2007 Teen Choice Awards Winners


The stars of High School Musica 2 were the big winners at this year's Teen Choice Awards.

2007 Teen Choice Awards Winners

The 2007 Teen Choice Awards kicked off in Los Angeles Sunday night, serving as a squealing, hormonally-charged reminder to everyone over 14 years old how very, very old and out of touch they are. Co-hosts Hilary Duff and Nick Cannon double-teamed for this increasing popular award show honouring teen icons in film, TV, music and sports.

From the moment a group of gyrating geriatrics took the stage for the opening musical spoof, you knew it was going to be a long, scream-filled night dedicated to teen phenomenon High School Musical 2. The record-breaking cable special took home the award for choice TV movie, while leads Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron nabbed the coveted surfboard awards for choice female breakout star and choice male hottie, respectively.

Other winners included choice movie actor Shia LaBeouf, who will next be seen on the big screen in the new Indiana Jones sequel, Fergie, who teared up while accepting the award choice female artist, and Miley Cyrus, who won choice TV comedy actress for her role in the inexplicably popular Hannah Montana. The world as we know it is doomed.

Teen Choice Awards Winners:
Choice TV Actor, Comedy - Steve carrell, The Office
Choice Movie Actor Breakout - Shia LaBeouf
Choice R&B Track - "Beautiful Girls," Sean Kingston
Choice R&B Artist - Rihanna
Choice Rap Artist - Timbaland
Choice TV Movie - High School Musical 2
Choice Breakout Female Artist - Vanessa Hudgens
Choice Hissy Fit - Ryan Seacrest, Knocked Up
Choice Hottie Female - Jessica Alba
Choice Hottie Male - Zac Efron
Choice Payback Track - "What Goes Around," Justin Timberlake
Choice Male Artist - Justin Timberlake
Choice Female Artist - Fergie
Choice Comedian - Dane Cook
Choice V-Cast Video - The Hills
Choice Movie Action Adventure - Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Choice Movie Actor Action Adventure - Johnny Depp, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Choice Movie Actress Action Adventure - Keira Knightley, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Choice Villain - Bill Nighy, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Choice Movie Drama - Pursuit of Happyness
Choice Movie Actor Drama - Will Smith
Choice Chemistry - Will and Jayden Smith
Choice Movie Drama Action Adventure - Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix
Choice Summer TV Show - Degrassi, The Next Generation
Choice Summer Song - "Hey There Delilah," Plain White T's
Choice Movie Actress, Comedy - Sophia Bush, John Tucker Must Die
Choice TV Actress, Comedy - Miley Cyrus, Hannah Montana
Choice Love Song - "With Love," Hilary Duff
Choice Summer Comedy or Musical - Hairspray




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