Young pupil of Ashgabat chess sports school became the champion of the world

The title of the champion of the world was gained by young chess player from Turkmenistan Bagul Ezizova in the planetary championship among schoolchildren under 17 years old held in the Greek city ? Khalkidiki. Six-year-old pupil of Ashgabat chess sports school of the City Sports Committee gained this success in the age group under 7 years old, where 25 young sportsmen from 17 countries competed for medals.

Competitions were held on the Swiss system in 9 rounds. On the way to the champion’s title, Bagul ? athlete of the coach Serdar Annaberdiyev confidently won her opponents from Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Sri Lanka, Albania, Rumania, Mongolia and Peru, having shown hundred-per-cent result ? 9 points of 9 possible!

It is the first success in this age group of the representatives of the Turkmen chess school, which masters year by year the higher rating positions on the world sport arena. Numerous “great” victories of our sportsmen in the largest international competitions including Asian and World Championships, Worldwide Olympic Games are vivid evidence of this fact. For example, in the last World Chess Contest taken place with participation of the strongest masters of the planet in autumn of the last year in Istanbul (Turkey), our compatriot ? the thirteen-year-old Saparmyrat Atabayev won the gold medal in the age group under 19 years old. And now, the sport attainments of Turkmenistan has been replenished with another award of the highest standard gained by the twice champion of the country among juniors under 8 years old and current champion of the country in the age group under 10 years old.

World Chess Championship in Greece, which was held under the aegis of the International Chess Federation (FIDE) and International School Chess Federation (ISCU), became the first international competition for Bagul Ezizova. This convincing victory heralds the great sport future for her.

Besides gold medal and triumphal Cup, young Turkmen athlete was awarded with the title of candidate for master of sports of FIDE on behalf of the International Chess Federation. Relevant certificate was handed to Bagul at the awarding ceremony of the winners and prize winners of the World Championship.

It is worth mentioning that attainments of young chess player in the contests of the national level strike as well: in her six Bagul is already twice champion of the country among juniors under 8 years old current champion of the country in the age group under 10 years old. So, it is possible to state with confidence that her major victories are ahead!

Victory in the current World Championship automatically ranked Bagul Ezizova among participants of such tournament in next year, where in opinion of specialists, she will be able to defend her champion’s title.

At present, the talented chess player prepares for regular large international competition ? the Asian Championship among juniors to be held from June 19 to 27 in the Iranian city ? Sari. We will be a fan of young talent of Turkmenistan and wish Bagul new victories.

State News Agency of Turkmenistan (TDH)

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