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Northampton Borough Council

Northampton Borough Council


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Officers line up for the Olympic Torch Relay

Operational and community officers from Northamptonshire Police will be assisting the safe passage of the Olympic Torch through the county on Monday (2 July).

Family fun and entertainment on Northampton Market Square

Northampton Market Square is the place to be for families and visitors looking for fun and entertainment on Saturday 7 July.

Join in the fun at Lings Forum Open Day

Following on from the Olympic Torch Relay in Northampton, on Saturday, 7 July Lings Forum Leisure Centre opens its doors for five hours of fun.

Bloom planting marks 100th anniversary of scout group

The 4th Northampton Scout Group will mark its 100th anniversary by planting a flowerbed in Abington Park as part of the town’s bid for glory in this year’s East Midlands in Bloom and Britain in Bloom.

New mobile app for Northampton Borough Council

The iPhone app has fully integrated report-it functionality and gives you a trackable reference number for each issue you report

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We've given our website a new look today and launched an iphone app. Give it a try
About 2 hours ago

#torchrelaynorthants Signs going up ins st James, check out the road closures
About 3 hours ago

Find out why #Northampton is Alive with opportunity and open for business
About 5 hours ago