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Last updated: January 02, 2013

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Thought for the day 2 January 2013

Hi Jonathan,
You recently said that Jesus wasn't a Capricorn. As a Capricorn myself, I am curious. What trait would disqualify him from being a spiritual leader? Anthony

Dear Anthony,

Your letter teaches me that I can be easily misunderstood and should choose my words more carefully. I was only saying that December 25 is just a date chosen by the church, not an actual anniversary. Nothing 'disqualifies' a Capricorn from such a destiny. One of the first things we learn at astrology school is that great saints (and indeed great sinners) are born under each and every sign.

You can listen to a recording of my new-year interview with Jeni Barnett on BBC London here

You really must see your free JAnuary Video Forecast. Plus get your '2013 Love-life Video Forecast - all free, by joining the free trial of the 5 Star Service here!

Jonathan Cainer

Jan 21 - Feb 19


It's funny how we can end up dragging our heels, even though there is no ball and chain attached to them. Or walking with a stoop, even though there is no millstone around our neck. Sometimes, we let our fears get the better of us. We exaggerate them in our imagination. Then that belief becomes a reality. Early in this new year, changing events will free you from an inhibition that you did not ever realise you were suffering from. You need no longer fear an undesirable possibility. The freedom of reassurance awaits. Now 2013 is here, let me tell you what's going to happen and what it means for you. Get your 2013 Guide to the Future, with a 20% discount, here! (Offer continued until Jan 10th)


Feb 20 - Mar 20


Sometimes, we hesitate to use our intelligence. Rather than be clever or smart, we just do what everyone else does. It is as if we have a switch in our mind. IQ on/IQ off. Maybe that's appropriate. Maybe there are times when if we think too long and hard, we complicate simple subjects. But right now, the secret of a Happy New Year for you involves applying brain power. See the key theme of your resolution as a puzzle to solve. There's a way to get what you want most in 2013. You just have to be inventive! Now 2013 is here, let me tell you what's going to happen and what it means for you. Get your 2013 Guide to the Future, with a 20% discount, here! (Offer continued until Jan 10th)


Mar 21 - Apr 20


When we feel bad and we want to feel better, there are several things we can do. Sadly, some of these are not very wise. We can, for example, spend money we don't have, or eat food that isn't good for us, or take potions that pick us up promptly, only to put us down just as fast. When the things that are supposed to be helping us, turn out to make matters worse instead, we do them again. Thus a vicious cycle begins. Yet some things are truly beneficial, albeit more subtle in their impact. Make those your priority this year. Now 2013 is here, let me tell you what's going to happen and what it means for you. Get your 2013 Guide to the Future, with a 20% discount, here! (Offer continued until Jan 10th)


Apr 21 - May 21


'It looks as if this place has been hit by a bomb.' That's what so many parents of teenagers say, when inspecting their offspring's bedroom. But if they found it immaculate, they could have another reason to worry. That could indicate some unhealthy desire to keep everything under control. We can always find something to dread, no matter how good things look. And we can always find something to comfort us, no matter how bad they seem. Although you are entering 2013 in a state of chaos, it will yet have its advantages. Now 2013 is here, let me tell you what's going to happen and what it means for you. Get your 2013 Guide to the Future, with a 20% discount, here! (Offer continued until Jan 10th)


May 22 - June 22


Forget everything you think you know. You don't think you know anything? Then forget everything you think you don't know. Don't, though, forget absolutely everything without exception... for some things definitely must be remembered. Do, though, forget everything that appears to suggest an imminent problem. The more you dwell on what you don't want to dwell on, the worse you'll make something that might get better if it were left alone. You are entering a year which has the potential to be full of magic. Now 2013 is here, let me tell you what's going to happen and what it means for you. Get your 2013 Guide to the Future, with a 20% discount, here! (Offer continued until Jan 10th)


Jun 23 - Jul 23


There has lately been some pressure, tension and drama in your world. But then, that's always par for the course. There's also a lot of joy, a lot of magic and a lot to appreciate. Which counts for more? What you want is a light, sweet, carefree start to 2013. You can have one, but not if you're going to carry forward, into the brand new year, some thoughts and feelings which need to be left behind in the past. You can't force yourself to ignore all that is making you feel uncomfortable, but you can make light of it. Now 2013 is here, let me tell you what's going to happen and what it means for you. Get your 2013 Guide to the Future, with a 20% discount, here! (Offer continued until Jan 10th)


Jul 24 - Aug 23


Some situations are sent to test us. It can seem as if their sole purpose is to try our strength and stretch our patience. Don't seek some hidden meaning in the awkward circumstances that have recently arisen. Don't allow these to get to you, either. Stuff happens. The more you get into it, the worse it becomes. The more you rise above it, the faster it fades away. Breathe deeply. Have faith. Just as some things are sent to test us, others are sent to reward us. A delivery of the second kind is on its way. Make a positive resolution accordingly. Now 2013 is here, let me tell you what's going to happen and what it means for you. Get your 2013 Guide to the Future, with a 20% discount, here! (Offer continued until Jan 10th)


Aug 24 - Sep 23


The Greeks used to specialise in telling the same old tales with a new twist. Some dramatists say that's what we are all doing today. There are only a few basic scenarios, a certain number of plots that any play or film can follow. In so far as our lives are performances on the great stage of existence, they are bound to run along superficially similar lines to other lives. Or, indeed, to repeat previous patterns within the same life. You've been where you are now, before. But this time, this brand new year, it's going to be different. Now 2013 is here, let me tell you what's going to happen and what it means for you. Get your 2013 Guide to the Future, with a 20% discount, here! (Offer continued until Jan 10th)


Sep 24 - Oct 23


One day, you will look back on what you are going through now in much the same way as you now look back on what happened to you years ago. If you knew than what you know now, what would you feel? How, in particular, would you respond in retrospect to the issues which once seemed so intimidating? You wouldn't be daunted by them. You would have the benefit of hindsight. You would recognise that the threats you faced were irrelevant. You can now be just as confident about what lies ahead in 2013. Now 2013 is here, let me tell you what's going to happen and what it means for you. Get your 2013 Guide to the Future, with a 20% discount, here! (Offer continued until Jan 10th)


Oct 24 - Nov 22


Look at us all! Two eyes, ears, nostrils, arms, legs. What a lot of doubling up. How very extravagant. Clearly the world was created in less austere times. If the current authorities were in charge of the creation, what with global austerity measures and everything, they would be strongly recommending a reduction in all these extraneous features. Happily, nature is generous. Your nature is particularly generous and that's nothing to be ashamed of. The more loving and giving you can be now, the happier you will feel. Now 2013 is here, let me tell you what's going to happen and what it means for you. Get your 2013 Guide to the Future, with a 20% discount, here! (Offer continued until Jan 10th)


Nov 23 - Dec 21


Which way is up? We live on a spinning ball. It never stops turning as it races through space, circling the Sun. Yet we don't notice that. To us it all seems calm and steady, even and straight. And so, with the arrogance that only the truly ignorant can ever exude, we assume that we know all kinds of incontrovertible facts about life, the universe and everything. And then every so often, we become obliged to stop and think again. You're starting 2013 with a pressing need to reconsider an old assumption. And that's excellent. Now 2013 is here, let me tell you what's going to happen and what it means for you. Get your 2013 Guide to the Future, with a 20% discount, here! (Offer continued until Jan 10th)


Dec 22 - Jan 20


There's always a reason to be pessimistic. There's always a problem that probably can't be solved. There's always a source of annoyance, too. Something or someone is just waiting to wind you up. I mention this, not to depress you, but to help put a silly situation in perspective. As long as you remember that, you'll have a fine experience. No matter where your resolutions take you - or take from you, there's an easy way to rise above every obstacle. Just lift your spirits and you'll float right over whatever's in your way. Now 2013 is here, let me tell you what's going to happen and what it means for you. Get your 2013 Guide to the Future, with a 20% discount, here! (Offer continued until Jan 10th)

No motive in New Year's Eve street shooting

Lewis McPherson

LEWIS McPherson should have spent yesterday celebrating the start of 2013 with his mates.  Instead, shattered friends and family gathered to lay flowers on the Warradale street where the popular 18- year-old was shot dead.

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