

Is the guy who reviewed this game bad at aiming ? or just the fact that shooters aren't rely meant for Sticks on a gamepad...?


I'm not surprised by the review. Killzone always seems to get in the 7-8 range. However, I'm still pretty excited to play it. Enjoyed KZ1 on ps2. Have had 2,3 for almost a year, never played them yet.. Until about a month ago. After six years of COD, I was feeling burned out. So I popped KZ3 in, fired up the multiplayer, and something strange happened.. I had fun. A lot of fun. Like the first time you played COD4 fun. I couldn't figure out why I was having fun with this seemingly dusty old game. As a whole, it was no where as good as COD or BF. So I was like, "Why the hell am I liking this so much!?" Then it hit me, pretty good gameplay + new experience (I.e. different weapons, different sounds, etc) = good times. Not to mention the melee kills are so brutally awesome that you get excited when you run out of ammo. Should you buy a ps4 just to play KZ? No, that is a bit cray cray. Should you pick up KZ if you're already getting a ps4? Definitely. Ten minutes into your first multiplayer match when you're mowing down randoms with a weapon that feels like it was conceived by Neil Bloomkamp, you'll remember why it's good to take some reviews with a grain of salt.


i think it looks really good, i would buy it for multiplayer anyway


The game looks fantastic but I'm not really into FPS games that much so I'll probably skip this and wait till PS4 gets some actual next gen titles. Besides PS3 is still getting a good amount of games for 2014 so it will keep me busy until I decide to get a PS4,


I will give Shadow Fall props on one thing: the graphics.? Even on these crappy streaming videos, I could tell how much detail went into making the graphics smooth and definitive.? It is unfortunate, in the end, it is a generic shooter like COD but at least the graphics are a real product of "next-gen," unlike Ghosts crappy engine.? Makes me excited to think that someone will eventually combine these elements into something greater eventually.? And yes....there is a difference between 30 and 60 FPS.? All next-gen games should be 60 and should not debatable.? This is one of the reasons why Killzone looks so fantastic.?


Generic Shooter Awaits.... As much as I hate to say it don't let reviewers determine your purchases.


the launch titles alwase bad , it was even worst in the PS3 , I remember the only worthy title at launch was Metal Gear 4 , the rest was crap ... and the other games in general was not better than what we had with PS2 at that time, any way .. the time pass and my game collection on PS3 was my best ever .... for me .. I am waiting the PS4 launch and it the game lineup is amazing ... ass for the Kill Zone I did not like any of it is released before and I am not going to play this one?

what I really care for it now .. I can finally play 64 FPS online games with BT4 "as we did on Resistance 2" ... and I had promising Massive Online games comming next ?, as for the graphics , it was great already in PS3 , what you really need to add is more space , bigger landscapes and more power to game develoers to create amazing games for us ...

frankly I think this launch is much better than PS3 launch event , and I am waiting for the days to pass to have my machine ...

enjoy the event , and do not forget , the best games never come with the launch event?


So far next gen is very disappointing. Not even better then current gen besides a wee bit better graphics. Still short single player games with weak story lacking the wow factor.


Going to be the worst launch in Sony's history. Alot of games yes, but wow factor will be the least ever. PS1 had the wow factor for 3rd dimension, PS2 was at a high point in tech and alot of fans riding high off PS1. PS3 was to HD. This is just more of the same but more power and nothing at launch even comes close to next gen.

On top of the absolutely weak games, many early users already reporting major problems and failures. Smart people wait.....


i almost wish naughty dog would do a first person shooter, just to show people how to make one and tell a story well. the last great story driven fps was episode 2 imho


Shadowfall just got Killz-Owned!!!! lololol ? ? ? ?*slowly walks back to cave


this game is like Crysis 3, beautiful to look at but pretty meh in its gameplay.


A great game like this gets a 7, also Call of Duty: Ghosts and Battlefield 4, the best games of this year, gets only a 8, and the bad indie games, with no depth at all, made with no heart and just thinking about the money, of the crazy people who buy that, gets a 9?

Being a gamer it's difficult these days.


Enemy: *holds gun in your face*

Player: *slowly grabs knife*

Enemy: *watches player slowly knife him in the foot*

what ?


I'm not mad at the score, KZ has always been my least favorite PS exclusive. Never been a fan of the controls or the slow paced gameplay.


Some are arguing about COD etc.... Many players that play at a high level have said that its bad especially the multiplayer maps right now. The issue for me will be is a good game is just that a good game. I played SMW recently for GBA and enjoyed myself. Look if this game ends up better than KZ3 based on consumer feedback then we have a winner. I know everyone has different standards for different consoles, genres and companies but a good game is just that. Plus Giant bomb seems to be doing a thorough job of reviewing because they don't even have a review up at all. It's never about being first to get a review up its about getting it right. COD on GB got a 3 star rating as opposed to the 8 from GS. We know that even if the performance is bad for dead rising 3 it will still be said to be crazy fun killing zombies and combining weapons and get a 9. Forza 9-10 easy. Ryse was already set up by McShea and should get a ?surprising 8+. KI for just being a multiplayer 6 character fighter to set precedent for the inevitable 9-10 that the multiplayer focused Titanfall will get expect a high rating. Reviews from websites have come down to positioning. Game informer gave Knack and 8+ rating believe it or not. We will all know soon enough if there is any substance to the reviews we are seeing but its good because everyone is exposing themselves early which is great for consumers. The lesson for the week from most websites is Xbox one is worth waiting for, buying and the extra money for the games that they will review highly. Like I've posted before Sessler's recent exposure is just as important as Gertsmann gate. Plus don't let anyone fool you if you have a PC there is a difference in resolution and is so easy to spot. People saying otherwise are actually lying to you.?


I find it questionable that Call of Duty Ghosts got a higher score than this game.? Very fucking questionable.? I honestly have grown tired of the FPS genre but this game looks tempting.?
Goddamn, it's Genji Days of the Blade all over again.? And I fucking loved that game.


Not gonna lie, this has me much more excited than Halo 5: sand people... and I have both consoles pre-ordered.


Man this looks gorgeous. If this is one of the first games, I can't wait to see what's coming down the road.


I've heard kevin say he loves the killzone series. Maybe he was expecting too much? kzone 3 was awesome and the gameplay looks a lot of fun. I could never really get into the multiplayer on bf3 or cod and their campaigns weren't even worth playing. I guess i'm in the minority; i didn't think bioshock infinite or metro last light were all that great either. Most games seem to be of personal taste.


Big mistake removing Jetpacks and Exo-skeleton from multiplayer. Customized Warzone matches is going to be annoying and will get boring quick, what a shame. Going with Battlefield 4 as my nex-gen launch title. By the way GameSpot, this new site reading is quirky and not user friendly.


Not surprising, but the 10 point system kinda sucks.


As I type this.. People have tents up at gamestop in line for the PS4. LOL


Killzone has always been the OTHER FPS, never the killer app Sony really wants it to be. It is too bad that it is still this even as a major launch title.

It is important to understand though that shiny new hardware does not a "new" generation make; it is up to developers to design gameplay ideas that define a new generation. We're in the "same old stuff with a nicer coat of paint" era. Hopefully games like Destiny will be the "new gen" FPS that will help define the generation and Halo/CoD clones will begin to fade away.


Hey Kevin, why was the game "admittedly" gorgeous and "admittedly" fun? It sounds as if you did not want to willingly concede to the positive aspects of the game.


IGN reviewed the game much more better!!!!


meh... still want to play it, does it have offline co-op??



The same gameplay we've had for the last ten years with a shiny new coat.

I'll be waiting for something to actually innovate and push the genre forward before I even think about a next generation console. There is literally nothing on offer so far that warrants £300. In fact, I'll just build a new rig and wait for Valve to release something.


@ sammoth ?agree , I know in my case I am not going to like Kill Zone , but in general in the last few years it seem I do not agree Game spot reviews .. maybe it is a generation issue . :)


@ Horndawgie I usually don't buy consoles at launch mainly because of the lack of titles and they usually have bugs.? I bought a PS3 around a year after it was released when it actually started to get real next gen games.


@ Chr0noid Cod is better than this POS. you people just hating on Cod because it is too good.


@ the13stuff ?... yes, because out of all the Halo games you fight sand people at any given time...


@ Mommas_b_o_y I thought Bioshock Infinite was a fresh concept for an aging franchise, but the gameplay was a little weak.? They story was great though.? Metro was fun too, but not great.? Bad Company 2 was the last BF game that I thoroughly enjoyed.? Even though Shadowfall is getting lower scores than I anticipated, I'll still have a blast.


@ xjoystix It's also a shame that you need to pay for online now.? Guess I won't be able to experience the online.? Ever.?


@ 2tonjunk Considering the initial preorders sold out in less than a week, most of those campers will be going home empty handed (unless, for some reason they're camping even though they preordered - which would be a little strange).


@ nayce54 ?I checked it out after reading your comment. Much better description of the gameplay. Kevin should take note


@ Vozlov The gameplay actually deviates significantly from past entries in the franchise.? This review doesn't touch upon that.


@ Vozlov ?from what i have seen, killzone is actually trying to do some new things to the series. giving more player choice, letting people choose how to tackle objectives and create they'er own war zones in multiplayer. at least its not like COD with the same recycled crap every year.


@benjimoola?@Chr0noid How do you know Killzone Shadow Fall is a POS?? From what I've seen of the gameplay footage, it's at least somewhat different from the last three Killzones, which is more than I can say for CoD Ghosts.


Not really a comparison. Killzone: Shadow Fall is sitting on my shelf waiting to be played while my Xbox One doesn't have a Halo. I skipped Halo 4... May play it sometime.


I don't remember that but judging from the E3 clip you ARE the sand person in Halo 5.


@ benjimoola ?ok lets just play the same game every year, what are you 12? you probably haven't played a call of duty prior to Black Ops 2


@ Chr0noid  @ benjimoola IGN also says it is a disappointing game... just like knack you have 4 enemies per scene. the game is over hyped. COD is alot better.