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Stephanie Orma

Thumbnail image for Jared Andrew Schorr: Handy Work

Jared Andrew Schorr: Handy Work

by Stephanie Orma July 28, 2011

There are illustrators. And then there are illustrators?the dripping with personality, oozing with expression, can’t-peel-your-eyes-away-from-the-page storytelling kind. Speaking of the latter, Southern California-based ink-to-paper maker,?Jared Andrew Schorr, is a definite cut above the rest. From monsters to retro radios, hotdog-shaped letters to space cadets, Schorr is a wizard paper crafter ? Xacto-knifing his witty drawings [...]

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Thumbnail image for Jennifer Sterling is Back!

Jennifer Sterling is Back!

by Stephanie Orma July 20, 2011

Thankfully, graphic designers are a bit too nerdy for the paparazzi. But had the snooping press hounds any clue into the talent’s of our industry’s rockstar creatives ??Jennifer Sterling surely would have been one of their buzz-worthy targets when she abruptly dropped off the design scene a few years ago. As one of the most [...]

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Thumbnail image for Posters of Fortune

Posters of Fortune

by Stephanie Orma April 27, 2011

“You will read something in the near future.” Cracking open a fortune cookie at the end of a Chinese meal and seeing if/how the inside message personally relates to our individual lives is all part of the fun and good times. But the fact is, we all know the prophecies are mass produced, completely generic, [...]

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Thumbnail image for Getting Upper: Graffiti Meets Graphic Design

Getting Upper: Graffiti Meets Graphic Design

by Stephanie Orma April 20, 2011

Can repetitive exposure to something?no matter how good it is?drive us crazy? ?How about listening to our favorite song over and over, eating our top dessert every single night, or even reading the good old ABC's every day of our lives? Will we eventually get sick of it all? From the time we’re born until [...]

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Thumbnail image for Why CMYBacon is Smokin'

Why CMYBacon is Smokin'

by Stephanie Orma March 23, 2011

With a name like CMYBacon how can you not be intrigued? Although Designer Martin Refsal has to “suppress my inner-geek from time to time to ensure that I don't post too many things about Star Wars and Legos” he is the witty mastermind behind one of newest (and cleverest) design blogs on the webosphere. Launched [...]

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Thumbnail image for The Letter Collector

The Letter Collector

by Stephanie Orma March 15, 2011

What is it about hand-made letters that utterly rocks our world? Are we just so bored with reading and seeing everything digitally nowadays? Or is it because working with type is such a huge component to our jobs as designers that our fascination with typography never ceases? Or maybe it’s just so dang refreshing to [...]

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Thumbnail image for Typography is HERE

Typography is HERE

by Stephanie Orma February 23, 2011

“Widows and orphans give us sleepless nights."?In any other sense, that phrase might conjure up images of black spiders or a certain little redhead named Annie. But when you realize the words were spoken by partner and typographer-extraordinaire Caz Hildebrand of London-based graphic design firm?Here Design, the picture changes mighty fast. She adds, “All of [...]

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Thumbnail image for Paper Theatrics

Paper Theatrics

by Stephanie Orma February 16, 2011

Alfalfa?Studio could not have been cast more perfectly as the design studio of choice for innovative Texas-based theatre company?Amphibian Stage Productions. Bringing the awesome three-dimensional quality of live theatre to the flat, two-dimensional space of poster design is no easy feat. But when you combine the uber creative design skills of the New York-based design [...]

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Thumbnail image for Phonography: Phone-Based Photography Exhibition Features Renowned Creatives

Phonography: Phone-Based Photography Exhibition Features Renowned Creatives

by Stephanie Orma January 18, 2011

Don’t you just hate those days when you accidentally leave your cell phone at home? You curse, look at the clock, curse some more, and wonder exactly how late you’ll be as you rush back because you absolutely, positively need the darn thing. Since mobile devices have become about as essential to our everyday attire [...]

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