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Snow White and the Huntsman Spectacular: 10 Things You Need to Know About the Fairy-Tale Flick! - E! Online
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Snow White and the Huntsman Spectacular: 10 Things You Need to Know About the Fairy-Tale Flick!

SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN Poster Universal Pictures

Can we get an evil queen scream if you already have your Snow White and the Huntsman tickets?!

It's no secret we've been dying over this flick since day one (seriously, we have the trailer memorized), and we know all you loyal fans of Kristen Stewart , Charlize Theron and Chris Hemsworth are ready to flock to theaters to get your fairy-tale fandom on.

The midnight release is tonight and the flick officially hits theaters June 1, so pull out your sword, put on your crown and get ready to feel like the fairest of them all. Here are 10 things you need to know before you hit the box office:

READ: Snow White and the Huntsman : Review Roundup—Is It the Fairest Summer Movie of Them All?

1. This Is Not Your Average Fairy Tale:  We've said it before and we'll say it again: SWATH is dark, creepy and downright effed-up. If you're looking for a basic Disney princess makeover, then stick to the PG Mirror Mirror . You're in for a totally twisted take on the classic fairy tale as Snow White gets a deliciously dark makeover. You've been warned: Don't go see this movie if you're looking for a lighthearted fantasy. Leave that to the animated original .

2. Charlize Theron Is The Best Queen Ever : If you had any doubt Charlize Theron would disappoint, then may we suggest you take another look at one of the wickedly cool trailers . Charlize is enchantingly evil, and it's so refreshing to see the Oscar-winning actress take on a completely different role. Not sure whether it's the sinister stare or the killer creepy voice, but we couldn't think of a better Queen Ravenna. Sorry, K.Stew, but Queen Charlize has stolen our hearts and we're officially obsessed.

READ: Snow White and the Huntsman Soundtrack: Is Florence + the Machine Team Kristen Stewart or Charlize Theron?

3. SWATH Is a Huge Production: Charlize Theron recently said that this is the biggest production she's ever been a part of, and as silly as that may sound coming from such an accomplished actress, it's totally true. The flick had a big-time budget, and the stars have been busy with weeks of endless promotion. It's your classic mega-scale summer flick, and based on early reviews , it just might be the fairest film of this season.

4. Get Ready for Wicked Special Effects: The CGI is insanely impressive, the enchanted forest is completely captivating and, like Kristen said , the land takes you to a place that's otherworldly. Get amped for the stunning setting, the crazy special effects and a totally effed-up fantasyland—the magical world will not disappoint.

5. This Snow White Is Perfect for K.Stew: For all you critics who are complaining about Kristen's awkward mannerisms, take a deep breath and realize that her unfeminine nature is actually spot-on for this Snow White. Snow's been locked in a prison, with absolutely no concept of her beauty or strength. Sounds a bit like the K.Stew we know and love , right? Yep, we say parfait for the part.

MORE: Kristen Stewart—I'm Ready for a Snow White and the Huntsman Sequel!

6. The Soundtrack Brings You a Breath of Life: So we may be a little biased considering we are equally obsessed with Florence +  the Machine , but the soundtrack for SWATH is a beautiful mix of Florence Welch 's vocals and a breathtaking score by James Newton Howard . Can't you just picture the gorgeous K.Stew frolicking in the fantasyland with those sweet tunes in the background? Absolutely magical.

7. The Badass Stars Got Pretty Banged Up: Charlize pulled a stomach muscle screaming. Kristen Stewart punched Chris Hemsworth in the face. And Kristen learned how to swing a sword better than most men. Consider these stars totally badass—they are completely unafraid to get down and dirty, which, no doubt, is only going to make the film that much better.

8. Wait, There Was Another Snow White? Sorry, Lily Collins , you were cute as a button in Mirror Mirror , but seriously, SWATH puts that fantasy flick to shame. If you've got a 5-year-old in tow, then SWATH probably isn't your best bet, but otherwise, Snow White and the Huntsman is definitely the fairy-tale flick to see. Don't worry, Lil, you'll get 'em next time—perhaps in Fifty Shades of Grey ?!

READ: Lily Collins Talks Kristen Stewart, Snow White Rivalry

9. The Supercool Cast Is Close as Could Be: We can't stop gushing about this wickedly cool cast, and we're just so obsessed with how close they have all become. Whether it's Charlize gushing over the "awesome" Kristen Stewart, Chris Hemsworth making a happy birthday Youtube video for Kris or K.Stew talking about how Charlize is the most amazing actress , this cast is clearly obsessed. And don't even get us started on their Moviefone Unscripted or their Fifty Shades reading . We're totally convinced: Best. Cast. Ever.

10. Girl Power to the Max: One of our favorite things about this flick is the killer leading ladies—Charlize and Kristen are hardly your desperate women who can't take care of themselves. Seriously, these bitches are fierce and don't need a man to come save the day. We love the girl-power message the movie sends and cannot wait to see Char and Kris kill it on the big screen.

So there ya have it, Awful readers, 10 fairy-tale facts to get you ready for the fantasy flick. Sound off below with your thoughts on the film and let us know if you think it's the fairest flick of this summer!

(E! and Universal Pictures are both part of the NBCUniversal family.)

PHOTOS: Kristen Stewart's Snow White and the Huntsman


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