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Thumbnail image for The Ravinia Festival - 3 Decades of Program Covers (and other related graphics)

The Ravinia Festival - 3 Decades of Program Covers (and other related graphics)

by J. J. Sedelmaier August 15, 2011

The Ravinia Festival is the oldest outdoor music festival organization in the United States. It’s located in Highland Park, Illinois about 25 miles north of Chicago on the shores of Lake Michigan. The park was created in 1904 by A.C. Frost , the owner of the Chicago & Milwaukee Electric Railway (precursor to the North [...]

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Thumbnail image for Why I Work With My Hands, Still

Why I Work With My Hands, Still

by August Heffner August 12, 2011

When I left a design studio that I was a part of for over three years to go to a branding agency, my boss/mentor gave me a bone folder. "They won't have any of these where you're going!" he said. He was right. My first assignment was for an apparel brand and in trying to [...]

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Thumbnail image for Un Buon Tempo at Il Buon Tempo: A Visit to Lucio Passerini in Milano

Un Buon Tempo at Il Buon Tempo: A Visit to Lucio Passerini in Milano

by Paul Shaw August 9, 2011

I spent the first weekend of July as the houseguest of Lucio Passerini, Milanese woodcut artist and letterpress printer. On the morning of July 2 we took a leisurely walk a mile or so to his studio, Il Buon Tempo on Via Longhi. The weather was sunny but cool, unusual for Milano in the summer, [...]

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Thumbnail image for Type That's Not Type, Or Is It?

Type That's Not Type, Or Is It?

by Steven Heller August 8, 2011

Is it still type? asks Jerome Corgier of Atelier graphique Pariri in Paris, whose Space typography is a three dimensional, paper cutout alphabet of hybrid letters, a mixing of Arab and Latin alphabets. "The forms can make us think of letters, but they are no more letters really. Their meaning and concept have vanished, they [...]

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Thumbnail image for

"The Mysterious Train" A Vintage Approach to "Motion" Graphics (with some branding thrown in for good measure)

by J. J. Sedelmaier August 8, 2011

This is my first posting for Imprint and I couldn't be more thrilled to join these prestigious ranks! There will be no rhyme or reason to any of these posts other than trying to find fun visual stuff you might not have seen before. I suspect I'll also be presenting things with some sort of [...]

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Thumbnail image for My Favorite Lubalin

My Favorite Lubalin

by Steven Heller August 6, 2011

Adrian Shaughnessy is working on a book about the great type master Herb Lubalin for his Unit Editions. When I began to contemplate design as a career, Lubalin was one of two names I knew (the other was Frank Zachary, art director of Holiday magazine) and the one I most emulated. A recent conversation with [...]

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Thumbnail image for Starstruck


by Debbie Millman August 4, 2011

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Thumbnail image for Embroidery Typography

Embroidery Typography

by August Heffner July 29, 2011

Sometimes the best typography books are not typography books. Embroidery type design from the book, A Handbook of Lettering for Stitchers by Elsie Svennas. Download a PDF at Public Collectors, go to the park and draw letters all weekend. I expect to see your work on my desk first thing Monday. Thanks to Kelly Rakowski [...]

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Thumbnail image for Jared Andrew Schorr: Handy Work

Jared Andrew Schorr: Handy Work

by Stephanie Orma July 28, 2011

There are illustrators. And then there are illustrators?the dripping with personality, oozing with expression, can’t-peel-your-eyes-away-from-the-page storytelling kind. Speaking of the latter, Southern California-based ink-to-paper maker,?Jared Andrew Schorr, is a definite cut above the rest. From monsters to retro radios, hotdog-shaped letters to space cadets, Schorr is a wizard paper crafter ? Xacto-knifing his witty drawings [...]

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Thumbnail image for Akira Kobayashi, Akko Pro, and Akko Rounded Pro

Akira Kobayashi, Akko Pro, and Akko Rounded Pro

by Paul Shaw July 27, 2011

This year marks the tenth anniversary of Akira Kobayashi’s tenure as type director at Linotype. Born in Tokyo in 1960, he studied graphic design at Musashino Art University. Kobayashi began his career in type design at Sha-Ken Co., Ltd., a manufacturer of phototypesetting machines just at the cusp of the digital age. In the late [...]

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