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Presidential Proclamations
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  Presidential Proclamations

  Washington - Obama

The Power to Proclaim ... by Brandon Rottinghaus, University of Houston
Brandon RottinghausA presidential proclamation is ?an instrument that states a condition, declares a law and requires obedience, recognizes an event or triggers the implementation of a law (by recognizing that the circumstances in law have been realized)? (Cooper 2002, 116). In short, presidents ?define? situations or conditions on situations that become legal or economic truth. These orders carry the same force of law as executive orders ? the difference between the two is that executive orders are aimed at those inside government while proclamations are aimed at those outside government. The administrative weight of these proclamations is upheld because they are often specifically authorized by congressional statute, making them ?delegated unilateral powers.? Presidential proclamations are often dismissed as a practical presidential tool for policy making because of the perception of proclamations as largely ceremonial or symbolic in nature. However, the legal weight of presidential proclamations suggests their importance to presidential governance. - click to continue reading this research note
President Date Title
George W. Bush January 6, 2009 Proclamation 8335 - Establishment of the Marianas Trench Marine National Monument
George W. Bush January 6, 2009 Proclamation 8336 - Establishment of the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument
George W. Bush January 6, 2009 Proclamation 8337 - Establishment of the Rose Atoll Marine National Monument
George W. Bush January 13, 2009 Proclamation 8338 - Religious Freedom Day, 2009
George W. Bush January 15, 2009 Proclamation 8339 - National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 2009
George W. Bush January 15, 2009 Proclamation 8340 - Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday, 2009
George W. Bush January 16, 2009 Proclamation 8341 - To Implement the United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement and For Other Purposes
George W. Bush January 16, 2009 Proclamation 8342 - To Suspend Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Foreign Government Officials Responsible for Failing To Combat Trafficking in Persons
Barack Obama January 20, 2009 Proclamation 8343 - National Day of Renewal and Reconciliation, 2009
Barack Obama February 2, 2009 Proclamation 8344 - American Heart Month, 2009
Barack Obama February 2, 2009 Proclamation 8345 - National African American History Month, 2009
Barack Obama February 27, 2009 Proclamation 8346 - American Red Cross Month, 2009
Barack Obama February 27, 2009 Proclamation 8347 - National Consumer Protection Week, 2009
Barack Obama February 27, 2009 Proclamation 8348 - Save Your Vision Week, 2009
Barack Obama February 27, 2009 Proclamation 8349 - Read Across America Day, 2009
Barack Obama March 2, 2009 Proclamation 8350 - Irish-American Heritage Month, 2009
Barack Obama March 3, 2009 Proclamation 8351 - Women's History Month, 2009
Barack Obama March 13, 2009 Proclamation 8352 - National Poison Prevention Week, 2009
Barack Obama March 24, 2009 Proclamation 8353 - Greek Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and American Democracy, 2009
Barack Obama April 1, 2009 Proclamation 8354 - National Cancer Control Month, 2009
Barack Obama April 1, 2009 Proclamation 8355 - National Child Abuse Prevention Month, 2009
Barack Obama April 1, 2009 Proclamation 8356 - National Donate Life Month, 2009
Barack Obama April 3, 2009 Proclamation 8357 - Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A., 2009
Barack Obama April 8, 2009 Proclamation 8358 - National D.A.R.E. Day, 2009
Barack Obama April 8, 2009 Proclamation 8359 - National Sexual Assault Awareness Month, 2009
Barack Obama April 9, 2009 Proclamation 8360 - National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, 2009
Barack Obama April 14, 2009 Proclamation 8361 - Pan American Day and Pan American Week, 2009
Barack Obama April 17, 2009 Proclamation 8362 - National Park Week, 2009
Barack Obama April 21, 2009 Proclamation 8363 - National Volunteer Week, 2009
Barack Obama April 22, 2009 Proclamation 8364 - Earth Day, 2009
Barack Obama April 27, 2009 Proclamation 8365 - National Crime Victims' Rights Week, 2009
Barack Obama April 28, 2009 Proclamation 8366 - National Equal Pay Day, 2009
Barack Obama April 30, 2009 Proclamation 8367 - Law Day, U.S.A., 2009
Barack Obama May 1, 2009 Proclamation 8368 - Loyalty Day, 2009
Barack Obama May 1, 2009 Proclamation 8369 - Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, 2009
Barack Obama May 1, 2009 Proclamation 8370 - National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, 2009
Barack Obama May 4, 2009 Proclamation 8371 - Older Americans Month, 2009
Barack Obama May 4, 2009 Proclamation 8372 - National Charter Schools Week, 2009
Barack Obama May 6, 2009 Proclamation 8373 - World Trade Week, 2009
Barack Obama May 7, 2009 Proclamation 8374 - National Day of Prayer, 2009
Barack Obama May 8, 2009 Proclamation 8375 - Military Spouse Day, 2009
Barack Obama May 8, 2009 Proclamation 8376 - Mother's Day, 2009
Barack Obama May 11, 2009 Proclamation 8377 - National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week, 2009
Barack Obama May 11, 2009 Proclamation 8378 - Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week, 2009
Barack Obama May 12, 2009 Proclamation 8379 - Jewish American Heritage Month, 2009
Barack Obama May 14, 2009 Proclamation 8380 - Armed Forces Day, 2009
Barack Obama May 15, 2009 Proclamation 8381 - National Safe Boating Week, 2009
Barack Obama May 15, 2009 Proclamation 8382 - Small Business Week, 2009
Barack Obama May 20, 2009 Proclamation 8383 - Emergency Medical Services Week, 2009
Barack Obama May 20, 2009 Proclamation 8384 - National Maritime Day, 2009
Barack Obama May 22, 2009 Proclamation 8385 - Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 2009
Barack Obama May 26, 2009 Proclamation 8386 - National Hurricane Preparedness Week, 2009
Barack Obama June 1, 2009 Proclamation 8387 - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month, 2009
Barack Obama June 1, 2009 Proclamation 8388 - Great Outdoors Month, 2009
Barack Obama June 2, 2009 Proclamation 8389 - African-American Music Appreciation Month, 2009
Barack Obama June 2, 2009 Proclamation 8390 - National Caribbean-American Heritage Month, 2009
Barack Obama June 11, 2009 Proclamation 8391 - Flag Day and National Flag Week, 2009
Barack Obama June 12, 2009 Proclamation 8392 - National Oceans Month, 2009
Barack Obama June 18, 2009 Proclamation 8393 - Father's Day, 2009
Barack Obama June 29, 2009 Proclamation 8394 - To Modify Duty-Free Treatment Under the Generalized System of Preferences, and for Other Purposes
Barack Obama July 6, 2009 Proclamation 8395 - National Summer Learning Day, 2009
Barack Obama July 17, 2009 Proclamation 8396 - Captive Nations Week, 2009
Barack Obama July 23, 2009 Proclamation 8397 - 35th Anniversary of the Legal Services Corporation, 2009
Barack Obama July 24, 2009 Proclamation 8398 - Anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act, 2009
Barack Obama July 24, 2009 Proclamation 8399 - National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day, 2009
Barack Obama August 20, 2009 Proclamation 8400 - Minority Enterprise Development Week, 2009
Barack Obama August 21, 2009 Proclamation 8401 - Fiftieth Anniversary of Hawaii Statehood
Barack Obama August 25, 2009 Proclamation 8402 - Women's Equality Day, 2009
Barack Obama August 26, 2009 Proclamation 8403 - Death of Senator Edward M. Kennedy
Barack Obama August 30, 2009 Proclamation 8404 - National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week, 2009
Barack Obama August 31, 2009 Proclamation 8405 - To Adjust the Rules of Origin Under the North American Free Trade Agreement and For Other Purposes
Barack Obama August 31, 2009 Proclamation 8406 - National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, 2009
Barack Obama August 31, 2009 Proclamation 8407 - National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, 2009
Barack Obama August 31, 2009 Proclamation 8408 - National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, 2009
Barack Obama September 3, 2009 Proclamation 8409 - National Wilderness Month, 2009
Barack Obama September 3, 2009 Proclamation 8410 - National Days of Prayer and Remembrance, 2009
Barack Obama September 4, 2009 Proclamation 8411 - Labor Day, 2009
Barack Obama September 4, 2009 Proclamation 8412 - National Preparedness Month, 2009
Barack Obama September 10, 2009 Proclamation 8413 - Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance, 2009
Barack Obama September 11, 2009 Proclamation 8414 - To Address Market Disruption From Imports of Certain Passenger Vehicle and Light Truck Tires From the People's Republic of China
Barack Obama September 14, 2009 Proclamation 8415 - National Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Week, 2009
Barack Obama September 14, 2009 Proclamation 8416 - Fifteenth Anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act
Barack Obama September 15, 2009 Proclamation 8417 - National Hispanic Heritage Month, 2009
Barack Obama September 16, 2009 Proclamation 8418 - Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, Constitution Week, 2009
Barack Obama September 17, 2009 Proclamation 8419 - National POW/MIA Recognition Day, 2009
Barack Obama September 21, 2009 Proclamation 8420 - National Farm Safety and Health Week, 2009
Barack Obama September 22, 2009 Proclamation 8421 - National Hunting and Fishing Day, 2009
Barack Obama September 25, 2009 Proclamation 8422 - Gold Star Mother's and Families' Day, 2009
Barack Obama September 25, 2009 Proclamation 8423 - National Public Lands Management Recognition Day, 2009
Barack Obama September 28, 2009 Proclamation 8424 - Family Day, 2009
Barack Obama September 30, 2009 Proclamation 8425 - National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, 2009
Barack Obama September 30, 2009 Proclamation 8426 - National Disability Employment Awareness Month, 2009
Barack Obama October 1, 2009 Proclamation 8427 - National Cybersecruity Awareness Month, 2009
Barack Obama October 1, 2009 Proclamation 8428 - National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, 2009
Barack Obama October 1, 2009 Proclamation 8429 - National Information Literacy Awareness Month, 2009
Barack Obama October 2, 2009 Proclamation 8430 - National Arts and Humanities Month, 2009
Barack Obama October 2, 2009 Proclamation 8431 - National Energy Awareness Month, 2009
Barack Obama October 2, 2009 Proclamation 8432 - Fire Prevention Week, 2009
Barack Obama October 2, 2009 Proclamation 8433 - Child Health Day, 2009
Barack Obama October 6, 2009 Proclamation 8434 - German-American Day, 2009
Barack Obama October 7, 2009 Proclamation 8435 - Leif Erikson Day, 2009
Barack Obama October 9, 2009 Proclamation 8436 - National School Lunch Week, 2009
Barack Obama October 9, 2009 Proclamation 8437 - Columbus Day, 2009
Barack Obama October 9, 2009 Proclamation 8438 - General Pulaski Memorial Day, 2009
Barack Obama October 15, 2009 Proclamation 8439 - White Cane Safety Day, 2009
Barack Obama October 19, 2009 Proclamation 8440 - National Character Counts Week, 2009
Barack Obama October 19, 2009 Proclamation 8441 - United Nations Day, 2009
Barack Obama October 23, 2009 Proclamation 8442 - National Forest Products Week, 2009
Barack Obama October 23, 2009 Proclamation 8443 - Declaration of a National Emergency With Respect to the 2009 H1N1 Influenza Pandemic
Barack Obama October 30, 2009 Proclamation 8444 - Military Family Month, 2009
Barack Obama October 30, 2009 Proclamation 8445 - National Adoption Month, 2009
Barack Obama October 30, 2009 Proclamation 8446 - National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month, 2009
Barack Obama October 30, 2009 Proclamation 8447 - National Diabetes Month, 2009
Barack Obama October 30, 2009 Proclamation 8448 - National Family Caregivers Month, 2009
Barack Obama October 30, 2009 Proclamation 8449 - National Native American Heritage Month, 2009
Barack Obama October 30, 2009 Proclamation 8450 - Veterans Day, 2009
Barack Obama November 6, 2009 Proclamation 8451 - Honoring the Victims of the Tragedy at Fort Hood, Texas
Barack Obama November 9, 2009 Proclamation 8452 - World Freedom Day, 2009
Barack Obama November 13, 2009 Proclamation 8453 - America Recycles Day, 2009
Barack Obama November 19, 2009 Proclamation 8454 - National Entrepreneurship Week, 2009
Barack Obama November 20, 2009 Proclamation 8455 - National Farm-City Week, 2009
Barack Obama November 20, 2009 Proclamation 8456 - National Family Week, 2009
Barack Obama November 20, 2009 Proclamation 8457 - National Child's Day, 2009
Barack Obama November 20, 2009 Proclamation 8458 - Thanksgiving Day, 2009
Barack Obama November 25, 2009 Proclamation 8459 - World AIDS Day, 2009
Barack Obama December 2, 2009 Proclamation 8460 - Critical Infrastructure Protection Month, 2009
Barack Obama December 2, 2009 Proclamation 8461 - National Impaired Driving Prevention Month, 2009
Barack Obama December 2, 2009 Proclamation 8462 - International Day of Persons With Disabilities, 2009
Barack Obama December 4, 2009 Proclamation 8463 - National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, 2009
Barack Obama December 9, 2009 Proclamation 8464 - Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, and Human Rights Week, 2009
Barack Obama December 15, 2009 Proclamation 8465 - 65th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge, 2009
Barack Obama December 16, 2009 Proclamation 8466 - Wright Brothers Day, 2009
Barack Obama December 23, 2009 Proclamation 8467 - To Modify Duty-Free Treatment Under the Generalized System of Preferences, and for Other Purposes
Barack Obama December 23, 2009 Proclamation 8468 - To Take Certain Actions Under the African Growth and Opportunity Act
Barack Obama December 31, 2009 Proclamation 8469 - 40th Anniversary of the National Environmental Policy Act, 2010

Presidential proclamations do have important political and historical consequences in the development of the United States, including President Washington?s Proclamation of Neutrality in 1793 and President Lincoln?s Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.

Other more recent policy-based proclamations have also made a substantial impact on economic and domestic policy, including President Clinton?s declaration of federal lands for national monuments and President Bush?s declaration of the areas affected by Hurricane Katrina as disaster areas.

Proclamations are also used, often contentiously, to grant presidential pardons, particularly important for President Ford who pardoned President Richard Nixon and President Carter draft evaders in Vietnam. .

Although less significant in terms of public policy, proclamations are also used ceremonially by presidents to honor a group or situation or to call attention to certain issues or events. For instance, President George H.W. Bush issued a proclamation to honor veterans of World War II and President Reagan called attention to the health of the nation?s eyes by proclaiming a ?Save Your Vision Week? .

Brandon Rottinghaus
University of Houston

Cooper, Phillip J. 2002. By Order of the President: The Use and Abuse of Executive Direct Action. Lawrence: University of Kansas Press.

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