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Kim Hee-sun, Lee Min-ho start filming-INSIDE Korea JoongAng Daily
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Kim Hee-sun, Lee Min-ho start filming

모래時計·太王四神旗 잇는 '話題作'이 온다

July 13,2012
Kim Hee-sun and Lee Min-ho

Actors Kim Hee-sun and Lee Min-ho have begun filming their new drama “Faith” in Jangheung, South Jeolla.

The two leads joined fellow cast and crew on Tuesday for a good luck ceremony.

The show is a time-travel drama that revolves around the love between a warrior from the Goryeo period, played by Lee, and a present-day doctor played by Kim.

It will be directed by Kim Jong-hak, who has also directed “Hourglass” (1995) and “The Four Guardian Gods of the King” (2007).

Production was originally scheduled to begin in 2010 and there had been rumors that MBC would carry the show, but they never materialized, and the show will instead appear on SBS.

The public has been enthusiastic about Kim’s return to drama for the first time since she got married in 2007. The actress says she is excited to take part in the SBS drama. “I’m thrilled to be working with a great cast and crew. I’m sure we’ll have a lot of fun working together,” Kim said.

By Carla Sunwoo

關聯 한글記事

모래時計, 太王四神旗 잇는 '話題作'이 온다

金希宣·이민호 主演 SBS '神의' 撮影 突入

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'모래時計' '太王四神旗'의 송지나 作家-김종학 PD 콤비가 다시 손잡은 '神의'는 타임슬립(時間移動)을 素材로 삼은 판타지 액션 멜로 드라마다.

高麗時代 無事 崔瑩(이민호)과 現代의 女醫師 隱修(金希善)의 時空을 超越한 로맨스와 그들이 眞正한 王을 만들어내는 過程을 그려나간다.

'神의'를 통해 6年 만에 안房劇場에 復歸하는 金希善은 "좋은 俳優들, 製作陣과 함께할 수 있어서 感謝한 마음으로 熱心히 撮影하고 있다"며 "아무 事故 없이 撮影 마치는 날까지 즐겁게 撮影했으면 좋겠다"고 말했다.

'神의'는 '追跡子' 後續으로 來달 13日 첫선을 보인다.
