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Cluster Munition Coalition
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Global public outcry at plans to allow use of cluster bombs


CMC CCW Newlsetter 14 November

CMC press release: Global public outcry at plans to allow use of cluster bombs

Soraj Ghulam Habib lost both his legs when a BLU-97 cluster submunition exploded near his home in Herat, Afghanistan. He was only 10 years old at the time. BLU-97 submunitions are one of the weapons that will be allowed under the draft CCW protocol as it stands. Photo credit: Alison Locke/CMC

(Geneva, 14 November 2011): Governments should support the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions and not create a new contrary international law permitting use of these weapons said the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC) today, as two weeks of negotiations begin at the United Nations in Geneva.

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Take action with Avaaz - stand up for the ban on cluster bombs


 Children campaign against cluster munitions
Children campaign against cluster munitions.? Photo credit: Avaaz

Avaaz , the global campaigning organisation, has launched an online petition to help us in our campaign against the introduction of a new law on cluster bombs being negotiated in Geneva next week at the 4th Review Conference on the Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW).

Sign the petition now to send a clear message to world leaders: We will not stand for the introduction of a weak new law which could lead to an increase in the use of cluster munitions, by giving countries like the United States, China and Russia the legal cover they seek to use them . A treaty comprehensively banning cluster munitions already exists and states should stand strong to uphold the standards of the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions during negotiations next week.

Read more about the upcoming Review Conference on the CMC’s CCW page here

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Recruitment: Campaign and Communications Intern


TOR Campaign and Communications Intern

Location:??? Epworth House, 25 City Road, London EC1Y 1AA
Contract:??? Temporary, 3-6 months, beginning January 2012
Hours:??? ??? Normal office hours, five days a week

The ICBL-CMC is looking for a fulltime intern to provide support for its campaigning and communications work.? The successful candidate will work at the ICBL-CMC’s London office.? The ICBL and the CMC are global networks of around 350 civil society organisations working across close to 100 countries to end the harm caused by landmines and cluster munitions.

Internship description
Reporting to the ICBL-CMC Campaign Officer and working closely with the CMC Campaign Manager, the Campaign and Communications Intern will be involved in a range of campaigning, advocacy and communications activities.?

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CMC statement at First Committee


CMC statement at First Committee
Alicia Pierro delivers a statement at the United Nations’ First Committee on Disarmament and International Security

On 26 October 2011 the Cluster Munition Coalition addressed the United Nations’ First Committee on Disarmament and International Security. Alicia Pierro, CMC representative delivered a statement on the Universalisation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions, raising concerns about the upcoming 4th Review Conference of the Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW) in November. CMC is calling on the 76 countries that have joined both the Convention on Cluster Munitions and CCW to attend negotiations at the 4th Review Conference ready to voice their concerns at the current draft text and to uphold the standards established by the Convention on Cluster Munitions.

Click here to download the statement in PDF

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CMC September newsletter


CMC September newsletter

Pyramid of shoes France
Handicap International pyramid of shoes event in Paris that took place on 24 September.? Similar events took place in 31 French cities to show solidarity with victims of landmines and cluster munitions, as well as to remind states of their responsibilities under the Mine Ban Treaty and the Convention on Cluster Munitions. Photo credit: Handicap International (see Campaign and Country Updates section below for more information)


Record number of new States Parties during month of September

There were two accessions and three ratifications during the month of September bringing the number of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions up to 66.

Afghanistan, Italy and the Czech Republic ratified the Convention on 8, 21 and 22 September respectively.? Swaziland acceded to the Convention at the Second Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions on 13 September and Trinidad and Tobago acceded on 21 September.

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