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Mars Exploration Rover Mission: Classroom
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Mars for Educators

First look from Spirit

Passport To Knowledge's FIRST LOOK will be replayed on NASA TV . Check the schedule

First Look is also archived at:

click on WEBCAST OF BROADCAST. It will open up in Real Player. ( get RealPlayer )

ROVERquest Classroom Activities

MarsDial Classroom Activities

MarsQuest Online

For an online rover image experience, visit: MarsQuest Online

Mars Classroom Resources

Here are two of our favorites:

Mars Education Programs

You can participate in four major programs:
Imagine Mars for K-4 and 5-8.  Mars Student Imaging Project for 5-8 and 9-12. Mars Robotics Education for 5-8 and 9-12. Mars Educator Workshop for K-4, 5-8 and 9-12.

Imagine Mars teaches students science through the arts, letters, and humanities.

The Mars Student Imaging Project allows students to use a camera on the Odyssey orbiter to take their own image of the red planet and analyze it using the scientific method.

Mars Robotics Education is a program in development that aligns with technology-education standards.

Mars Educator Workshops offer professional development opportunities for teachers.

For all Mars lesson plans, please visit the Mars Exploration Program's Classroom section , where there are lessons, resources and programs about Mars.

Teaching resources related to this mission can also be found at:

Athena Science Instrument Site the Athena Science Instrument Site at Cornell University
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