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Saudi Arabia launches first campaign to stop violence against women | The Human Impact
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Saudi Arabia launches first campaign to stop violence against women

May 1, 2013

?Saudi Arabia has launched its first visual campaign against the abuse of women, designed to encourage female victims to come out of hiding and to have a global impact at a time of change in the kingdom.

The advertisement shows a woman wearing a full veil or niqab, her made-up eyes staring out from the heavy cloth with one of them blackened and bruised.

Underneath, a caption reads: “Some things can’t be covered ? fighting women’s abuse together.”

The campaign is a collaboration between the King Khalid Foundation (KKF) ? a royal non-profit organisation ? and the Riyadh branch of advertising agency Memac Ogilvy .

“Women’s abuse is a real taboo subject in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” said a statement by the campaign. “Nobody really knows the statistics, as it is never spoken about.”

The goal was to create an ad that would have a significant impact worldwide at a time when women in the ultra-conservative kingdom are starting to see some changes.

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