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1961 National Book Awards Winners and Finalists, The National Book Foundation
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Presenter of the National Book Awards

National Book Awards - 1961



Conrad Richter , The Waters of Kronos
> Appreciations on Best of National Book Awards Fiction Blog


Louis Auchincloss - The House of Five Talents
Kay Boyle - Generation Without Farewell
John Hersey - The Child Buyer
John Knowles - A Separate Peace
Harper Lee - To Kill a Mockingbird
Wright Morris - Ceremony in Lone Tree
Flannery O'Connor - The Violent Bear It Away
Elizabeth Spencer - The Light in the Piazza and Other Italian Tales
Francis Steegmuller - The Christening Party
John Updike - Rabbit, Run
Mildred Walker - The Body of a Young Man



William L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich


Isaac Asimov - The Intelligent Man's Guide to Science
Peter Blake - The Master Builders
George Dangerfield - Chancellor Robert R. Livingston
David Donald - Charles Sumner and the Coming of the Civil War
William O. Douglas - My Wilderness
Loren Eiseley - Firmament of Time
John Graves - Goodbye to a River
T.S. Mathews - Name and Address
Elizabeth Nowell - Thomas Wolfe
Harlan B. Phillips - Felix Frankfurter Reminisces
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. - The Politics of Upheaval



Randall Jarrell, The Woman at the Washington Zoo

> Read His Acceptance Speech
> NBA Poetry Blog Essay and Archival Material for Jarrell


W.H. Auden - Homage to Clio
J.V. Cunninghan - The Exclusions of Rhyme
Robert Duncan - The Opening of the Field
Richard Eberhart - Collected Poems
Donald Justice - The Summer Anniversaries
Howard Nemerov - New and Selected Poems
John Frederick Nims - Knowledge of the Evening
Anne Sexton - To Bedlam and Part Way Back
George Starbuck - Bone Thoughts
Eleanor Ross Taylor - Wilderness of Ladies
Theodore Weiss - Outlanders
Yvor Winters - Collected Poems