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News at the UCLA International Institute, UCLA International Institute
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Perspectives on World Affairs at UCLA


UCLA History Professor Awarded 2011 Hourani Book Award

Professor Nile Green was awarded the Albert Hourani Book Award at the 2011 Middle East Studies Association annual meeting in Washington, DC.


Making Biblical Prophets Islamic

A lecture by Andrew Rippin, University of Victoria


Crafting History: A Tribute to Fayz Muhammad and Seraj-al-Tawarikh

A video presentation by Ashraf Ghani, Chairman, Institute for State Effectiveness, Kabul. Part of the conference: Great Games? Afghan History through Afghan Eyes


Grad Student Interview: Janell Rothenberg

A video interview with Janell Rothenberg, PhD candidate in Anthropology


Rape - A Crime Against Humanity and a War Crime: Accountability and the International Criminal Court

A discussion regarding the use of rape as a war crime with Nobel Laureate Jody Williams; Ana Deutsch, Program for Torture Victims; and Shirin Ershadi, International Criminal Court Alliance. This panel was moderated by Prof. Lara Stemple from the UCLA School of Law.


What Does a Jew Want?: On Binationalism and Other Specters

Gil Hochberg In a conversation with Udi Aloni about the practice, art and theory toward binationalism.


The Behavioral Psychology of Elite Decision Making: Implications for Political Cooperation

A talk by Emilie Hafner-Burton and David Victor, professors at the UC San Diego School of International Relations and Pacific Studies and co-Directors of the School’s new Laboratory on International Law and Regulation.


Winning the War on War: The Decline of Armed Conflict Worldwide

A talk by Prof. Joshua S. Goldstein from the School of International Service at American University, about his new book, "Winning the War on War: The Decline of Armed Conflict Worldwide."


UCLA Professors Offer Perspective on Libyan Uprising

An audio interview with Professor's James Gelvin and Asli Bali, produced by the Daily Bruin.


UCLA Awards 552 International Studies degrees in 2010/2011

The UCLA International Institute expects to award 552 degrees for the 2010/2011 academic year.


Michael Heim Speaks on Learning Languages

Michael Heim on the Role of Motivation in Learning Languages


AUA President’s Visit to UCLA

American University of Armenia President Bruce Boghosian met with UCLA faculty and colleagues, with the goal of initiating fresh collaborations between the two institutions.


Summer School Enrollment Levels See Increase in International Students and First-Year Admits

Enrollment is flat overall, with lower interest from students at other University of California schools, reports the Daily Bruin.


The Euro, the Dollar, and the Future of the International Monetary System

A lecture by Barry Eichengreen, Economics and Political Science, UC Berkeley


Brazilian Soap Writer on Creative Process, Power of TV

One of Brazil's most important and prolific script writers, Gloria Perez, explains the genesis and the motives behind profitable television shows that reach well over 100 countries. The symposium was part of the UCLA Center for Brazilian Studies series "On Brazilian Cosmopolitanism."


Regarding Iran: No Good Options on the Table

More than a dozen Iran specialists gathered at the James West Alumni Center on Friday, May 13, to discuss that country's politics and global relationships. Fast-moving events in the Middle East and suspicions about Iran's nuclear program dominated discussion before an audience of nearly 250.


Environmental Education Is Failing: New Book

Schools must revamp how they teach about the environment to prevent ecological collapse, conservationist Charles Saylan and UCLA life scientist Daniel T. Blumstein argue in "The Failure of Environmental Education (And How We Can Fix It)."


Buddhists, Neuroscientists Come to a Meeting of the Minds

The symposium, originally set to feature the Dalai Lama, brought researchers from UCLA’s Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior together with eminent Buddhist scholars for a two-hour conversation about their distinctive yet complementary understandings of compassion, creativity, mental flexibility and attention, as well as the role mindfulness meditation may play in cultivating these qualities.


Matthew Alexander on MSNBC's Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell on The Legacy of Enhanced Interrogation

Alexander discusses the long-term costs of enhanced interrogation use and its impact on the lives of American service members at home and abroad.


Getting to the HIV Test: It Takes a Village

If you want to improve HIV testing rates in remote rural areas, get the community involved, says UCLA's Thomas Coates, who has directed a new study examining HIV testing programs in communities in Africa and Southeast Asia.


Burkle Center Fellow Matthew Alexander's Foreign Policy Reflection on the Logic of Torture After Osama bin Laden's Death.

The United States didn't need to waterboard anyone to get Osama bin Laden.


Burkle Fellow Matthew Alexander on The Ed Show Discussing Cooperation with Pakistan and Interrogation in the War on Terror.

Matthew Alexander analyzes possible trends in partnership and intelligence emerging out of the death of Osama bin Laden and comments on the legacy of torture and its effects on the international War on Terror.


News|Week: Al-Qaeda After bin Laden

Three faculty experts agree the death of Osama bin Laden is significant but should have little effect on Al-Qaeda. The network was in decline before bin Laden was killed, and its loose organization makes the central leader less important.


Buddhism and Neuroscience: a Discussion on Attention, Mental Flexibility and Compassion

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama was unable to attend this May 2, 2011, symposium as planned, due to ill health. In his stead, Geshe Thupten Jinpa, a principal English translator for His Holiness and Ph.D. in Religious Studies (Cambridge University) and Robert Thurman, Je Tsongkhapa Professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies at Columbia University, joined the discussion with four UCLA neuroscientists.


Dalai Lama's UCLA Appearances Canceled

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is unable to travel due to ill health. His scheduled appearances at UCLA on Monday, May 2 have been canceled. The 1:30 symposium will go ahead without the Dalai Lama's participation.


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