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Adult Theatrical Actress Wants a One-Night-Stand with Block B’s Jaehyo
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Adult Theatrical Actress Wants a One-Night-Stand with Block B’s Jaehyo


2013.10.21 16:48 CJ E&M enewsWorld Grace Danbi Hong

Becoming the person of the hour, adult theatrical actress, Lee Yoo Rin is being highlighted negatively for her remarks about Block B’s Jaehyo.

Recently on her personal blog, she wrote, “Sometimes, I think about this: I want to have a one-night-stand with Block B’s Jaehyo. Good-looking men make me happy.”

She added, “When I become famous, will I be able to meet a man like that? I’m just an unknown actress. Having a crush is my freedom. Whether I’m crushing or imagining a sexual relationship with Jaehyo, or liking a male celebrity, I’m not stalking them and just liking them in my heart.”

When her blog post spread, Lee Yoo Rin apologized on October 21.
“I apologize for expressing my feeling towards a certain celebrity and hurting the fans of that celebrity, and eventually hurting that certain fan.”

“I never knew it would become such a huge issue, since I’m just an unknown theatrical actress,” she continued. “I was just saying I liked a celebrity. I just saw this morning that it was number one on the real-time searches. It was never my intention to hurt anyone. I apologize once again.”

Lee Yoo Rin recently attracted attention after she wrote on her blog that she tried to commit suicide after her ex-boyfriend dumped her for appearing in adult plays. She also caused an issue when she suddenly began to undress her male co-star on stage during an intimate scene in a play.

Meanwhile, her upcoming adult play will begin on November 5.

Photo Credit: Lee Yoo Rin’s Blog, Jaehyo′s Twitter

Block B Jaehyo (Block B)
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