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About UMA Academy : Urban Music Awards
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About UMA Academy

The UMA academy was launched to give back to
the underground dance and urban music

It consists of DJ’s, Music Journalists, Producers, Promoters, Event
Managers, Selected UMA award winners, etc

Questions & Answers :

What do Members do?

Members of the UMA academy lend their time in support of music-based charities
offer training to unemployed aspiring artists in conjunction with Government
organisation. They also act as mentors for up and coming artists who contact the
academy members for advice.

How many members are involved?

We currently have 135 carefully selected members with the more constantly
requesting membership with the Academy.

How can I join the UMA academy?

Very easy. All you have to do is to send us an e-mail telling us what you do and
what you aim to achieve from the Academy.


I want to get involved but I am from the U.S. Is that still possible?

Yes, it is. The UMA awards are internationally with awards ceremonies held annually in the United Kingdom, Germany, Africa, New York and Japan.
Hence, we are always open to building a worldwide international Urban

I am an artist/school/college/event needing support from the
UMA Academy. How do I go about getting help from the Academy?

If your an up and coming artists we would give you the right music industry
advice, get you magazine exposure, radio exposure. Get you to work on
strengthening your online presence and finally making sure you get a chance to
perform in any of our National events.

E-mail all proposals to

Can I get funding from the Academy?

Yes, in most cases we can either sponsor your project or fund any project we
deem satisfies our academy rules.

Simply E-mail: