tambien resonaron la obra maestra "Cancion de Corea", "Nueve por nueve son 81", "Conejo de mi casa", "Mi pais es mejor" y se desarrollaron la danza con tambores, zango (tambor coreano) y el baile con gorro provisto de larga cinta, la gimnasia artistica y el baile deportivo.
    Ademas se entablaron juegos folcloricos como la comba y la pelea a caballo y se ofrecio una representacion de Taekwon-do de ninos.
    Acto seguido, los fuegos artificiales multicolores engalanaron el cielo nocturno mientras los ninos bailarines adornaron de mil maravillas el suelo de la plaza con petardos de diferentes formas.
    Luego, dejaron las inscripciones de "Siempre listos" reflejando su firme determinacion de prepararse como ninos vanguardias de verdad de la epoca del Songun (priorizacion militar) que confian y siguen unicamente al Dirigente Kim Jong Il.