Emi Kolawole
Emi Kolawole

Emi Kolawole arrived at the Post in 2010, starting as a producer for PostPolitics where she wrote occasionally for blogs on politics, policy and technology. She graduated from Wellesley College in 2004 and holds a Master’s degree from American University in producing for film and video. Emi was named one of the World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers in 2011 and attended the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos in 2012. She was named among The Grio 100 in 2013. She is currently the editor of Innovations and co-host of the Post’s daily news program “59 Seconds.”

Latest by Emi Kolawole

If you don't want it, you don't get it: Guardian lets users turn off Royal baby news

If you don't want it, you don't get it: Guardian lets users turn off Royal baby news

The publication The Guardian lets viewers hide news of the royal baby and news of the Batman/Superman movie in the making.

Rockets retrieved from Atlantic were used for Apollo 11 mission

Rockets retrieved from Atlantic were used for Apollo 11 mission

A team led by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has confirmed that the engines helped put humans on the moon.

Bezos Expeditions retrieves and identifies Apollo 11 engine #5, NASA confirms identity

Bezos Expeditions retrieves and identifies Apollo 11 engine #5, NASA confirms identity

A conservationist has managed to surface the identification markings on one of the five engines.

Say 'space cheese!'

Say 'space cheese!'

Here are five stories we're following today, including the Cassini photograph this evening.