Domestic workers want action from new labor chief

Domestic workers want action from new labor chief

The workers are calling on the newly-confirmed labor secretary to extend workplace protections to in-home caregivers.

New civil rights chief will be pressed to charge Zimmerman

New civil rights chief  will be pressed to charge Zimmerman

Demands for federal charges fall to new acting civil rights chief.

How the Trayvon Martin case reveals our two political Americas

How the Trayvon Martin case reveals our two political Americas

How do you feel about the Zimmerman verdict? Your party affiliation probably can tell us.

Bob Dole turns 90 today. Read this.

Bob Dole turns 90 today. Read this.

Richard Ben Cramer on the Kansas Republican

Viking costumes at NASA?

Viking costumes at NASA?

Sen. Chuck Grassley wants to know if a photo shoot with NASA employees in costume used taxpayer money.

TSA opens pre-screening to general public

TSA opens pre-screening to general public

Expanding the program will allow more passengers to walk through airport security without removing laptops, shoes, belts and light outerwear.

Is Obamacare reducing full-time employment?

Is Obamacare reducing full-time employment?

Critics say the law is pushing employers to hire part-time workers. The White House disputes that.


Making things better

Making things better

President Obama and Cory Booker both responded to the Zimmerman verdict with a similar goal in mind.


If not Hillary Clinton in 2016, then who?

There is an impressive bench of Democratic women who could run should Clinton opt out.

The full Obama speech on Trayvon Martin and race in America (VIDEO)

The full Obama speech on Trayvon Martin and race in America (VIDEO)

The President spoke for almost 20 minutes in personal terms about race in America


Obama, from Rev. Wright to Trayvon Martin

Obama, from Rev. Wright to Trayvon Martin

The president’s powerful words on race Friday were more personal than his speech after 2008 furor.


Unequal sinners

Unequal sinners

The double standard on gender and sex scandals.

Economic issues are women's issues

Economic issues are women's issues

Basic pocketbook issues are so seldom seen as high on the list of feminist concerns that some of the female journalists invited to a briefing were puzzled.


Whatever happened to urban policy?

Whatever happened to urban policy?

The city’s bankruptcy filing was a vivid reminder of how the problems of America’s cities have long ceased to be a focal point of our political debate.

Obama's remarkably personal speech on race in America

Obama's remarkably personal speech on race in America

For the first time in his presidency, Obama spoke from the heart on race.

If not Hillary, then who? Maybe another woman.

If not Hillary, then who? Maybe another woman.

The Democratic presidential bench is packed with promising female candidates.

Loop contest: When will Holder resign?

Loop contest: When will Holder resign?

Get those entries in predicting when the Attorney General will quit the administration.

Obama renominates Broas to Netherlands post

Obama renominates Broas to Netherlands post

Washington attorney’s nomination a year ago was withdrawn after speeding, drunk-driving arrest.

Will 'stand your ground' laws be repealed? Don't count on it.

Will 'stand your ground' laws be repealed? Don't count on it.

Four reasons why "stand your ground" laws won't be reversed.


A saner GOP?

A saner GOP?

Liz Cheney’s candidacy gives me hope.

A Taliban-style ‘apology’ to Malala

A Taliban-style ‘apology’ to Malala

The Taliban explain their vile attempted assassination of a 16-year-old Pakistani schoolgirl

Colbert presses Spitzer on his lack of 'self-comptrol' (Video)

Colbert presses Spitzer on his lack of 'self-comptrol' (Video)

Eliot Spitzer subjected himself to the Colbert treatment on Thursday, and Stephen Colbert came loaded for bear.

Iowa, meet Ted Cruz. Ted Cruz, Iowa.

Iowa, meet Ted Cruz. Ted Cruz, Iowa.

They say you don't get a second chance to make a first impression.

IRS inspector general Russell George was a Democrat

IRS inspector general Russell George was a Democrat

George told a congressional panel that he worked the 1980 Democratic National Convention and helped found the Howard University College Democrats.

Obama’s $3.4 billion claim

Obama’s $3.4 billion claim

President says Americans have saved $3.4 billion in health-care premiums in 2012. What do data say?

At House hearing, Treasury official defends IRS audit

At House hearing, Treasury official defends IRS audit

Inspector general says he lacked key documents when preparing report on agency’s methods.


‘Special’ assistant U.S. attorneys work for free

The Justice Department’s practice of using unpaid attorneys has led to complaints among professionals.


Rand Paul’s spectacular fall

Rand Paul’s spectacular fall

His defense of an aide with Neo-Confederate views shows his ideology’s limits.


A touch of sanity

A touch of sanity

Obama’s wise words after the George Zimmerman verdict.


Obama should stay quiet on race

Obama should stay quiet on race

Speaking his mind would be counterproductive.