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Blizzard COO on how Diablo 3 for consoles isn't "milking" the franchise - GameSpot
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Blizzard COO on how Diablo 3 for consoles isn't "milking" the franchise

Paul Sams says "there is no game we've ever made that was better for a console experience."


Blizzard has never made a game better suited for consoles than Diablo III , Blizzard COO Paul Sams told GameSpot during BlizzCon last weekend. As such, he said bringing the dungeon crawler to consoles is not "milking" the franchise, but is rather a logical extension of the series.

"What brought us back to console is the game that we chose," Sams said. "It really lends itself to being on console and being in the living room. You think about our RTSes and what the control scheme is for an RTS...doing that on a controller in the living room, it's kind of hard to imagine how that would be awesome, at least in my opinion. When you think about an action RPG, a hack and slash type of experience, like Diablo, gosh I think there is no game we've ever made that was better for a console experience."

Most of Blizzard Entertainment's games, including entries in the StarCraft and Warcraft franchises, have only been released on PC. This does not mean, however, that Blizzard was actively avoiding consoles, Sams said.

"I think for a long time people believed that we were just a PC company and we just wanted to make PC games and that was it. Really it wasn't that. It was that the games we were making, we didn't feel would be as great an experience on those other platforms. And we didn't want to force it," Sams said. "You get only so many opportunities with building trust or damaging trust with the players. And we felt like that can happen on what platforms you choose."

"If you're trying to milk a product by putting it on more platforms when it's not right, well then that's a brand withdrawal, that's a trust withdrawal with those players," he added. "And so that's what it's all about for us, making the best games that we can possibly come up with, that we want to play, and then putting them on the right boxes, or I should say right platforms to really make them sing."

Diablo III was released originally as a PC-exclusive in May 2012, before coming to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in September. The game has sold over 14 million copies to date and a PlayStation 4 version--the Ultimate Evil Edition--is due out in 2014.



A lot of people here don't seem to realize that almost all of Diablo 2's mechanics were sacrificed just so that the game would run on a console. Diablo 3 has nearly nothing that people enjoyed in it's predecessors - it is NOT, a Diablo game; it is merely an average ARPG.?

You imagine Path of Exile running on a console? Heh, me neither. Diablo was milked not for it's mechanics but for it's IP, Blizzard could've easily created an entirely new franchise made specifically for console, but instead they decided to ruin an existing one.


Releasing the game on the 360 and ps3 isn't milking it - it opens it's audience.? However, releasing it on next gen (ps4) with barely anything advancing it would be considered 'milking it'.


It may not be milking, nothing wrong with making a game for casuals or console players. Yet, it is a disservice to Diablo fans who have stayed with the franchise for a decade and have come to expect a truly hardcore ARPG experience.

Nothing was stopping you, Blizzard, from creating a new IP specifically for console gaming - no, you chose to uproot an already established Hardcore franchise and community with a game that has nothing to do with it's predecessors.?


No it is not milking it. ?D3 runs well on both the PC and the consoles. ?Introducing a great game to a new market is just expanding the games exposure. ?


Blizzard is not milking the Diablo series. Only Diablo 1 was on the original Playstation. Diablo 2 never made it to consoles. would've been great if it did appear on PS2 but wasn't to be. Diablo 3 for PS3 and Xbox 360. And a new version of Diablo 3 for the PS4.?

The developers are allowed to port their games to which ever Videogame systems they desire. A Gaming PC would only have a niche and smaller audience than traditional videogame consoles. Blizzard has to make some money. So they ported the game.

Milking a franchise is something more like Call of Duty series has done with a release each year. But the bro dudes FPS crowd seems not to mind. There are only 3 episodes of Diablo Which Cod has 10 episodes in 10 years across almost all platforms.


I'd agree that I enjoyed the console version as a game more.


Console version is hands down better. ?The milking comes from the fact that they released the game so much later without online DRM but kept it in the PC version. ?Naturally this is going to make people want to go out and buy the console version even if they own the PC version due to it being the definitive version and the fact it plays smooth and doesn't stutter due to the internet.


Don't know how you could call this milking.? Milking is taking a complete game and planning on releasing it in 3 parts and Blizzard would never do that.........Oh wait they released/ are releasing Starcraft 2 like that.

Diablo 3 is fine(whether it is a good game or not is another story) unlike Starcraft 2.


Milking?!? F***! I was waiting for D3 before I married - was a disappointment. ?But played the console demo version. ?Alot better without that auction house.


Isn't it interesting the way bandwagons work? Mass Effect 3 ending, Diablo 3, CoD, Duke Nukem Forever, World of Warcraft... I'm totally blown away by how much blind hate there is in gaming (which is supposed to be about chilling out and having fun in the first goddamn place).


This person does not know what milking is. COD is milking. Madden is milking. Bringing something to a place it has never been before is not milking.


It's OK on console, but having it offline doesn't make up for lack of precision that you get with the keyboard and mouse IMO.? Playing it on the console I just don't feel like I can accurately target something.? It's like FPS on console in some game where there is auto target.


I never thought that bringing a game to multiple platforms was milking a franchise. Now if they made a sequel year after year with only minimal changes then it might get to milking territory.


Am I only one here who actually enjoeyd Diablo 3 for what it is. Only bad thing is the auction house imo and they will remove it in march next year. Lift up your D2 nostalgia goggles already and stop being asshat.


lol oh please

Your WOW amount of subscribers has been in free fall so you thought it might be a good idea to tap a new market.


I thought Diablo 3 was just milking the Diablo franchise in general.


They did force Diablo 3 on Consoles though

The limited hotkeys, no potion management, 4 players only, auto pick up, i would even blame the Witch Doctor not being able to summon a ton of monsters on console limitations

pretty obvious it was a console game from the start


"there is no game we've ever made that was better for a console experience."

As I thought they never made it for PC bur for console, so disappointed on Diablo 3 for PC it is pure trash


The consumer tells YOU whether or not you are milking a franchise. Not the other way around, Blizzard.


Too bad Path of Exile wasn't on console.


If this is true why did the console version take longer to release? I mean if this is game is practically made for consoles what was the hold up?


if anything the console version is better because it's not forced online.


''? Blizzard has never made a game better suited for consoles than Diablo III ''

?of course it was no one on pc want that junk anymore


@ Granatar Nope, it's not, it is proof that they're full of crap when with all of their excuses for the always online requirement for the PC version, that the console versions don't have.


@ sortajan ?Thats what happens when fanboyism stops the player from looking at things objectively. Though to be fair the general outcry against D3 was legitimate, I do think people take it way too far and personally sometimes. Game companies do drop lemons every now and again. It happens. D3 wasn't as great as I had built it up in my mind to be (in fact I would wager this is where all the hate is REALLY stemming from for a lot of people) , but am I mad about it? Not really, I just picked up something else when I got tired of it, but still keep tabs on it to see if a major update interests me enough to start it up again.


@ crognalsen ?It really depends on your playstyle though really and what skills your using. But assuming your talking about a ranged skill like say meteor. With Blizzards system is admittedly rough to do. IMO they should have just done a tab target system that every click of the trigger it cycles to a different enemy rather than what their doing now which I believe is hold the button down to actually target something. From a melee perspective I like the gamepad though. Movement is much more accurate with an analog than the Mouse.


@ crognalsen ?please stop with the keyboard and mouse thing? ?I'm crying for the fact I sold out to both console and can no longer create a powerful PC rig.



I enjoyed the game a lot.? I didn't like all the classes, but I thought it was an improvement over the first two games in terms of graphics, skill system, and having audio dialogue.? There was a major improvement in the number of ways you could avoid attacks.? It made things a little more interesting.? Most skills in Diablo1, 2 were offensive skills from what I recall.? It's the same trine 2.? There aren't many skills to avoid attacks.? The story wasn't bad even though it was a bit short.? When all the expansions are released it should have a decent size.



1. You are aware that it is possible to setup plenty of hotkeys on the gamepad for games right. Especially say if you do something like DMC or Tera did and combine the triggers + button to get more hotkeys. No the limited hotkeys was design decision based off the fact that we can pick any skill we want and have it fully powered at anytime. Not because of the amount of buttons on a gamepad.

2. Imagine 8 player game with 2 WW barbs, the Monk spec that spews out those tornados, and all the enemies on your screen. Plus whatever other classes are there with their big flashy spells. It wasn't console limitations but SCREEN NOISE that made them go from 8 - 4.?

3. Do you mean auto pickup for gold? Because if you seriously think that's a bad thing then....I pity you.?

4. Screen Noise. And actually you can blame that also on the average D3 players computer limitations. Not the console.?

So no, not really obvious, just you parroting what every other idiot says about the game without really sitting back and thinking about it logically.?


@ atopp399  

There were some other things I prefer about the PC version.? The graphics are much cleaner, sharper, and more detailed.? The Xbox 360 version is very dark and it's hard to see things.


@ Maoxx  

I don't see how the analog movement is more accurate than a mouse.? You can hold the mouse down and move it around the screen to move wherever you want to.? The melee classes in the Diablo series have always been a pain to play.? On console they are pretty annoying as well.? I have it for Xbox 360.? The most enjoyable classes are the Wizard and Demon Hunter IMO.? I played a Monk to the 50s and a Barbarian to the 40s then got incredible bored with them.? It had nothing to do with accuracy.? They are just not very enjoyable to play.? The Witch Doctor isn't that fun either.? Hopefully the Paladin will be better.


@ DESTROYRS_F8  @ crognalsen  


The controls on console are OK.? I'm just pointing out that it wasn't made for console.? The game requires a level of accuracy targeting monsters that you can only achieve with the mouse.? You can still have fun with it on console.? It just doesn't appear made for it to me.


@ crognalsen  @ Maoxx ?Yes you can do the whole holding down the button thing to drive your character around, but your character is still following after your mouse pointer. Whereas with analog your driving your character on the spot. Hes not following after anything to get where he wants to go. Thats what I mean by being more accurate. As far as melee being boring, thats subjective. You may not like their style. I do though.?