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? Cultural Strategy | Greater London Authority
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Cultural Strategy

Closing Date: 
6 September, 2010 - 17:00

“As Mayor of London I want us to continue to be the greatest cultural capital of the world, a city that attracts millions of people from overseas and the rest of the country each year, but also, of course, one that Londoners find never endingly stimulating, provocative and enjoyable.”

- Boris Johnson , Mayor of London

The Mayor’s Cultural Strategy sets out his vision, priorities and recommendations for how to strengthen the cultural life of Londoners across the capital. It recognises the significance of the cultural and creative sectors in making London a successful world city, and puts forward a case for its continued support and investment ? particularly in the run up to the 2012 Olympics and the opportunity it presents for London to undertake a step change in cultural activity and participation.

The public consultation period ended on 6 September 2010. To review the Draft Cultural Strategy, please use the links below.

Draft Cultural Strategy PDF

Draft Cultural Strategy Executive Summary PDF

Draft Cultural Strategy RTF

Draft Cultural Strategy Executive Summary RTF

To request accessible format or paper versions of the questionnaire or the draft scheme document, please email: , call the Public Liaison Unit on 020 7983 4100 or write to us at the above address.