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Microsoft Moves Ahead With Renaming "GVFS" Project To "VFS For Git"

Last year Microsoft announced the "GVFS" open-source project as the Git Virtual File-System. Many took issue with Microsoft's open-source project being called GVFS since for years prior GNOME has been developing the well known GVfs as the virtual file-system for GIO/GLib. At first Microsoft resisted calls for changing their project's name, but now are making good on doing so.

2 Hours Ago - Microsoft - Microsoft GVFS - 5 Comments

27 July

PowerTOP Still Worthwhile For Extending Linux Battery Life In 2018

Intel's open-source PowerTOP utility has been around for more than a decade now for aiming to extend the battery life of x86 Linux laptops. Following the recent Linux laptop battery life benchmarks of various distributions, a Phoronix Premium patron was asking whether PowerTOP still makes a difference with 2018 Linux distributions... Here are some fresh test results.

27 July 10:20 AM EDT - Computers - 14 Comments
GCC 8/9 vs. LLVM Clang 6/7 Compiler Benchmarks On AMD EPYC

Following the GCC 9.0 benchmarks earlier this week I ran some tests seeing how the GCC 8 stable compiler and GCC 9 development state compare to the LLVM Clang 6.0.1 stable compiler and LLVM Clang 7.0 development. Here are those benchmarks using the AMD EPYC 7601 32-core / 64-thread processor.

27 July 04:01 AM EDT - Software - 5 Comments

26 July

Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS Released

For those that tend to wait for the first point release of a new Ubuntu LTS release before upgrading, Ubuntu 18.04 "Bionic Beaver" is now available.

26 July 05:33 PM EDT - Ubuntu - Ubuntu 18.04.1 - 6 Comments
Intel Continues Prepping PECI Support For The Linux Kernel

PECI is a new one-wire bus interface being developed at Intel for communication between Intel CPUs and chipset components to external monitoring/control devices. The Linux support for this Platform Environment Control Interface continues to be worked out by Intel's open-source Linux kernel developers.

26 July 12:58 AM EDT - Intel - Intel PECI - Add A Comment
Frame Timing & Fixing Game Stuttering With Display Timing Extensions

Back during GDC 2018, Alen Ladavac serving as the CTO of Croteam presented on their research and testing into frame timing for helping uncover why some games are stuttering even when being rendered at high frame-rates. The short story is the issue can be addressed by just not measuring the time for rendering each frame in a game but to measure the time needed to actually present that frame on a display output. For that there is VK_GOOGLE_display_timing for Vulkan and other similar extensions.

26 July 12:51 AM EDT - Linux Gaming - Elusive Frame Timing - 9 Comments

25 July

32-Bit Linux Prepares For Performance Hit Due To KPTI For Meltdown Mitigation

Since January there has been KPTI in the x86_64 Linux kernel as Kernel-based Page Table Isolation for mitigating the Meltdown CPU vulnerability. On the back-burner since then has been KPTI support for the Linux x86 32-bit kernel to protect those using older 32-bit-only processors. With the upcoming Linux 4.19 kernel, KPTI is landing for Linux x86 32-bit. Here are sone benchmarks showing the performance penalty when upgrading to this new kernel on an Ubuntu i686 laptop.

25 July 09:25 AM EDT - Software - 8 Comments

24 July

Fedora 29 Might Finally Switch To Liberation Fonts 2

Back in 2012 was feature work to upgrade Fedora from using the Liberation Fonts to Liberation Fonts 2. That change at the time for Fedora 19 was then diverted due to the updated fonts causing some fuzzy/blurred rendering. That issue has been fixed now following an update to F18 at the time and with Fedora 29 they are looking at once again trying Liberation Fonts 2 by default.

24 July 09:44 AM EDT - Fedora - Fedora + Liberation Fonta 2 - 10 Comments
Ubuntu 18.10's New Theme Is Now Yaru

Since the transition from Unity 7 to GNOME Shell as the default desktop environment on Ubuntu, designers have been working on a proper new theme called "Communitheme" while now it has a new name.

24 July 05:42 AM EDT - Ubuntu - Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Yaru - 20 Comments
An Early Look At The GCC 9.0 Performance On AMD EPYC

While GCC 9 has just been under development for a relatively short period of time, here are our initial benchmarks of GCC 9.0 SVN on and AMD EPYC server compared to the GCC 8.2 stable release candidate when tested at various optimization levels as well as PGO (Profile Guided Optimizations).

24 July 12:39 AM EDT - Software - 4 Comments

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