News & Features

openjdk java

Programmers could get REPL in official Java

Java could add a Lisp-based read-evaluate-print-loop tool as part of Project Kulla, but developers debate whether it's a good fit.

Paul Krill

git hub octocat

GitHub's new CEO: We're serious about the enterprise

In a few short years, GitHub has become the world's largest code repository. CEO Chris Wanstrath explains how GitHub is also helping enterprises revitalize their app dev efforts.

Eric Knorr

Mozilla tackles the browser memory conundrum

In Mozilla's Servo browser engine, a JavaScript garbage collector will take over DOM memory management.

Paul Krill


The star of JavaOne is ... JavaScript?

Fearing developers could defect, Oracle makes accommodations for JavaScript at its upcoming Java conference.

Paul Krill

Application-Aware Storage for Virtual Environments

The main benefit of an application-aware storage model is that it allows the storage for each individual application to be managed and optimized independently, regardless of what other workloads and applications are present.

JavaWorld Staff

Big data: There's signal in that noise

When the data you capture and crunch is large and disorderly, interesting bits may come along for the ride. Don't squeeze the life out of it -- explore it.

Andrew C. Oliver

red hat

How Red Hat can catch the developer train

Red Hat's technology is still top-notch, especially for mission-critical workloads. But the open source leader lacks meaningful partnerships.

Matt Asay

JXCore's new trick: Convert Node.js projects into self-running apps

Newest beta of the JXCore fork of Node.js lets users compile Node applications and dependent modules into deliverables.

Serdar Yegulalp

steamy java

Why developers should get excited about Java 9

The next generation of the enterprise development platform will feature major improvements, including modularity and API updates.

Paul Krill

Backup and Recovery Best Practices with Tintri VMstore

This Tintri Best Practice Guide for Backup and Recovery will assist individuals who are responsible for the design, deployment, and DR of VMs deployed on Tintri VMstore systems.

JavaWorld Staff

Walmart's investment in open source isn't cheap

While proprietary vendors want us to focus on price, innovators focus on the flexibility and business value of open source.

Simon Phipps


What I wish I'd known starting out as a programmer

Why make the same old career mistakes when you can make new ones? Andrew Oliver distills some of the harder lessons learned early in his programming career.

Andrew C. Oliver

docker data

Five ways Docker is taking over the world

Docker is more than a fad -- it's a real-deal technology finding widespread adoption and creating its own ecosystem.

Serdar Yegulalp

MongoDB adds support option for community edition of its NoSQL database

The service provides as low as a two-hour response time, but leaves out the bells and whistles from MongoDB Enterprise.

Chris Kanaracus

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