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  • USA

  • Watch the Throne

    Watch the Throne

              After the release of “Watch the Throne” last august, Jay-Z and Kanye West will begin the Watch the Throne concert tour next month. The collaboration of the two superstars will continue in this concert tour to promote their album “Watch the Throne”. The tour kicks off in Atlanta on October 28 and they will visit 24 cities.   Watch the video of their first single

  • Rihanna is Coldplay’s « Princess Of China »

    Rihanna is Coldplay’s ≪ Princess Of China ≫

              Chris Martin has confirmed to the Sun that Rihanna will be in the next album of Coldplay “Mylo Xyloto”. Rihanna and Chris Martin? sing together? the song “Princess of China”. The song has two characters and Rihanna? was on the top of Coldplay’s? list? for the female character. The fans of Coldplay and Rihanna will have to wait until the 24th of October 2011, date

  • Mr.Rager by Kid Cudi

    Mr.Rager by Kid Cudi

            Kid Cudi is back. Nine months after the release of his last album “Man on the Moon II: The Legend of Mr. Rager”, a video for the song “Mr. Rager” premiered during the New York’s Fashion Week. Kid Cudi has teamed up with the fashion brand Surface to Air for a line of jackets. These jackets are featured in the video of “Mr.Rager” The video of

  • Pregnancy boosts record sales!

    Pregnancy boosts record sales!

              Since Beyonce’s VMA pregnancy announcement, the? sales of her fourth studio album “4″ have been boosted.? After the albums strong debut in June, the sales of “4″ started to decline the following month. As soon as the singers pregnancy was revealed?at her 2011 MTV Video Music Awards performance, her album dramatically took a climb back into the top ten chart. You can watch the video

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