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Births - Census Bureau
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U.S. Department of Commerce


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The U.S. Census Bureau is not the primary source for data on births.

The primary source is the NATIONAL CENTER FOR HEALTH STATISTICS (NCHS) . Link to a non-federal Web site NCHS can provide information on number of births, percent unmarried mothers, and more.

Contact NCHS: 1-800-232-4636 or

Related Sites


For a current socioeconomic profile of women who have had a birth, visit the Fertility web site.

Population Estimates | Population Projections

The U.S. Census Bureau uses birth data from NCHS and from state departments of vital statistics in our population estimates and projections programs. The data presented in these products have been modified by our estimates and projections procedures and therefore will differ from the annual births released in NCHS products.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Births |  Last Revised: August 21, 2012