182 thoughts on “ Taxes on some wealthy French top 100 pct of income: paper

  1. @TheNewWorld, My comment was meant for those that were referring to Obama as a king or dictator or something like that. Or those saying this(100% taxation, which of course this article doesn’t go into details on, and one poster pointed out how small the % is) is something Obama and the progressives want, which is totally not true. Only thing Obama wants to do is go back to something like Clinton Era taxation levels. Or my fav from this thread, the guy wanting to put Obama, Pelosi and Reid in the guillotine, basically a death threat against the POTUS.

    These are the people that really poison the political discourse, and the sad thing is a large number of their elected representatives think the same thing, or at least the same type of rhetoric.

  2. Try teaching. They take 50% of an already small paycheck. Then with the paltry healthcare we get, France has nothing on us.

  3. Try teaching. They take 50% of an already small paycheck. Then with the paltry healthcare we get, France has nothing on us.

  4. That is just sick. I’m a registered Democrat, but this is beyond sickening. My heart goes out to the honest, successful business people of France.

  5. Since when is 2/3 of one’s income not confiscatory? It is theft pure and simple and utterly immoral.

  6. Many here wonder how these actions are going to stimulate the French economy. It’s not. You guys should what this process means. This is 300 super-rich families that run the world wiping out wealth of everyone underneath. Why? To eliminate competition and to CONTROL. Spent a bit of your precious time and analyze what happened in Russia in 1917. The Bolsheviks who took control wiped out all farmers and all wealth. They have thrown the country in the havoc of poverty, famine and despair. What is going on now is the same process, but on a global scale. Either live with it or resist.

  7. The goal of socialism which becomes its eventual demise. And we’ll be heading the same way soon!

  8. esq – Yeah, that’s why US income taxes are at historic lows–because Obama is out to take all your money.
    How can people make such blatantly uninformed comments?

  9. In the future these countries like France will be left without workers as the business people and wealthy take their businesses and flee to where they are welcome. However, I suspect that they’ll still have a lot of people dependent upon welfare. Unfortunately when you’re already taxing people at 100% of income then there is no way you can get anymore revenue. Upon reaching this ceiling then you have to start looking at invading other countries to loot their wealth. Good luck France, you’re going to need it!

  10. David_SD – I’m going to guess you don’t do you own taxes, as you’ve apparently never heard of the very useful notions of “adjusted income”, “graduated rates” or “deductions”. The good news is that the gubmit isn’t actually taking 55 percent of your income.

  11. USAPragmatist – Of course the people making those comments are poisoning the discourse. Such comments are so absurd, and show such disregard for facts and reality, I have to wonder if that’s not precisely their goal.

  12. @USAPragmatist

    “My comment was meant for those that were referring to Obama as a king or dictator or something like that. Or those saying this(100% taxation, which of course this article doesn’t go into details on, and one poster pointed out how small the % is) is something Obama and the progressives want, which is totally not true. Only thing Obama wants to do is go back to something like Clinton Era taxation levels. Or my fav from this thread, the guy wanting to put Obama, Pelosi and Reid in the guillotine, basically a death threat against the POTUS.

    These are the people that really poison the political discourse, and the sad thing is a large number of their elected representatives think the same thing, or at least the same type of rhetoric.”

    I agree. It is pointless babbling that makes them look stupid. We can thank the Glenn Beck’s, Sean Hannities, and Rush Limbaughs on the right for promoting such inflamatory communications.

  13. It is called Slavery. People will soon recognize that is what we all are. Slaves and biological experiments for a few.

  14. It is called Slavery. People will soon recognize that is what we all are. Slaves and biological experiments for a few.

  15. This would mean that people that make over $1M would have to pay their entire salary PLUS 10%! Why on earth would any person or company continue to earn any money at all in that country or any country that was that punitive??? That would be the year to retire. Screw it. According to my daughter’s liberal brother in law and his significant other people that are making any kind of high salary should be paying minimum of 90%. That’s just the sign of a really really stupid person. One that can’t think past the length of his arm. He’s a wanna be musician which will probably be lucky to earn more than $100 per week and will live off his significant other and the government hand outs.

  16. I’m sorry, but I’ve lived overseas for years. From what I thought I knew, Obama inherited the financial problems of the Republicans and prevented a 1929-like crash in the States. Back in the anti-Vietnam demonstrations, my generation was against the military-industrial complex that has survived and joined forces with the medical-exploitation group. Why is it that most medical procedures, such as my $5,000 cataract eye surgery in one country (even less in others) costs, with insurance, $20,000 in the States? Don’t people understand money, like themselves, have a history? Problems don’t just suddenly appear. Europe has its socialism problem and the USA has its military-medical-industrial group. They are not the same enemies. To equate them as such is to inflame passions to inhibit intellect, a common and successful feat of the financial elite leading the blinded sheep masses.

  17. If you want to get rid of something, tax it. The French are mow learning this lesion as wealthy people migrate to Belgium.

  18. Most countries have a taxation system that is considered unfair by many. This is not any different. In the USA most wealthy people pay little taxes unless forced to. France shall figure this out. Best to keep the citizens at home paying a fair share than to have them leave. A lot of wealthy athletes, to include tennis players, make their home in Monaco so they avoid paying a higher share of income taxes they pay already.

  19. The smart French will become citizens of of non-Marxist countries as soon as possible.

  20. well, don’t let our marxist president see this, we don’t need to give him anymore Stalin ideas than he already has forced down our throats.

  21. Look it costs alot of money to retire at 35. And then there are the welfare payments to the immigrants.Pay your damned fair share and shut-up

  22. I guess that means France is technically a Communist state now. All that is left is to suspend elections and tell factories what and how much to make.

    Also, taxing companies is the same as taxing people. It is axiomatic that the customer always pays. General Honore was correct, “You can’t fix stupid.”

  23. Don’t pay it! Make them try to take it! They only have power if you give it to them. Stop paying for tyrannical government who sells out their own people!

  24. they’re fools… typical socialists… cause and effect are not a bellwether of their liberal tenets… “As a dog returneth to his vomit; so does a fool returneth to his folly.”

  25. Sounds like they need to update le Declaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen.

  26. Ayn Rand, anyone?

    When your citizens start renouncing their citizenship for a Russian one, you know things are bad.

  27. Not a surprise (yawn), I was taxed out of business during the last socialist government’s 4 year power trip in Hungary. Though in all fairness to the Hungarians, they never once enacted something as preposterous (absurd, ridiculous) as the French have. Also not a surprise that French and German entrepreneurs are starting or moving their new businesses here to the States. Why? Because, just like the high cost of paying taxes, it’s very expensive and very bureaucratic (lawyers, courts) to start a company in Europe. Sadly, it’s only gotten worse there.

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