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Dutch Safety Board | Investigations & Publication | Investigation crash MH17, 17 July 2014
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Investigation crash MH17, 17 July 2014 Donetsk


The Dutch Safety Board is shocked by the air disaster in Ukraine and thoughts are with the next of kin of those on board. The Board will be doing all it can to provide next of kin with as much information as possible about the disaster. Therefore the Board will be travelling to Ukraine at the earliest opportunity to take part in the international investigation into the disaster, which occurred in the Donetsk region.
The Dutch Safety Board was formally informed on the air disaster by its Ukrainian counterpart (NBAAI) on 18 July 2014. The NBAAI also requested the Dutch Safety Board to participate in the international investigation. According to international (ICAO) regulations, the State in which the crash took place is responsible for taking the lead in investigating the circumstances of the incident. In response to Ukraine's request, the Dutch Safety Board will be sending a team of investigators to take part in the international investigation. Contact will also be sought with the relevant authorities for retrieving the data stored on the ‘black boxes’. The Dutch Safety Board would like to stress the importance of carrying out a full and thorough investigation into the disaster. Given the large number of Dutch fatalities, the Board will contribute in any way it can to the investigation into the cause of the crash.


  • Start date 18 jul. 2014
  • End date
  • Type investigation Full
  • Status investigation Open

Board member for this project


  • Kort bericht 25 jul. 2014

    What is the Dutch Safety Board investigating?

    The Dutch Safety Board is conducting three investigations as a result of the crash of flight MH17.

    The first investigation will focus on establishing the cause of the plane crash. This is an international investigation, involving several countries, and will be conducted in accordance with the rules of ICAO. The Dutch Safety Board will take the lead in this investigation. Facts that are obtained as a result of the investigation will be used to establish the cause of the crash and rule out other possible causes.

  • Persberichten 25 jul. 2014

    Dutch Safety Board heading to disaster area

    In the next few days, investigators from the international team investigating the cause of the crash will set out on several missions to the scene of the disaster. The investigation on the basis of other sources, such as photographs, satellite images and the data recorders (black boxes) will also continue. The missions to the disaster area will focus on verifying the information already obtained from other sources, searching for possible new information and seizing materials that could be relevant to the investigation, such as particular pieces of the wreckage. The fact that a great deal of information has already been gathered will allow the investigation team to examine the disaster area in a very specific and focussed manner.

  • Persberichten 24 jul. 2014

    Data Flight Data Recorder MH17 downloaded

    Following  yesterday’s press release, the international investigation team led by the Dutch Safety Board,  continued the work on the Cockpit Voice Recorder and the Flight Data Recorder today. The work took place at the Farnborough headquarters of the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) in the United Kingdom. The international investigation team has conducted a thorough examination of the Flight Data Recorder. The Flight Data Recorder was slightly damaged but the memory module was intact. Furthermore, no evidence or indications of manipulation of the recorder was found. Following the examination, the data was successfully downloaded and the Flight Data Recorder contained valid data of the flight. The data from both recorders will be further analysed and combined.

  • Nieuws 24 jul. 2014

    Permission Dutch Safety Board to move wreckage

    The Dutch Safety Board gave permission to move wreckage on the crashsite, after a request about this received by the Safety Board through the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). This in order to be able to salvage the remaining victims. The moving of the wreckage will be carried out by local parties.

  • Persberichten 23 jul. 2014

    Data Cockpit Voice Recorder MH17 downloaded

    On Tuesday 22 July 2014 at 22:00 in Kiev, Ukraine, the flight data and cockpit voice recorders  (the 'black boxes') from the Malaysian Airlines flight 17 were taken into custody by the Dutch ambassador and a team of investigators led by the Dutch Safety Board. The Dutch Safety Board requested that the Air Accident Investigation Branch of the United Kingdom (AAIB) perform the data download from both the recorders. The recorders were transported to the AAIB's laboratory at Farnborough, arriving 23rd July in the early morning.

  • Persberichten 23 jul. 2014

    Dutch Safety Board heads investigation: investigation effort in full swing, black boxes currently being read out

    The Dutch Safety Board took over formal responsibility for the air crash investigation from Ukraine yesterday evening. The two black boxes have since arrived in the United Kingdom, where they are currently being read out and analysed by a team of international specialists. The on-site investigation in Ukraine is currently in full swing. Although investigators still do not have safe access to the crash site, work to gather and analyse data from various sources is underway in both Kiev and the Netherlands.

  • Persberichten 18 jul. 2014

    Dutch Safety Board sends team to Ukraine to investigate crash

    The Dutch Safety Board is shocked by the air disaster in Ukraine and thoughts are with the next of kin of those on board. The Board will be doing all it can to provide next of kin with as much information as possible about the disaster. Therefore the Board will be travelling to Ukraine at the earliest opportunity to take part in the international investigation into the disaster, which occurred in the Donetsk region.

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