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Art Galleries in London | Discovering London

World Travel GuidesArt Galleries in London

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Tate Britain, London
Tate Britain, London
Author: Adrian Pingstone ( public domain )

In London, you can find some of the best art galleries in Europe. Here are some of the best that you can want to include for your visit:
  1. Brunei Gallery
    Gallery showcasing works related with Oriental and African studies

  2. National Gallery
    Major art gallery on the north side of Trafalgar Square.

  3. Royal Academy of Art
    Privately funded academy headed by eminent artists.

  4. Tate Britain
    Gallery founded by Sir Henry Tate, formerly known as the National Gallery of British Art.

  5. Tate Modern
    Britain's museum of international modern art.

  6. The Hayward
    Art gallery which is part of Southbank Centre.

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