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Obama stands by promise that "you can keep your plan" - CBS News
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Stephanie Condon /

CBS News / October 30, 2013, 5:29 PM

Obama stands by promise that "you can keep your plan"

Amid reports of millions of Americans losing their insurance because of new Obamacare regulations, President Obama on Wednesday stood by his promise that those who liked their coverage before the Affordable Care Act became law could keep that coverage.

"If you had one of these substandard plans before the Affordable Care Act became law, and you liked that plan, you were able to keep it," the president said in Boston. Mr. Obama addressed the ongoing controversy over the Affordable Care Act from Faneuil Hall, where in 2006 then-Gov. Mitt Romney, R-Mass., signed the Massachusetts health law that served as a model for the federal law.

Now that the new Obamacare insurance marketplaces are opening, at least 2 million people are getting notices in the mail informing them that they can no longer keep their existing plans. Plans are being canceled if they fail to meet the health care law's 10 minimum standards, including maternity care, emergency visits, mental health treatment and even pediatric dental care.

The dropped plans seemingly violate Mr. Obama's 2009 campaign pledge that, "If you have insurance that you like, then you will be able to keep that insurance."

The president said Wednesday that the notices sent to consumers suggest that they're losing their coverage "somehow because of the Affordable Care Act." He argued, however, that consumers only lost coverage if insurers altered those policies at all after the law took effect. In that case, Mr. Obama said, insurers had to "replace them with quality, comprehensive coverage."

"Today that promise means that every plan in the marketplace covers a core set of minimum requirements," he said. Insurers "can't use allergies or pregnancy... or the fact that you're a woman to charge you more."

He advised the public, "If you're getting one of these letters, just shop around in the new marketplace -- that's what it's for."

A "fraction of Americans" with higher incomes will pay more, Mr. Obama said. But the new competition on the individual market and the tax credits the government is offering will ensure for most people that "you're going to get a better deal."

Mr. Obama said that the Affordable Care Act wasn't just designed to help the uninsured, but to also help the under-insured. Before Obamacare, many Americans on the individual market were getting "cut-rate plans that don't offer real financial protection in the event of an illness or a serious accident."

The president continued, "The worst of these plans routinely dropped thousands of Americans every single year," while those who kept their plans saw their premiums shoot up an average of 15 percent a year.

Almost all insurers currently dropping their "substandard" plans are encouraging consumers get better plans on the new marketplace, Mr. Obama said, and anyone "peddling the notion" that people are getting short-shrifted is being "grossly misleading."

Mr. Obama on Wednesday also acknowledged that -- the website that serves as the gateway to the new insurance marketplace for Americans in 36 states -- has been dysfunctional since its Oct. 1 launch.

"There's no excuse for it," the president said. "I take full responsibility for making sure it gets fixed ASAP."

The president said he's confident the site will be fixed and that ultimately the Affordable Care Act will work as envisioned.

"Massachusetts has shown that the model works," he said. Few people signed up in the first month of Massachusetts' 2007 open enrollment period, but by the end of the year, 36,000 people had signed up, the president noted.

"Pretty soon the number of young uninsured people had plummeted," he said. "When recession struck, the financial security of health care sheltered families. Today, there is nearly universal coverage in Massachusetts, and the vast majority of citizens are happy with their coverage."

Both the Massachusetts law and the Affordable Care Act, he said, "connect the progressive vision of health care for all with some ideas about market and competition that have been championed by conservatives."

In spite of his "long and spirited" 2012 campaign against Romney, Mr. Obama said, "I've always believed when he was governor here in Massachusetts he did the right thing on health care."

Romney, meanwhile, released a statement Wednesday saying he still believes the Massachusetts law was crafted to serve the unique circumstances of the state and shouldn't have been "grafted" onto the entire country.

"Beyond that, had President Obama actually learned the lessons of Massachusetts health care, millions of Americans would not lose the insurance they were promised they could keep, millions more would not see their premiums skyrocket, and the installation of the program would not have been a frustrating embarrassment," Romney said. "Health reform is best crafted by states with bipartisan support and input from its employers, as we did, without raising taxes, and by carefully phasing it in to avoid the type of disruptions we are seeing nationally."

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    Stephanie Condon is a political reporter for

653 Comments Add a Comment
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HaywoodJablomie says:
Yes, I know that it is OBAMA who has continually lied through his teeth about Obamacare, but it is the DEMOCRATS who rammed it down our throats. EIGHTY-PERCENT of Americans opposed it and Republicans were listening - not a single Republican voted for this utter disaster. The DEMOCRATS OWN IT, lock, stock, and barrel!

Obama won't be running again. Republicans need to start blaming DEMOCRATS for saddling America with this disaster, and not just Obama. They need to identify the Democrats who supported it and use it against them in 2014.

The Republicans need to start thinking about winning elections and not just about exposing Obama's lies.
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whaas2 says:
Because the ACA violates a number of the promises that the President has made, the President needs to ask congress to repeal the ACA immeciately.
wstcstmsgr replies:
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It does not violate any promises. You have no evidence of that.
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turnkit says:
You lie!
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DemsLow says:
Obama Lied! Plain and simple.
wstcstmsgr replies:
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No, he did not, he's been a very straight shooter all along.
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Not-Lobamatomized2 says:
The incompetent-in-chief proves himself to be quite pathological liar.

The arrogant-in-chief appointed himself to be the decider, your choice and opinion doesn't matter to him.

The clueless-in-chief with a 42% approval rating needs to get with reality, his legacy shouldn't be the reason for him to continue scr*wing the American people.
wstcstmsgr replies:
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And you did not have any beliefs like this before you knew anything about the man, right? I think you did.
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toro_1963 says:
Ha ha ha! He says: "When tragedy strikes and folks can't pay their medical bills, everybody else picks up the tab". Now, thanks to his ACA: "When a COLD strikes EVEN IF they can PAY the bill, EVERYBODY ELSE WILL (or we fine you or send you to jail) pick up the tab". How is that not Anti-American?
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toro_1963 says:
The ACA PROVES that it is government intervention that causes hardship to the private industry insurance market.
wstcstmsgr replies:
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Oh, that poor, poor private industry insurance market. They should be at the top of the list for welfare support, right?
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Smaugster says:
Those darn Demoncrats! It's just like shooting fish in a barrel for them.
This whole charade is for them to cash in on exploitative and needless overcharges. You pay for a certain coverage, but when you need to use it, it suddenly is changed to benefit those who own stock in the companies you have to deal with. Oboyama, you are a liar and a cheat! And a thief.
pasmalltown replies:
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Before making such a blanket statement about the Democrats owning stock in insurance companies and the benefits they'll reap, you should realize that when insurance companies think of profit margins they measure politics in terms of where can I get the most bang for my buck..... They fully understand that money talks, BS walks AND they don't care which side of the aisle it comes from.
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DBQman says:
Barry said repeatedly over the last three+ years "If you like your plan, you'll be able to keep your plan. Period." He said it with the emphatic "Period" at the end! How much more lying can America take from it's President?
nacrosslady replies:
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He wasn't lying - he just wasn't telling the truth.
wstcstmsgr replies:
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No lies, my friend. You were opposed to this from the get-go, because you are black hearted do not want to help poor people get insurance or healthcare.
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nacrosslady says:
CNN reports it was Senate Democrats who killed off the choice for Americans to keep their existing plans:

"Senate Democrats voted unanimously three years ago to support the Obamacare rule that is largely responsible for some of the health insurance cancellation letters that are going out.

In September 2010, Senate Republicans brought a resolution to the floor to block implementation of the grandfather rule, warning that it would result in canceled policies and violate President Barack Obama's promise that people could keep their insurance if they liked it."

Since Barack Obama is the head of the Democratic Party it is insulting to believe he had no knowledge of this nor did anything to prevent it.
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