Blue's Clues: Internet Explorer 11 getting SPDY support

WebGL isn't the only big ticket item coming to Internet Explorer 11. No, digging deeper into IE 11, I found references to that newfangled SPDY protocol -- a protocol designed primary by Google to generally  make the web go faster. Paul has a quick summary you should check out.

Oops. Internet Explorer 11 doesn't pass this test just yet.

Oops. Internet Explorer 11 doesn't pass this test just yet.

I can't talk SPDY or even properly demonstrate it working (as the screenshot confirms), but can say it's coming and is being implemented at the OS level (via additions to the Windows Internet API.) That means most internet apps -- like IE 11 -- will be SPDY ready for free.

You can tinker with this today with the registry script below. If you manage to get IE to confirm SPDY logic is enabled, please ping me!

[This is not an April Fool's joke.]

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]

; // Forces SPDY to function outside its expected
; // SSL/TLS environment

; // Disable SPDY compression of HTTP headers/data
; // for debug/test