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LINUX : Top 500 Super Computers In The World.
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21 -April -2012 - 06:06
Sunday, 22 May 2011 17:52

LINUX : Top 500 Super Computers In The World.

greg_head_normal By Greg Sayle


Well, Linux may not be winning the desktop OS race but it sure has kicked ass in the top 500 super computer race right around the globe.

The fastest super computer in the world at the moment is the Tianhe-1A based at the National Supercomputing Center in Tianjin , China. Guess what? The OS is Linux.

I gotta say, if Linux was no good as operating system, which has implications for the Linux desktop OS, then there would be another winner in the Top 500 super computer stakes.

From the charts below you can see that Linux is the most widely used OS in the super computer world today.

The next reading of the Top 500 super computers around the globe will be correlated in June 2011.

Operating System share for 11/2010

In addition to the table below, you can view the visual charts using the TOP500  charts page . A direct link to the charts is also  available .

