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Ryan contradicts NRA on Obama gun laws - Video on
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The Rachel Maddow Show   |   Aired on October 10, 2012

Ryan contradicts NRA on Obama gun laws

Rachel Maddow points out the news made in a local news interview with Paul Ryan in which he assesses the character of poor people and admits that President Obama hasn't signed any new gun restrictions.

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This content comes from Closed Captioning that was broadcast along with this program.

>>> before the vice presidential debate, paul ryan has been in michigan . now conservative activist kid rock introduced paul ryan at a rally in rochester, michigan , yesterday. i think we have a shot of them hugging it out. there we go. this was paul ryan 's second trip to the state of michigan as the vice presidential nominee . even though mitt romney , the guy at the top of the republican ticket has not visited michigan since august and the republican party has yet to run a single ad in michigan , at this rally paul ryan was very enthusiastic and very optimistic about his republican side 's chances.

>> it's getting closer in michigan . you can help push us over the top . you can deliver this. we can do it here.

>> if that was the high point of paul ryan 's day in michigan , the low point definitely came earlier that same day in an interview with an award-winning local report from flint, michigan . terry camp, and mr. camp introduced his interview like this.

>> i wanted to ask him about the gun violence in our cities. let's listen. this did not end well.

>> gun violence and gun policy have not been big issues in the presidential campaign thus far and that probably makes sense. the president's record is signing a bill that allowed people to carry guns in national parks and another allowing people to carry guns on amtrak. which might come in handy when you decide to go hunting in the quiet car. it's not been a policy focus of this it president. and because of that, it's not been contested ground in the presidential race thus far. despite that, though, this reporter really wanted to ask paul ryan about gun violence . and it makes sense. last year flint, michigan , was ranked the most violent city in the united states of america . today 70 miles south in detroit, police staged a rally telling people to enter of detroit at their own risk. police saying they are understaffed, underpaid and the police are in fear for their lives because of the city's crime problems. this reporter sitting down with the vice presidential nominee decided to ask paul ryan about whether or not the country has a gun problem. as the reporter said, it did not go well.

>> does this country have a gun problem?

>> this country has a crime problem.

>> not a gun problem?

>> no. if you take a look at the gun laws we have, i don't even think president obama is proposing more gun laws . we have to make sure we enforce our laws. we have laws that aren't being properly enforced. but the best thing to help prevent violent crime in inner cities is to bring opportunity in inner cities . is to help teach people good discipline, good character. that is civil society . that's what charities and churches do to help one another make sure they can realize the value in one another.

>> you can do that by cutting taxes?

>> those are your words, not mine.

>> thank you very much, sir.

>> that was kind of strange. trying to stuff words in people's mouths?

>> it it sounds like you're --

>> ryan folks putting the paper in front of the camera and everything. vice presidential nominee paul ryan getting annoyed in this interview with terry camp in flint, michigan . the campaign even after the interview was over still went out of their way to trash the reporter that paul ryan walked out of that interview on. the campaign given on the record quotes calling the reporter an embarrassment. the city where that reporter works and where that interview took place does have the worst violent crime rate in the nation. so that line of questioning here for mr. ryan was understandable. maybe even predictable. but beyond the newsworthiness of paul ryan getting up and taking off his microphone and ending the interview and beyond the newsworthiness of the campaign going after this reporter, there was what that reporter was able to elicit from paul ryan . there's his prescription for what it takes to get out of poverty if you live in the inner city .

>> the best thing to help prevent violent crime in the inner cities is to bring opportunity in the inner cities , help people get out of poverty, help teach people good discipline, good character.

>> are all people who are poor only poor because they have not been taught good character? or only poor people in the inner cities who are poor because they don't have good character? they don't have good discipline, they need to be taught that. you watching at home, do you not make a lot of money? was there a time you didn't have a lot of money? is that because you have bad character? if i were the romney/ ryan campaign i would probably try to trash that reporter too. but that wasn't all that happened here.

>> if you take a look at the gun laws we have, i don't think president obama is proposing more gun laws . we have strong gun laws .

>> that's news too. it's especially news in light of the fact that it the nra is currently running these ads in a bunch of swing states . it's a huge ad buy too. they say chipping away at your right, chipping away at your freedom. now they are attacking our second amendment rights. you can stop them right now. defend freedom. defeat obama. that's what the ads say. but then there's paul ryan , the republican vice presidential nominee saying president obama is not proposing any attack on gun rights . he's not proposing anymore gun laws . that's true. the only gun-related changes in law we have had from president obama have been expansions of gun rights . but the republicans are not supposed to admit that. not when the nra is running this scary ad campaign saying otherwise. and not when the republicans own candidate has a gun rights record that's so schizophrenic it makes his policies on abortion look like a model of consistency. this is the weapons ban that mitt romney signed as governor. the nra doesn't mind that because they are too busy endorsing this gun banning guy over the other guy who has done no such thing but who happens to be a democrat. so it is remarkable that the vice presidential nominee of the republican party stormed out of this interview in michigan this week. but him storming out does not seem to have been because of the question about cutting taxes or this reporter embarrassing himself, which is the way the campaign tried to put it. this reporter from flint, michigan , this reporter has nothing to be embarrassed about. he got two scoops here. after he got paul ryan to admit he thinks poor people are poor because they have bad character and teaching poor people to have better character is how they can get out of poverty and after he got him to admit that president obama is not taking away anyone's guns despite all of the republican campaigning to the contrary right this second, with those scoops, i mean, isn't it possible that the campaign pulled the plug because they were worried this interview was going to keep making this