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Search tips

Keyword searching

To search across all publications in the archives at HighBeam Research, type keywords in the search box at the top of the page, and click the “Search” button. A list of results will display that shows each article's headline, date, publication name, and length. Relevant parts of each article are also shown, and words that match your search term are boldfaced.

Helpful tips for searching more efficiently are listed below.

Sorting your search results

By default, search results are sorted by relevancy, starting with the most relevant article first. Relevancy indicates how well the words in an article match your search term.

To sort by date, click “Newest first” or “Oldest first” in the blue bar that's immediately above your search results.

You may change the number of results shown by selecting an option in the “Results per page” dropdown menu.

Refining your search

You may refine your search results by date, publication name, or type of publication. Simply use the “Narrow your search” filters that are found to the left of your search results.

Filter by date:

  1. Under “By date”, select an option in the dropdown menu.
  2. Some options allow you to provide one or more dates. This can be done by typing specific dates or by picking dates from the calendar icon.
  3. Click the “Refine” button to see results filtered by date.

Filter by publication name:

  1. Under “By publication”, select “Publications by name” from the dropdown menu.
  2. Type a publication name in the text box under “Find publications”. A list of matching publications will display to the right.
  3. Click the “Add” link for any publication you want to search within. This will move that publication to the list of “Selected publications” below. You may select up to five publications. To remove a publication from that list, simply click the corresponding “Remove” link.
  4. When finished selecting publications, click the “Save” button that's below the list of selected publications.
  5. Click the “Refine” button to see results filtered by publication name.

Filter by type of publication:

  1. Under “By publication”, select “Publications by type” from the dropdown menu.
  2. Check the box next to each type of publication you want to search within (i.e., Images/Maps, Magazine/Journals, News Releases, Newspapers, and Reference Works).
  3. Click the “Refine” button to see results filtered by type of publication.

Searching with more than keywords

You may search for all articles from a single publication or that were written by a specific author.

Search by publication:

  1. Type publication:"" in the search box at the top of the page.
  2. Between the quotation marks, add the publication's name (e.g., publication:"The Washington Post" ).
  3. Click the “Search” button to see articles from that publication.
  4. If you get fewer results than expected, it might be due to a difference between the way you typed the publication's name and the way it's spelled in our archive. For example, a search for publication:"American Agent & Broker" yields results, but publication:"American Agent and Broker" will not. To confirm how a name is spelled, select “Publications by name” from the dropdown menu under “By publication” on the left side of the screen.

Search by author:

  1. Type author:"" in the search box at the top of the page.
  2. Between the quotation marks, add the author's first and/or last names (e.g., author:"Zakaria, Fareed" or author:"Zakaria" ).
  3. Click the “Search” button to see articles by that author.

If you get fewer results than expected, it might be due to the fact different publications format author names in different ways. For example, Newsweek formats Fareed Zakaria's name as “Zakaria, Fareed”, so a search for author:“Fareed Zakaria” will not include articles from Newsweek. However, a simpler search for author:“Zakaria” will include articles from Newsweek and other publications with articles authored by someone with “Zakaria” in his or her name.

Search by words in the title:

  1. Type title:"" in the search box at the top of the page.
  2. Between the quotation marks, add one or more words from the article's title or headline (e.g., title:"investment" or title:"new wave of investment" ).
  3. Click the “Search” button to see articles with those words in the title.

Saving your search

As a subscriber to HighBeam Research, you may save helpful search terms for future use.

  1. Log into HighBeam Research.
  2. Perform a search.
  3. Click the “Save this search” button at the top of your search results.
  4. Your search term is automatically saved.
  5. While saving a search term, you may give it a specific name, save it to a research folder, or add notes by typing into the appropriate filed and clicking the “Update” button.

Creating e-mail alerts and RSS feeds

  1. As a subscriber to HighBeam Research, you may create an alert that e-mails you when new articles matching your search are added to our collection.
  2. Log into HighBeam Research.
  3. Perform a search.
  4. Click the “Create an alert” button at the top of your search results.
  5. You may provide optional information about the alert by naming it, adding notes, or selecting delivery options.
  6. Click the “Save” button, and your alert will be saved.

Subscribers may also create RSS feeds to receive new content.

  1. Log into HighBeam Research.
  2. Perform a search.
  3. Click the “RSS” button found at the top of your search results.
  4. When open, most RSS readers automatically grab the feed. Otherwise, you may copy and paste the feed's URL into your RSS reader.