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Privacy Policy | BusinessTN
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Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. BusinessTN is committed to protecting all personal information Users and Subscribers choose to provide. Our privacy policy explains the types of information we may gather, how we may use or disclose that information, and how we will work to protect your privacy. Please read this policy carefully, and feel free to contact us at if you have any questions.

Use of Personal Information

Your registration, subscription, and any other supplied data will be closely protected.
BusinessTN magazine does not sell our subscribers’ e-mail addresses, phone numbers or mailing addresses.

We may provide our advertisers with non-identifiable, aggregated information such as site usage statistics. This information may also be disclosed to business partners, prospective business partners, and other third parties. This information will not include personally-identifiable information such as registration and subscription information, or individual usage statistics.
We reserve the right to disclose any information as required by law.
BusinessTN does not rent our opt-in e-mail lists to third parties. Users have the opportunity to opt out of receiving direct mail and other communications from us. We do not allow access to our subscriber databases by any third party, except for technical maintenance and magazine mailing/fulfillment.

If you chose to purchase items through our site, we may forward your information to third parties for services such as credit card processing and order fulfillment.

Completion of other information requests, such as company name, primary business, job title, gross annual revenues or sales for your company, number of employees, and your purchasing influence is optional. This information is used to evaluate our readership demographics to better serve you. We may provide the collective data to advertisers but we do not personally identify users.

Information We May Collect

The following are types of non-personally identifiable information we may collect from users and subscribers:

  • Site usage data, which may include numbers of unique visits, repeat visits, and information about the pages viewed.
  • IP address data, not associated with a particular user's personally identifiable information.
  • Operating system and Web browser data, technical information used to help ensure our content and advertisements are accessible.

Cookies uses "cookies," small files that are stored on a user's computer, to provide certain site functionality such as the ability to log-in to some site areas.

What We Don't Do

We do not engage in Web user "profiling," nor do we distribute or encourage installation of "spyware" or any other malicious software to monitor your Web usage. We do not collect, sell, distribute or use personally identifiable information — such as e-mail addresses, or telephone numbers — without users consent.

Refund And Cancelation Policy

BusinessTN magazine refunds subscriber fees, on a pro-rated usage basis, upon written request for cancellation from you.

BusinessTN reserves the right to revise this policy at any time.
Revised July 12, 2007.

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