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NYIFF 2014 Review: In SNIFFER A Man Finds Himself In The Dirty Laundry Of Others

Most people show a lot of who they are through their interactions with others. Sure, there's the person we think we are, or the person that we imagine ourselves to be on our best days, but it's really how we... More »
By J Hurtado   

Cannes 2014 Review: A HARD DAY Is Easy-To-Love Genre Cinema

If you feel that tough genre fare in Korea has been spinning its wheels of late, you're not alone. While generally well made, the elan of yesteryear's hardboiled Korean thrillers has recently been replaced by a growing sense of familiarity... More »

Cannes 2014 Review: A GIRL AT MY DOOR Is Korean Cinema At Its Finest

Screening in the Cannes Film Festival's Un Certain Regard section this year is A Girl at My Door, a film that is so well-wrought that one can't help but be swept up in its artistry, which effortlessly plunges us into... More »

Review: COMING HOME Trades Fascinating History For Underwhelming Romance

Zhang Yimou returns to his more humble, socially conscious roots, reuniting with former muse Gong Li for an earnest, if rather underwhelming, adaptation of Yan Geiling's The Criminal Lu Yanshi. While the historical significance of the story will resonate strongly... More »

Review: GODZILLA Is King Of The Monsters Once More

British director Gareth Edwards makes his Hollywood debut in jaw-dropping style, bringing Godzilla back to the big screen in a grand scale action adventure that is pitched perfectly between obligatory disaster drama and indulgently delightful monster mash.2014 marks the 60th... More »

Jeonju 2014 Review: Grand and Mysterious, THE AVIAN KIND Soars

A great many gems have emerged from the Korean independent scene of late, but some worry that the milieu lacks the unique voices that it used to cultivate 10 to 15 years ago. Director Shin Yeon-shick may already be on... More »

Jeonju 2014 Review: Meditative POHANG HARBOR Doesn't Quite Connect

In a country with so many hardships out in the open and an unspoken swell of pain swirling just beneath the surface, there needs to be a release valve for the frustrations of ordinary citizens. In Korea, that role is... More »

Udine 2014 Review: MY PRETEND GIRLFRIEND Unfurls A Quietly Heartbreaking Tale Of First Love

Known for his great contributions to the world of Japanese commercials, Yakumo Saiji has finally decided to venture into feature-length filmmaking, and for the world premiere of his debut, he chose the Udine Far East Film Festival. Seeing that the... More »

Review: The Beauty Of THE FATAL ENCOUNTER Is Only Skin Deep

Following a slow few months, commercial Korean cinema returns to the spotlight with The Fatal Encounter, the first of the many period blockbusters that will inundate local theaters through to the end of summer. Following in the footsteps of the... More »

Udine 2014 Review: MAY WE CHAT Is A Dynamic, Dark Youth Drama Bolstered By Three Great Performances

Emphasized by sugary and excessively colorful visuals, the beginning of Philip Young's May We Chat epitomizes everything that's most shallow about contemporary youth culture. Teenagers consciously trapped in a virtual realm take pictures of shoes, food, themselves, and communicate via... More »

Udine 2014 Review: THE SNOW WHITE MURDER CASE Gives A Stunning New Angle To Familiar Thriller Formula

A young and beautiful office lady has been brutally murdered in a national park near Tokyo. With no suspects in sight, the mysterious case seems to be barely moving forward, until an ambitious, ramen-loving journalist seeking publicity starts throwing accusations... More »

The Kids Talk Film: GODZILLA

Twitch has been on the Internet long enough that many of its writing staff have children old enough to understand and consume media in a way that is both raw and fresh. It might even come with an inkling of... More »

Udine 2014 Review: THE JOURNEY, A Feel-Good Road Film About The Ups And Downs Of Cross-Cultural Relationships

Given its heartwarming appeal and universally applicable message about cross-cultural relationships, from the western point of view it's not really hard to see why Chiu Keng Guan's The Journey has become Malaysia's highest grossing domestic picture of all time. Considering... More »

Udine 2014 Review: BLACK COAL, THIN ICE Is A Cold, Compelling Crime Drama

This year's surprise Golden Bear winner at Berlin is a bleak, yet engrossing whodunnit set in the wintry climes of Northern China.For his third feature film, writer-director Diao Yinan (Uniform, Night Train) evokes both Hollywood procedurals and European arthouse cinema... More »

Udine 2014 Review: SWEET ALIBIS, An Uneven But Wacky Taiwanese Genre Film

After recovering from a depression that lasted for over 10 years Taiwanese cinema is gradually gaining recognition, mostly due to the rising popularity of its many touching dramas and promising independent productions. That said, such specific, if wacky, genre mixtures... More »

Udine 2014 Review: Girl-Powered GIRL'S BLOOD Mixes Violence And Nudity In A Strangely Mesmerizing Manner

If I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't have believed that such a film actually exists. What's more, I'm now practically sure that underground cat-fighting clubs such as Girl's Blood can be found not only in Roppongi, but also in some... More »

Udine 2014 Review: BE MY BABY, One Hitoshi's Penetrating And Brutally Honest Drama

Definitely the biggest surprise of the second day of this year's Udine Far East Film Festival was One Hitoshi's brutally realistic, dialogue-heavy drama Be My Baby. Shot and edited on a miniscule budget, One's sophomore feature examines the lives of... More »

Udine 2014 Review: TINY TIMES Is A Flashy, Slight Shanghai Rom-Com

Chinese emerging young designers are quietly but forcibly taking the fashion world by storm, and in recent years Shanghai has become the "it" place for all ambitious individuals who want to contribute to this all-over impressive movement.Set against the backdrop... More »

Tribeca 2014 Review: ICE POISON, A Mesmerizing, Stark Depiction of Drugs and Poverty in Burma

Grinding poverty and severely restricted life and economic choices push two impoverished denizens of Myanmar into drug dealing, and using, with predictably dire consequences in Midi Z's strong, stylistically assured third feature Ice Poison. As in his previous features Return... More »

DVD Review: Urasawa Naoki's MONSTER, Episodes 31-45

(We're past the halfway point already? Nooooooooooo...!) Australian distributor Siren Visual continues its release of the Monster anime unabated, and the third boxset, released last month, is the strongest one in quality so far. Despite sporting an IMDB-rating of... More »
By Ard Vijn   
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