
Joel Achenbach

Forget raw talent; what we need are some grinders

Face it, the Nats are just average


Joel Achenbach

Thar's gold in them colliding stars

Astronomers say gold comes from rare neutron star smash-ups


Joel Achenbach

Dueling realities and cultural cognition

What the Zimmerman trial tells us about America



Jonathan Capehart

An evening with Edie Windsor and Roberta Kaplan

One suffered an injustice and decided to take on the federal government. The other decided to help her right that wrong -- and they won.


Jonathan Capehart

President Obama speaks up for Trayvon Martin

To have a president who looks like me and has lived the same experience I have and to say so before the nation was as overwhelming as it was historic.


Jonathan Capehart

Eric Holder aims at stand your ground laws

The attorney general is smart to shift focus from the Zimmerman trial to the absurd laws behind it.


Jackson Diehl

Jackson Diehl

Abandoning democracy

Egypt’s young liberals, disenchanted with the result of their revolution, turn to their former oppressors for help.

Jackson Diehl

Jackson Diehl

Egypt’s misguided coup

Other options were far better.

Jackson Diehl

Jackson Diehl

Failing universities

Schools sacrifice values in authoritarian states.


Petula Dvorak

Petula Dvorak

Rumbling tummies

Women make hearty lunches to help stifle hunger among the region’s children.

Petula Dvorak

Petula Dvorak

Don’t bet against the box

Gray should veto the living wage bill becase D.C. needs Wal-Mart more than Wal-Mart needs D.C.

Local Blog

Petula Dvorak

Zimmerman is the face of legal gun ownership gone terribly wrong

If Trayvon Martin hadn’t been black, he might still be alive today.


Fred Hiatt

Fred Hiatt

Obama’s silence

U.S. ignores Putin’s human rights crackdown.

Fred Hiatt

Fred Hiatt

Metro’s slow ride

Officials want to do better, but that’s not enough.

Fred Hiatt

Fred Hiatt

A liberal case for reform

Progressives need to tame entitlements.


Robert Kagan

Robert Kagan

Out of a rut in Egypt

Obama must act — and act quickly.

Robert Kagan

Robert Kagan

How open our borders?

Immigration reform can prove U.S. strength.

Robert Kagan and Michele Dunne

Reforming Egypt

The U.S. can start by refusing to coddle President Morsi.


Anne Applebaum

Anne Applebaum

Anton Antonov-Ovseyenko, survivor of Stalin’s gulag, dies at 93

A chronicler and victim of Stalinism, he called the epoch the “vilest and bloodiest kind of evildoing.”

Anne Applebaum

Anne Applebaum

The protest is only the beginning

It’s okay to be disgusted with your politicians — but better if you’re willing to become one yourself.

Anne Applebaum

Anne Applebaum

The Cold War returns

Edward Snowden deepens U.S.-Russia chill.


Richard Cohen

Richard Cohen

Black-and-white reality

Recognizing urban crime isn’t racism.

  • Cohen

Richard Cohen

Richard Cohen

The last thing Egypt needs

America’s insistence that others mimic our democracy is patronizing.


Richard Cohen

What Eliot Spitzer learned from Anthony Weiner

Name recognition, apparently, is better than a stellar reputation and the proclivity to be photographed with your clothes on.


E.J. Dionne Jr.

E.J. Dionne Jr.

Making things better

President Obama and Cory Booker both responded to the Zimmerman verdict with a similar goal in mind.

E.J. Dionne Jr.

E.J. Dionne Jr.

Confronting the GOP’s bullying

The Senate’s agreement to end filibusters of presidential nominees is a very big deal.

E.J. Dionne Jr.

E.J. Dionne Jr.

The gender revolution

Clinton could have some female rivals in 2016.


Michael Gerson

Michael Gerson

Rand Paul’s spectacular fall

His defense of an aide with Neo-Confederate views shows his ideology’s limits.

Michael Gerson

Michael Gerson

Israel worried and wary

U.S. passivity concerns many leaders.

Michael Gerson

Michael Gerson

A peace process on hold

Most Israelis and Palestinians want a two-state solution, but the devil remains in the details.


David Ignatius

David Ignatius

Egyptians’ great wait

When a good idea gets trapped in Washington.


David Ignatius

Obama makes the 'unsayable' accessible

In talking about Trayvon Martin, the president embodied the kind of grace that is well-restrained passion.

David Ignatius

David Ignatius

The U.S. abandons Syria

Once again, Washington leads on a foreign opposition.


Colbert I. King

Colbert I. King

Follow the money

Questions surround two D.C. council members’ payments to businesses.

Colbert I. King

Colbert I. King

The straw-donor menace

Foot soldiers in the war on clean elections.

Colbert I. King

Colbert I. King

Equal-opportunity corruption

Accused public officials in the D.C. area and elsewhere transcend racial and party boundaries.


Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer

A touch of sanity

Obama’s wise words after the George Zimmerman verdict.

Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer

A modest GOP agenda for 2013

Reform the tax code, secure the border and demand clarity on Afghanistan.

Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer

Obama’s global-warming folly

Declaring war on climate change amounts to economic suicide.


Ruth Marcus

Ruth Marcus

Edward Snowden is no hero

Unlike others who broke the law on principle, he lacked the courage to suffer the consequences.

Ruth Marcus

Ruth Marcus

Justice unserved

But George Zimmerman remains morally culpable.

Ruth Marcus

Ruth Marcus

A governor unfit for his office

The evidence mounts against Virginia’s Bob McDonnell.


Harold Meyerson

Harold Meyerson

Saying no to Wal-Mart

By voting for a $12.50 per hour minimum wage, the D.C. Council took a stand that others should emulate.

Harold Meyerson

Harold Meyerson

The dying American job

The economy is hurting the stability of full-time work.

Harold Meyerson

Harold Meyerson

America’s growing inequality

As social equality increases, income equality continues to decline.


Matt Miller

Matt Miller

The day after

Is this all you get for ‘going nuclear’?

Matt Miller

Matt Miller

The GOP’s Orwellian talk

Republicans need to get serious about health care.

Matt Miller

Matt Miller

Mark Carney’s example

The U.S. could use some foreign talent.


Kathleen Parker

Kathleen Parker

Unequal sinners

The double standard on gender and sex scandals.

Kathleen Parker

Kathleen Parker

The road to bedlam

Some enablers — like MSNBC’s Al Sharpton — are exploiting reactions to the Zimmerman verdict.

Kathleen Parker

Kathleen Parker

The GOP’s principled suicide

What Republicans are selling appeals to an ever-diminishing market.



Alexandra Petri

Take that, Anne Boleyn!

It's a boy!


Alexandra Petri

Royal Baby facts

All your questions answered!


Alexandra Petri

President Obama and unproductive discussions

We've had enough of those. How do you move forward?


Right Turn

Jennifer Rubin

Rand Paul: Scarier than ever

Rand Paul cuts loose the Southern Avenger and lets loose a string of untruths in a speech to veterans.

Right Turn

Jennifer Rubin

Obama is at it again

President Obama has one response to economic stagnation and political failure -- campaign.

Right Turn

Jennifer Rubin

Iran is playing us -- still

Iran has learned to manipulate the West while we have failed to act decisively against the mullahs.


The Plum Line

Greg Sargent

McCain to Republicans: Forget about any more crazy debt ceiling hostage taking

Still more signs of optimism that a bloc of Senate Republicans is breaking with the GOP leadership's hostility to basic governing.

The Plum Line

Greg Sargent

Yes, Obama should `pivot' to jobs

The President's upcoming series of speeches on the economy is all about setting the stage for the coming "austerity" battles over the debt ceiling and the budget.

The Plum Line

Greg Sargent

Republicans' dilemma: How aggressively should they sabotage Obamacare?

How will GOP lawmakers respond when their own constituents ask their help in navigating the new health law?


Marc A. Thiessen

Marc A. Thiessen

The revolving door

The Virginia governor should have used it.

Marc A. Thiessen

Marc A. Thiessen

You call this torture?

Kids can handle feeding tubes.So can terrorists.

Marc A. Thiessen

Marc A. Thiessen

Failing Egypt — again

Obama stays on the wrong side of the struggle.


George F. Will

George F. Will

Know thyself, America

Why we need the American Community Survey.

George F. Will

George F. Will

Egypt’s preferable tyranny

Military despotism may prove less dangerous than was the Islamist government of Mohamed Morsi.

George F. Will

George F. Will

The never-mind presidency

Delay of health-care employer mandate suggests a similar fate for immigration reform.


Charles Lane

Charles Lane

The U.S. is no East Germany

The NSA’s program, far from creating a ‘surveillance state,’ is a reasonable trade-off between liberty and security.

Charles Lane

Charles Lane

Detroit’s tragedy

Bad governance has made a difficult situation even worse.

Charles Lane

Charles Lane

Abolish food stamps (with a catch)

Use the money saved to beef up the rest of the social safety net.


Robert McCartney

Robert McCartney

For most part, McAuliffe looks gubernatorial in first debate

COLUMN | Virginia’s Democratic candidate shows gravitas overall in debate, but misstatements mar effort.

Robert McCartney

Robert McCartney

Firings could aid Metro

Red signal violations, disabled intercoms prompt call for pink slips at transit agency.

Robert McCartney

Robert McCartney

McDonnell’s defenders can’t blame gifts scandal on his wife anymore

COLUMN | Virginia governor’s acceptance of gifts, loans is unprecedented betrayal of public trust.


Dana Milbank

Dana Milbank

A saner GOP?

Liz Cheney’s candidacy gives me hope.

Dana Milbank

Dana Milbank

Testing the meaning of insanity

Republicans try yet again to roll back Obamacare.

Dana Milbank

Dana Milbank

The GOP’s food stamp clunker

In trying to appeal to conservatives, Republicans are alienating the electorate.


Courtland Milloy

Courtland Milloy

After verdict in Trayvon Martin case, where do we go from here?

The acquittal of George Zimmerman in Trayvon Martin’s death conjures memories of the Rodney King case.

Courtland Milloy

Courtland Milloy

Bright spots for students

At 10 D.C. schools, new ninth-graders will be segregated from those forced to repeat the grade.

Courtland Milloy

Courtland Milloy

Obama administration delivers ‘nasty surprise’ to black students

By bureaucratic fiat, the Obama administration has disproportionately denied loans to black families.


Steven Pearlstein

Steven Pearlstein

Wall Street: How a hedge fund went down

In “Hedge Hogs,” Barbara T. Dreyfuss recounts the collapse of the biggest hedge fund, Amaranth Advisors.

Steven Pearlstein

Steven Pearlstein

Meet Dylan, the day trader

Dylan Collins makes more money in a day than some have in their 401(k), but can he make a career of it?

Steven Pearlstein

Steven Pearlstein

Is capitalism moral?

The free market vs. the welfare state.


Eugene Robinson

Eugene Robinson

Obama should stay quiet on race

Speaking his mind would be counterproductive.

Eugene Robinson

Eugene Robinson

Eugene Robinson Live

Live chat with Eugene Robinson about his latest columns and political news.

Eugene Robinson

Eugene Robinson

Eugene Robinson Live

Eugene Robinson discussed his latest columns and political news.


Robert J. Samuelson

Robert J. Samuelson

Once burned, twice shy

For most, America’s economy is doing fine. But getting the confidence back won’t be so easy.

Robert J. Samuelson

Robert J. Samuelson

More high-tech angst

Is the age of automation killing jobs?

Robert J. Samuelson

Robert J. Samuelson

Does high tech hurt jobs?

Companies might choose technology over workers.


Stephen Stromberg

Is that the sound of Congress . . . working?

President Obama led on student loans. Maybe he should do that sort of thing more often.


Stephen Stromberg

The truth about the student loan rate increase

It is not a disaster, despite what you've heard from Washington.


Stephen Stromberg

We need more than a a short-term fix for climate change

There is a limit to how much "no net economic cost" policies can achieve.


Katrina vanden Heuvel

Katrina vanden Heuvel

The appalling GOP

House Republicans are in need of common sense.

Katrina vanden Heuvel

Katrina vanden Heuvel

The jobs crisis

We can fight back, but do we have the will?

Katrina vanden Heuvel

Katrina vanden Heuvel

Lift the Cuban embargo

It’s time to end a policy that isolates the U.S.


Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Zakaria

China’s biggest test

Can the country fix its slowing economy?

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Zakaria

Egypt’s lost opportunity

Mohamed Morsi was a victim of both history and his own incompetence.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Zakaria

A contradictory superpower

Syria is the latest example of Washington responding fitfully to a crisis.
