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About Us, the U.S. Census Bureau, What are RSS Feeds?
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What are RSS Feeds?

The Census Bureau syndicates some of the content on our web site through RSS feeds. "RSS" stands for Really Simple Syndication, or, Rich Site Summary. It is a document format for publishing news and other timely information. RSS feeds allow you to easily keep track of content that may be updated frequently.

The feeds provide headlines, link back to the source document, and provide brief description information. To receive RSS feeds, you must use a program called a news reader/aggregator. These applications allow the display of RSS headlines on computer desktops. The news reader checks the feed for any recent changes. A number of free or shareware RSS news readers are available on the web for downloading. The Open Directory Project Link to a non-federal Web site has numerous links to RSS readers. You can also search for "RSS Reader" in your favorite web search tool. Some web browsers include news readers in their functionality. Once you have a news reader, subscribe to feeds by adding the ones you want to read to your news reader. Census Bureau feeds currently use the RSS 2.0 format (see the RSS 2.0 specification Link to a non-federal Web site)

To subscribe to a feed, follow the particular instructions of your news reader. The links on the feed page are coded for news reader software and will not appear like a normal web page in your web browser (see all Census Bureau RSS Feeds )This link to a non-federal Web site does not imply endorsement of any particular product, company, or content.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Application Services Division) | Last Revised: January 11, 2012