Super PACs, other groups party like it’s 2016

(Matt Rourke / AP)

Well-funded political organizations are already starting to launch the next campaign for the White House — long before any candidates announce their presidential bids.

Latest Politics News

Federal judge blocks N. Dakota’s most-restrictive abortion law

Federal judge blocks N. Dakota’s most-restrictive abortion law

New state law set “viability” as the point at which a fetal heartbeat is detectable, about six weeks.

Domestic workers want action from new labor chief

Domestic workers want action from new labor chief

The workers are calling on the newly-confirmed labor secretary to extend workplace protections to in-home caregivers.

New civil rights chief will be pressed to charge Zimmerman

New civil rights chief  will be pressed to charge Zimmerman

Demands for federal charges fall to new acting civil rights chief.

Zimmerman helps pull family from wrecked SUV, authorities say

Zimmerman helps pull family from wrecked SUV, authorities say

Sheriff’s office says Zimmerman and another man helped rescue family after accident near Sanford.

Unions rally federal employees to appeal furlough

Unions rally federal employees      to appeal furlough

The little-known Merit Systems Protection Board is flooded with appeals from federal workers.

How the Trayvon Martin case reveals our two political Americas

How the Trayvon Martin case reveals our two political Americas

How do you feel about the Zimmerman verdict? Your party affiliation probably can tell us.

When I work with black teens in trouble, why should they open up to the clueless white lady?

When I work with black teens in trouble, why should they open up to the clueless white lady?

Reading the newspaper for me has become a strange form of vigilance: I search for names, hoping not to find them.

Bob Dole turns 90 today. Read this.

Bob Dole turns 90 today. Read this.

Richard Ben Cramer on the Kansas Republican

To hear the Obamas discuss race, listen to them when they're in Chicago

To hear the Obamas discuss race, listen to them when they're in Chicago

The president and the First Lady are most comfortable discussing race when back in Chicago.

To can or not to can?

To can or not to can?

How can young women be both ambitious and want to stay home and cook, can, knit and homeschool?

86 percent of blacks disagree with Zimmerman verdict

86 percent of blacks disagree with Zimmerman verdict

African Americans recoil at verdict in state trial, while 51 percent of whites approve of verdict

Viking costumes at NASA?

Viking costumes at NASA?

Sen. Chuck Grassley wants to know if a photo shoot with NASA employees in costume used taxpayer money.

In conversations on race, everyone has to listen

In conversations on race, everyone has to listen

Some may put their fingers in their ears and hum loudly, ignoring the experiences of Americans that don't fit a triumphal narrative.

Where things stand on Congress' July to-do list

Where things stand on Congress' July to-do list

Halfway through the month, a quick review of where things stand also serves as a preview of what to expect this week on Capitol Hill.

Rep. Steve Cohen explains tweet about being black

Rep. Steve Cohen explains tweet about being black

"I said it's just been hell," Cohen said. "He goes: 'Man, you're black.' And I took it as a compliment."

TSA opens pre-screening to general public

TSA opens pre-screening to general public

Expanding the program will allow more passengers to walk through airport security without removing laptops, shoes, belts and light outerwear.

Is Obamacare reducing full-time employment?

Is Obamacare reducing full-time employment?

Critics say the law is pushing employers to hire part-time workers. The White House disputes that.


Everyone’s a critic of the Supreme Court — especially its members

Losing justices blast the majority; study shows dissenters are more likely to use strong language

Medicare accelerates plan for doctors’ pay

Part of the program, which will reward doctors based on their patient care, will be rolled out by 2015.

Obama seeks to put economy, middle class back in spotlight

Obama seeks to put economy, middle class back in spotlight

The president plans a series of speeches to shape the debate before the fall’s budget battles.


If not Hillary Clinton in 2016, then who?

There is an impressive bench of Democratic women who could run should Clinton opt out.

The full Obama speech on Trayvon Martin and race in America (VIDEO)

The full Obama speech on Trayvon Martin and race in America (VIDEO)

The President spoke for almost 20 minutes in personal terms about race in America

Helen Thomas did so much right, is tombstoned for one wrong

Helen Thomas did so much right, is tombstoned for one wrong

Do disgraced women not fight back because they gave at the "toughness" office? Or because they look down on smarmy shamelessness?

Obama speaks out first as a black American

Obama speaks out first as a black American

With his words about the Trayvon Martin case, President Obama addressed the nation in a new voice.

Opposing views before Obama's remarks on race, a round of applause after

Opposing views before Obama's remarks on race, a round of applause after

Janet Langhart Cohen urged Obama to speak out on race after the Zimmerman verdict. Eugene Robinson said the president was "the worst person" to lead the discussion.

What Helen Thomas taught us

What Helen Thomas taught us

In her later years, Thomas felt freer to unleash her political biases, and that became the sad coda to her career. But what should endure is what she taught us earlier, which is that reporters exist to disrupt the peace.

Protesters call for ‘justice’ for Martin

Protesters call for ‘justice’ for Martin

After the Florida jury’s verdict, critics are seeking a federal probe and changes in “stand your ground” laws.

'Let them Wear Towels': Pioneering female sportswriters with lessons for all of us

'Let them Wear Towels': Pioneering female sportswriters with lessons for all of us

To say they were unwelcome doesn't begin to capture the hostility they encountered. The ESPN documentary will be rebroadcast on ESPN2 Saturday at noon, Sunday at 5 a.m. and Wednesday at 10 p.m. EST.

Obama: ‘Trayvon Martin could have been me’

Obama: ‘Trayvon Martin could have been me’

The president asked Americans to “do some soul searching” following the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, speaking introspectively about the nation’s painful history of race and his own place in it.

House GOP passes education bill to reverse No Child Left Behind

House GOP passes education bill to reverse No Child Left Behind

Democrats say the bill would bill would devastate poor and disabled children.